Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 67 The Slanders Appear

Speaking of advancing to Level 8, generally speaking, in addition to the increase in the [blood] volume in Youge's body, the blood crystal gun has become more perfect.

Youge, who had anticipated all this, naturally turned his attention to the website matter that Thatcher had been eager to mention.

Since the incident about the cultists, people in the town have become more frightened, and more exchanges have been about conspiracy theories about mysterious organizations. The evil ghost game suddenly inserted into the topic on the Internet has aroused most of the interest. You Calling me a cultist proves that there is no mystery at all.

As several families became crazy, the story of the evil spirit game spread quietly.

Just like in school, if there is no talk of evil games on the surface, some people will secretly play them secretly.

This also limited the spread of this news to familiar people in the town, so strangers had no idea about it.

"Haha, I won't say it anymore, but Tom, you are so awesome, you hooked up so quickly." Putting the evil game behind him, Kyle looked at Tom with a smile on his face: "Hey, Croy did something to me. It’s still far and near, I don’t know if we can make an appointment to play together this week.”

As for the little fat boy Billy, he had no right to speak at all and looked at the two of them with envy. He had a good figure but no good looks, and almost no one would take a fancy to him.

"You will also find a girlfriend." You Ge took the initiative to comfort Billy.

"Thank you, Hall."

From the first time the Silanda people appeared in the town, Youge had already noticed the changes in the town. If Marian was the kind of [evil] with extremely targeted revenge, the Silanda people appeared. After arriving in the small town, he exuded [malice] toward everything around him.

You Ge, who was hiding underground, naturally did not miss the several crimes committed by the Slanda people.

Once humans come into contact with the Silendar people in any form, the bone-deep evil will penetrate into the human heart and form a connection with the Silendar people.

Among the people You Ge has met, everyone who has come into contact with the Slanda people will start to exude the same smell.

As the "evil" continues to increase, these people will suffer from mental breakdown, confusion and finally become the puppets of the Slandar people; at worst, they will completely lose their self-awareness and try to find the Slandar people and return to his "embrace"!

This situation will become more serious after the Slanda people show up in person, and the vicious entanglement begins to corrode everything in human beings, from the mind to the body, becoming twisted and broken.

This kind of pure [evil] makes You Ge feel ashamed.

However, with the frequent appearance of the Slanda people in the town, he gradually found out the details of the Slanda people.

"Lv10: Ghost Shadow - Slender; Attribute: Shadow; Trait: Tentacle"

The ability is indeed more tricky. Previously, You Ge had no good way to directly attack the aliens with the [Shadow] attribute, but after getting the [Seal] ability, he was no longer clueless.

With the help of the Nightmare Scarecrow, Youge believes that he can force the Silenda people into a shadowy state to confront him head-on.

Of course, You Ge was not targeting the Slanda people. The first moment he appeared, he noticed a trace of desire for power in him, and only then did he confirm that You Ge planned to be hostile to him.

As the Slandarians wreak havoc in the school, Tom's girlfriend also becomes infected with the Slandarians.

The four girls had nothing to do but play Summon the Slandarians at night.

Speaking of which, the main reason for this incident is to blame Katie, the girl with an alcoholic father.

Katie's heart was filled with dark thoughts due to her father's daily drinking and lack of care. After learning about the Slanda people's website, she began to think about looking for the Slanda people.

This topic happened to be brought up at night when the four of them were gathering together.

After a few simple provocations, several people were allowed to play the game of summoning the Slandar people.

And when Yu Ge found out, Tom also smelled like a Slender, and the scorching claw marks on his arms stung the latter's eyes.

After school, after Tom cried,

The four people finally understood what happened.

In order to reassure his girlfriend Hallie, Tom took the initiative to summon the Slandar people. Unfortunately, contrary to his thoughts, the Slanda people turned out to be real.

It was over now. After hearing this, even Billy looked at Tom with fear.

"No! We must remind everyone that no one can summon the Slandar people again." At this time, Kyle's heart of justice was overwhelming, and the first thing he thought of was to prevent the spread of the Slandar people: "Let's go find those people. Strangers in this small town ask for help! I don’t think anyone can change anything except them.”

It is indeed a secret agency affiliated with the country, and is far more reliable than any witch or wizard.

"Hall, you and Billy go to the principal and try to get him to warn the students so that no more students can take risks!"

I didn't expect Kyle to be so rational at this time.

It is indeed a good plan at the moment. Tom has just been marked by the Slender people. According to the habits of the Slender people, they will definitely not kill Tom directly, but will destroy him bit by bit. This will give them enough time. To make preparations.

As for You Ge, he naturally followed the situation and waited for the right time to fight.

Principal room,

After reaching the fourth floor, it was completely different from the last time You Ge came here.

Various knife marks began to appear on the originally gorgeous items. Except for the principal's room, everything else had a grayish feel.

On the other hand, Billy didn't find anything. He was attracted by the splendor of the fourth floor just like You Ge before: "Hall, this is not something ordinary people can afford. It seems that the principal's family is not that rich!"

"Hurry up, let's go find the principal!" You Ge suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. Could it be that something happened to the principal?

"Mr. Principal, are you there?"

"Oh, yes, come in!" In the room, Oban's legs were tucked under his legs, and he turned his chair and became upright.

After opening the room, just the pungent smell inside reminded You Ge of a lot, not to mention Oban's real body hidden behind the table, a dumpling-shaped hill piled up with fat.

Seeing the chair Oban sat on, I really didn't understand how it could hold up. The advantage of his height also allowed You Ge to see the young woman kneeling behind the chair, her eyes blurred and unfocused.

"Lv5: Auburn Corrupted by Desire"

It was such an unbearable scene, but in Billy's eyes, the upright principal sat on the chair and looked at them with a smile.

"Principal, me." Billy, who was full of fighting spirit, didn't know how to say it as soon as the words came to his lips: "I, Tom, was marked by the Slanda people, and his girlfriend's friend was also marked by the Slanda people. Take it away!"

Billy took it upon himself to speak out. But I didn't expect that the principal's expression turned extremely ugly.

"It's all the Slanda people's website. The rituals on it are real. As soon as you take a look at it, the Slanda people will come to your door!"

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