Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 684 Dagon's Substitute: Fakejo

The sound of impact rang in Fakuyu's mind,

like a giant hand slapping down, it roared in Fakuyu's mind, shaking everything in him fiercely,


The impact that almost broke Fakuyu apart made him unable to concentrate his will now. He only had time to let out a cry of surprise, and his eyes were completely black.

And at this moment,

Fakuyu, who was floating in the waves, finally began to slowly sink in the waves. In this deep wave, he was wrapped by the huge black shadow palm and pressed into the waves.

The sea water was surging, and compared to the situation that was completely invisible outside, Fakuyu inside became unusually stable at this time.

The deep seabed, the deep darkness, the endless space, Fakuyu, who began to regain consciousness quietly, also gradually woke up here.

"Is this where the actual ceremony is held?"

Fakyou wanted to twist his body, but the water flow around him was like a substance that was extremely tight, squeezing him completely without leaving any room for him to turn around, but there was no other impact.

"Hmm? Lord Youge?"

Suddenly, sensing the slight changes in his body, Fakyou quickly checked it. The deep red substance that had originally merged into him, a part of Youge, had completely disappeared at this moment?

Rejection? Destroy? In the previous passive chaos, Fakyou didn't notice what happened to him at all. The collision that penetrated his spirit was still a bit memorable? !

"Hehe, so what happened next? What happened? What will happen next?"

Although there were many more unknown fears in his heart, Fakyou still didn't retreat. Not only was he in trouble at the moment, but he also had an inexplicable excitement for the unknown at this moment.

"Quick! Let me see what it is! Hehe, hahaha!"

Fakeyou was in a state of madness and confusion.

Fakeyou was completely unaware and continued to sink in this space. There was no gravity, no direction, and no reference. However, if he followed the direction from which he entered this space before, he would have started to rotate 180 degrees at this moment.

He gradually deviated from the previous direction until he turned completely backwards and forwards. In the endless and deep dark seabed in front of Fakeyou, a black figure finally flashed by.

It shuttled at high speed, appeared and disappeared at high speed.

"Who? The existence hidden in the altar?"

Fakeyou remembered the scene he saw when he first entered this nightmare altar, the swishing sound that flashed in the wall at high speed, and the tentacles that were only seen as afterimages. Could it be it?

Waiting, approaching,

Fakyu continued to sink down, and as he kept getting closer, the huge, flashing black shadow became clearer and clearer, until everything became less blurry. After Fakyu saw the figure hiding in the darkness completely, the figure that was flashing by was finally exposed.

"Father God Dagon!"

And it was the real body of the god! In silence, Dagon stopped swimming and began to look at Fakyu. The two kept getting closer. An extremely huge deep diver, a deep diver that was not even as big as the other's finger, just like this, gradually floated from the upper and lower relative to the left and right.

Fakyu didn't know what he should say or do.

Although this was a ritual, and it was a ritual specifically for him, but in his cognition, there would be no real gods. At most, it was a phantom of false power like the one that existed in the old hymns, which was enough to deal with him.


Just when Fakyu was at a loss, the Father God roared loudly, and everything in this deep sea was violently impacted and dispersed. Fakyu, who was drifting with the current, was like an ordinary person being hit by a train, and was violently deviated by the current for a long distance.

Dagon disappeared, but Fakyu could still sense a trace of black shadow swimming in the deeper seabed. Even though he began to float up at this moment, the perception flowing in his heart not only did not weaken a little, but began to become clearer.

"Sacrifice. Resurrection welcomes the great"

These words quietly emerged in Fakyu's heart. Unknowingly, many things began to flow quietly in his heart. It seemed that all the mysteries began to awaken, and the blood memory from this sentence in his body became clearer, as if everything was no longer a mystery.

On the other hand,

Fakyu finally knew his current identity at this time, the next generation of deep divers, the prepared successor of the title of Father God Dagon.

The Supreme Father God in each generation of deep divers devotes his life to reviving R'lyeh, and they will also select the next generation of deep divers who can inherit this title when they exist. Once they have an irreversible accident in the endless years, there will be countless successors of deep divers, fighting and devouring in the endless deep sea, until the last two inherit their titles passed down from generation to generation - Father God Dagon and Mother Goddess Hydra.

And the deep divers who obtain them will also accept the recognition of the entire race, and sacrifice and faith will push the new deep divers to the supreme position,

Achieve the special greatness of their clan, the supreme Old Ones,

Of course, this is only a lower-level Old Ones,

Compared to the greatness sleeping in Naralyeh, the Father and Mother Gods in the Deep Ones are countless times inferior.

"So I am considered the chosen one of God? The substitute of the gods? Hahaha!"

A kind of crazy joy appeared in his heart, but then countless disdain emerged in his heart, the lower-level Old Ones? Why am I so disdainful? Why do I think this level is a bit low-level?

Superior, lower, top? Is there an ultimate~

And, it seems that I must use this method to achieve the gods, why don’t I have other opportunities? Hahaha!

Fakyu’s heart is infinitely arrogant, but the words that he dared to think of silently, although not spoken, also made his expression infinitely hideous,

Dedicated to reviving greatness all his life? Maybe I will, too, hehe~ That will depend on me achieving the title of Father God first~

In the waves, Fakuyu's head gradually began to float out of the water, with a ferocious expression and sliding eyes, taking in all the elders still on the ground.

"Hehe, it seems I've made a lot of money. The changes and collisions before were not as dangerous as I thought!"

After leaving the deep sea, when Fakuyu regained control of himself, the communication from his heart and the information on Youge's side finally circulated with him.

The unexpected collision before was unexpectedly helpful to him.

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