Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 670: Communication between Deep Divers

With the intensification and change, when the cold blood in Fakeyu's body began to increase to the point that it could not be ignored, the countless cold blood flowing through the body caused Fakeyu to completely undergo new changes.

The extremely cold breath lingers,

From body to spirit,

He suddenly stopped his movements from the frantic eating. The surrounding meaty environment, which was still somewhat warm and normal, began to shrink under Fakeyu's changes at this moment.

Pieces of flesh began to shrink, and they were far away from one meter away.

However, the tempting scent of Fakeyu in the air has not diminished. Through the surrounding flesh, Fakeyu is sure that not far away from him, there is a delicious food that he can never expect.

Migo’s characteristic meat texture,

Along with the smell, Fakeyu felt a pulsating sense of activity.

Is it alive?

A trace of desire and a trace of indifference appeared. There was no fluctuation in Fakeyu's heart at this moment. After he roughly determined that he was looking for the scent, there was no profit-seeking emotion in his heart.

Cold? Dead silence?

No, something is different,

Youge noticed the changes in Fakeyu, but compared to his own dead state, this guy's emotions affected by blood were far different from his.

Coldness does not mean death. Fakeyu's emotions still exist, but coldness is his main emotion.

Perceptions of excitement, excitement, fascination, etc. will be secondary and cold.

It seems that his personal main theme is coldness, which is the basis for the existence of his species, the deep diver.

As Fakeyu continued to walk inward, the fleshy bodies that still had no great temptation for him completely gave way to the road, and a shrunken fleshy passage appeared,

In the frontmost area, a dark pink piece of flesh that was clearly bulging appeared in front of Fakiyu.

"The Migo clan's characteristic bloodline activated meat block: made from the defeated Deep One bloodline. By eating it, you can get a pretty good Deep One bloodline."

Made with the blood of the Deep Ones,

There was not a trace of fluctuation in Fakeyu's heart.

But at this moment, his desire for this meaty mass has stopped him from thinking about any issues that have nothing to do with him.

"The activated piece of meat, Lord Youge, this great elder of the Gill people hides many secrets.", with a cold and ruthless tone, Fakeyu's change has been fully reflected,

When he pounced on the piece of meat, his big mouth started to devour it.

The icy breath stirred up,

The last trace of emotion in Fakeyu's heart seemed to be completely buried, and the brilliance revealed in the deep diver's fish eyes was filled with bone-chilling coldness and ruthlessness.


Without speaking, Fakiyu's gills made a sound,

Along with the fluctuation of sound and the emission of foreign smell, it turned into bursts of gurgling sounds.


A low, long grunt,

A long, unattractive grunt,

Fakeyu's devouring turned into chewing slowly, biting the pieces of meat in front of him in one mouthful, and the only movement of his body was the biting and swallowing of the pieces of meat with his mouth.

Just like this until the swallowing is complete,

The cold aura on Fakeyu's body had already condensed into a whole, and after repeated fluctuations, it was completely taken back into his body.

Cold blood flows,

Countless drops of water appeared on Fakeyu's body surface.

The pieces of scales became tighter, as if they were a whole.

"Bloodline, 100%."

Fakeyu put aside the special piece of meat at his mouth. Although the latter was still stirring, the gradually decreasing strength and dissipating smell also foreshadowed the latter's future.

"One hundred percent deep diver?" You Ge was surprised,

"Yeah. There are more bloodline memories of deep divers."

Fakeyu's words were cold and ruthless. Even when communicating with Youge during internal communication, they were full of a coldness that could not be ignored.

"Is the bloodline memory complete?"


Fakiyu turned his head, and there were waves of footsteps coming from the fleshy passage he walked out of.

It’s Laval, the great elder of the Gill People.

With smiling eyes and walking slowly step by step, Laval's fingers traced the surrounding flesh and then slowly walked to Fakiyu: "Gulu gulu."

Laval's gills vibrated, and in an unknown silence, he made the same grunting sound that Fakyu made when he was eating before.

The exclusive communication method of deep divers uses the vibrations of the gills to speak a language that only they can understand.

"Gulu gulu."

Fakeyu responded, his gills vibrating. This was the ability he gained after his bloodline memory was complete.

Coming from the bloodline, the language of the deep divers is their family's unique way of communication.

"Laval said that I have finished my preparations, and only the last ceremony is left." After the exchange, Fakyou followed behind him calmly, constantly explaining the special exchange between himself and Laval,

"The last blessing comes from the father and mother gods of the deep divers."

"Every blessed Deep Diver will be eligible to return to the Father God's tribe."

"Special people who receive blessings may receive rewards from God the Father."

“Priests of God the Father, and that great priest.”

Fakyu spoke one sentence after another, and the final secrets about the gill people and the deep divers seemed to unfold in front of Youge, but the eyes of the great elder Laval became more and more cunning.

The occasional emotions revealed did not make Youge feel happy at all.

Youge wanted Fakyu to ask some overly realistic and mature topics, but according to Fakyu's current personality, he could not ask anything effective. In addition, with the change of the cold blood, the previous child-like crimson evil was also beaten back under this change, which made Fakyu really unable to make any effective emotional fluctuations.

Gurgle Gurgle

Fakyu continued to communicate with Laval,

Nightmare Altar, Deep Sea, Gill People, Royal City, and Migo Tribe,

Some trivial things were also slowly relayed to Youge by Fakyu under Laval's narration,

"The corridor outside the subhuman area is a protective area, similar to an independent mezzanine."

"After the construction is completed, rows of huge Cyclos-style columns will be added, continuing to surround the subhuman living area and going deeper underground."

"The water flow of the blood will fill the entire gap."

Fakyu's heart slightly arose a special memory, the water flow of the blood, but it has a huge relationship with him,

Before Youge came here, Fakyu would be taken to another area from time to time, where the gill people brought back the water from the deep sea of ​​the earth's core through their own means,

As a gill person who is preparing to awaken the blood of the deep diver, Fakyu is asked to feel his own power in this water flow from time to time, and is constantly trained.

The final destination of this stream of water is to penetrate through the nightmare altar space and flow invisibly to the sub-human race area.

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