Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 674 R'lyeh Madness

"Since you want to become a real deep diver, then become a deep diver thoroughly! Mentally, aren't Pikeyu and Kahayu the same? And so am I! It's just that I'm no longer passively becoming a deep diver in the midst of sinking, but actively becoming a normal deep diver!"

Become a real deep diver, Fakyu!

The singing continued,

But Fakyu's heart no longer had the unconscious psychedelic feeling just now. He took a steady step, and Fakyu, who released everything of himself, completely surrounded himself with the power of this song.

The figure was distorted,

Unconsciously, a transparent distortion began to appear around Fakyu, which completely surrounded him in a trance. In the illusion, only a figure that looked like a deep diver could be barely seen standing in it.

"What is this, Elder Laval? The ceremony leader?"

This is not what these elders know, and there is no explanation of this situation in the records, especially before the ceremony is completely carried out.

"He has a connection with R'lyeh", there is indeed no record, but it does not prevent Laval from identifying what this situation is: "Listen carefully, it's the song there, it's the song that awakens the great, he is guiding us to awaken him and revive the sleeping city."


The ritual leader beside him calmed down his heart first, and according to what Laval said, he also began to read carefully,

Where is the song? Why can I hear the song, and there is no ability to release the song?

But the ritual leader will not stop there. The change of Fak also occurred after the appearance of the obsidian case. Naturally, the ritual leader's attention is also focused on the stone case.

"Ode? This. Is!"

Perhaps the connection created by Fak is strong enough. In this short period of time, the external influence caused the ritual leader to start the same phenomenon directly after looking at the city pattern on the stone case, but unlike Fak, he only heard a faint whisper and a shallow echo in his ears. If he had not heard this song before, the ritual leader might not know what this song is.

"Melody? What melody is this? Why is there a melody? Who is singing?"

The other elders also found the difference at this moment. The song that they had to focus on the pattern on the stone case to hear was now quietly circling in their ears.

"You heard it too? Haha, you'd better not focus too much on this song. Madness is not your character. If you are too obsessed, death will become your luxury." Laval looked at these elders who were mostly aware of the problem with a hint of disdain.

These gill people are all gill people who have never been exposed to the existence of the old hymns.

In short, their blood is not enough to attract the other party. Of course, if they have the potential for madness, how can Laval, who has always been very familiar with the gill people, not know the details of these people of his own?

Laval stopped there and did not continue to persuade the gill people. After turning his attention to Fakeyu, this is what he really needs to pay attention to.

At this moment, Fakuyu's appearance has become a kind of blurred horizontal line on the left and right, and it seems to be gone, with only a slight afterimage lingering in front. However, the actual state of Fakuyu, the person involved, is not like this at the moment. Countless huge stone pillars appeared in his sight,

huge Cyclos-style columns,

rows of them extended forward, spreading in the endless darkness,

seemingly a road,

Fakuyu's steps began to move forward subconsciously,

a pressure. Where is this? I. How could I be here.

Fakuyu's heart was a little confused. The moment before, he was still thinking about how to make himself a deep diver completely, and the next second he completely released himself and appeared in this seemingly irrelevant place.

"I can't see, only a blurry black shadow."

The deep red substance that partially merged with his body passed through his body and became the deep red substance of his eyes at the moment under Fakuyu's active control, but he only found a group of black shadows surrounding him, and he couldn't see any effective pictures at all, but it was undeniable that Fakuyu did see something special.

"It's a road, what should I do? Keep going?" Fakuyu passed his thoughts through the deep red substance, and after thinking about it back and forth, he burst out with inspiration again, and Youge's thoughts were also passed on: "Go forward"

Although nothing else can be seen, Pikeyu can render the pictures he saw through himself again, as if he used his own eyes to broadcast a TV to himself.

"Pressure, the pace is very slow, is this the bottom of the sea?"

Fakuyu controlled his arms to swing, and waves of bubbles appeared from around his arms, and then floated upwards.

"The seabed, the deep sea, the buildings, it's R'lyeh."

Before, he was curious about how to reach this city, but now Fakyu has arrived here without realizing it.

"It's that song. It made me appear here, but why can't I, even the body fused into my body, see? No, he can, he can see the black shadow, but not as clearly as me ", Fakeyu's heart began to flow, and as he continued to move forward, many things began to suddenly come to mind.

"Only I can see it. Is this a summons?"

"Sure enough, I am also special, just like Pike and the others, but this situation already occurred when I didn't sacrifice."

"They didn't come, and the elders didn't show up here either."

"Wait. There is something. Is it a person?"

"What is he doing? Stone pillars? Stone piles? Hehe, what is that, poop? Is he sculpting poop out of stone? But it's really perfectly carved, hahahaha! The same goes for this one. He builds a house out of bones? What else, murals, twisted stone statues, weird metals, what is this? Is this a demented artist or a crazy artist? "

Fakeyu continued to walk forward unconsciously,

And all kinds of different human beings are constantly appearing here,

All kinds of "art" that were not crazy, but that made people unable to calm down after seeing so much, appeared in front of him in rows.

"City? When did you come in, hahaha! Is this Raleye? It doesn't seem to be as quiet as imagined!" Fakeyu's footsteps did not stop, and he continued to walk forward at a constant speed. It's just that compared to the previous ones, they couldn't even be considered artistic, but now what he saw in front of him were all kinds of paranoid human beings indulged in countless real madness!

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