Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 679 The Art of No Bottom Line

No one will separate you from them anymore.

Fakyu witnessed all these changes with his own eyes. In the fusion of infinite artists, he laughed silently.

"It's so beautiful~ah~I really want to include them all in the Red Seal."

Fakyu's body, which was fused with a part of Youge, began to burst out with new ideas. Looking at this group of artists who continued to indulge in their own art, he was full of greedy thoughts.

But being a deep diver still requires the rules of a deep diver. This "Ode to the Old Days" that obviously does not belong to him does not really allow him to do whatever he wants.

Fakyu believes that if he really takes action, there will definitely be special circumstances. Even if he uses the power of the Red Seal, the huge eye that just appeared will reappear 90% of the time and destroy him humanely.

But this does not mean that Fakyu will stop.

Art is endless. This seemingly magnificent scene may be a shocking scene for others, but for Fakyu, this is just the beginning.

Yes, this is just the beginning. How can so many wonderful works of art created under his urging end like this?

Fakuyu. Want! Want! All of them! Fusion!

Transformed into a real, huge, incomparable, great art!

"As my first gift to the Father God and the great one~ My crazy art~", Fakuyu's thoughts kept flashing, and the madness in his heart kept changing. In this space, Fakuyu's body kept sliding back and forth on the ground,

Sometimes his body kept rising and falling along the water flow, allowing him to vent his inner thoughts in this deep sea.

"How can we merge?"

"How can we make them welcome other people's art?"

"How can we make madness spread?"

"How can we make this madness great?"

"So. How can we make this place recognize my madness?"

Fakuyu's thinking kept changing, and in the midst of a sharp turn, he suddenly thought of this place, why did this group of artists appear here? Why does this place make people crazy?

Although the words just now made these artists more crazy, this kind of bottomless madness is still the effect caused by this place. He just borrowed it and used language to push it a little deeper. It cannot be said that it is all his own credit.

"You say it, if you don't say it, how can the madness here know?"

Invisibly, the fused Youge part once again conveyed a trace of ideas, and the thoughts that followed it continued to be born in Fakyu's heart.

"Let the madness here know? The madness here?" Fakyu savored it carefully: "The madness here, so it is not the master here, this song is just a carrier similar to madness, the Father God who appeared just now is more of a great power carried on this song, constantly telling the great story of R'lyeh, the narrator, a more unimaginable spread of power!"

"So, tell it, tell it, this song will know, it doesn't care what kind of madness it is, but it will achieve madness, because this is its main theme! It is the change that all people who hear it and connect with it will face!"


Then go completely crazy!

Fakyu began to speak, and he began to speak in the ear of the elder Valais.

Looking at his appearance at this time, Fakyu was also full of love for the crazy art he had achieved.

"Do you like your art?"

Valai stared at the artwork on his body without turning his head, and answered casually: "I like it."

"You have it now, right?"

Valai nodded silently, and Fakyu's voice continued to increase.

"Do you think your art is the most perfect art in the world?"




The sound continued, and all the artists expressed their approval in their fascination. The most perfect art, this is the most unique art in the world, and it is undoubtedly the greatest art in the world!

"Yes, I think so too. This kind of art is charming, moving and attractive."

Fakyu also nodded in agreement, and then after everyone resumed their immersion in art amid the rustling, he said:

"Then why don't you want to share it with others? Such great art should be shown to everyone, so that they can also surrender to your art, be fascinated, obsessed and admired by your art, your creations and your uniqueness!"

Fakyu's voice was high, he opened his arms, left Valais' side, and walked around in the deep sea step by step. Walking around,

"What a great painting, is this your lover? She is like a goddess in your painting. If you take it out for exhibition, millions of people will surely fall in love with your painting."

"This sculpture, the outline of this shape is really perfect."

"This face perfectly embodies the feminine beauty."

"Is this your creation? Powerful, beautiful, and incomparable."

"What a beautiful house. If such a house can be spread in every corner, the whole world will shine because of you."

"Such a weapon, sharp, tough, and handsome, such a work of art will surely become a treasure that every warrior will compete to buy."

Such compliments, even if Fakuyu did not personally walk by the side of every artist, but the influence he caused has made artists in other positions also think of the same place Fakuyu hopes they will think of.

"The world will surely be overwhelmed by my art."

"The king, the princess, the duke, will surely be impressed by my art!"

The distracting thoughts emerged in the madness, followed by endless wanton laughter. These endless artists began endless crazy imaginations in the fantasy created by Fakuyu.

"What a great art~", Fakuyu did not stop it. In the midst of wanton laughter, he also laughed loudly: "But how can those mortals understand you? There will always be people who disdain your art, and ordinary people don't know how to appreciate it at all!"

A disdainful sneer,

Let the artists here recall their past. Needless to say, the artists who can reach here and have a connection with this song have all suffered a lot, otherwise they would not embark on this hysterical and crazy road.

"But, here, there are so many artists, so many masters who know how to appreciate art, why don't you communicate and share? Maybe new inspiration will appear~ and make your artwork more~ perfect~"

Fakyu stopped talking, and began to whisper and recall the original song, the "Ode to the Old Days" that resounded in his ears.

He was not sure whether his words here could really attract the attention of this power,

but why not sing and communicate again?

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