Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 692 Abel's Fantasy

"Diedie ~ I am one of the twelve members of the Skaven tribe, Chongjie." He took off his hood slightly, and Chongjie's eight-eyed features were completely exposed, with a slightly floating aura. , causing Abel's originally dry heart to suddenly fluctuate.

"You?! Eight-eyed rat-man? No! It's different. This is different from the beholder's rat-man aura."

Abel lowered his head and looked sideways at Chongjie. At this time, the guards around him finally made a symbolic move to surround him.

"You don't seem to be as powerful as the eight-eyed rat men here say?!" Zhongjie didn't care about the actions of these rat guards. Even if their abilities were more powerful than him, he was not the target. He came here blindly, and he also arranged some secret hands outside.

"Really? An ant? But I am also a stronger being!" Abel's emotions surged, anger, unwillingness, and sadness flashed in his eyes, and then he stared at the Chongjie family. A unique pressure of royal blood was pressed on top of Chongjie's head.

It's a pity that Abel has become accustomed to such things. The pressure and sense of inferiority he felt when meeting Youge were even stronger than this person's. Besides, the royal bloodline of the rat people in the royal city has no influence on the eight-eyed rat. For humans, there are no special effects at all, and they are not a race of rat people.

With no change in his expression, Chongjie walked around, flicked the weapons pointed at him a few times, and then made a fierce expression:

"diedie~! Aren't you going to listen to what I want to say?"

Looking around, he was full of disdain. Although the Eight-Eyed Rat Man did not have much requirements for the living environment, seeing this kind of place without any modification at all, compared to the epidemic place full of artistic ideas of the Eight-Eyed Rat Man, There is absolutely no comparison between mountain cities.

"Listen to what you said." Abel, who seemed angry, actually said this calmly. His dark eyes were not focused on Zhongjie at this time: "Tell me, you...or... What do you and the people behind you want to do?”

How dare a little eight-eyed rat man with less than lv30 dare to come to the royal city alone? Although he was lonely, he still knew the outside world's understanding, and they were also notified a little during the martial law. Moreover, the scent of the other party, the sense of information that definitely did not come from a small place, still caused a slight ripple in Abel's heart.

"Scare, scare, scare~", Abel took out a bag of liquid from his arms, and after pulling out the gag while shaking, a familiar smell appeared in the entire hall,

plague amniotic fluid,

Abel is also very familiar with this. Just the appearance of this thing in the royal city has already caused many people related to the rat people to quietly contact him and ask about the source of this thing.

After all, the smell of plague in the amniotic fluid can still remind people of the rat people in the royal city, and coupled with the desolation of the rat people in the royal city, many people wonder whether the other party secretly took out some precious things in exchange for certain benefits. to reorganize the race.

"Did you bring this?" Abel's eyes widened. This was a rare performance of his during this period. It was a rare thing that interested him at this time: "How many do you have? No! What do you want to do?"

Abel was a little crazy in his heart. This kind of amniotic fluid. This kind of amniotic fluid is also a crucial thing for them. It can improve the blood stability of the rat royal babies, and to a certain extent, it can also stimulate the royal bloodline to have greater awakening. probability. When he touched this liquid for the first time, that feeling was naturally born in his heart.

If this liquid can be used in large quantities and the royal bloodline is revived in large quantities, then he will have the opportunity to devour those royal bloodlines that are more biased towards him, or even completely similar to himself!

In this way, even if he loses the title and bonus of the ruler of this race, he may still return to his peak power! Even stronger!

Something called ambition was born in his heart. Unfortunately, there was not much amniotic fluid, and it was also not something he was qualified to obtain. From his appearance to now, even the human collaborator who came to ask him had only so much. a small cup

And if you want to use this amniotic fluid to stimulate the royal bloodline, a small cup? Maybe a big bucket will do.

"How many~frightening~we have a lot. In our city, such resources are inexhaustible~" Chongjie burst out with huge laughter. The bag in his hand seemed to be in the royal city. The very precious amniotic fluid was immediately poured to the ground by him. Judging from the normal value, a bag of plague amniotic fluid that could sell for at least 100,000 gold coins was just wasted.

"We don't want to do anything, we just feel that the Ratmen of the King's City seem to be in decline~diedie~the Ratmen of the King's City."

Chongjie just gave him a slight hint, and Rat King Abel, who was a little confused about the idiosyncrasies in his words, also heard some concerns.

The Rat Man in the Royal City is lonely. Do you need the help of the Skaven Rat Man? If you say you don't need it, it would be too false. The inexhaustible amniotic fluid is enough for Abel to make a choice, but there is One thing he hasn't forgotten yet is the timing of this Rat Man's appearance!

Think left and right,

In Abel's heart, there was only one doubt left about the visiting eight-eyed rat man: "What is your relationship with the Beholder Hall!"

Abel stared at the other party closely, and his eyes were always on the mouth of the Insect Festival, waiting for the other party's answer.

"Hall? Scare~ Human?" From the root, these ratmen from the Skaven world did not know the relationship between Youge and Hall, and at this time, there was no connection between Hall and the City of Blight Mountain in the royal city. Even if they were connected, it was not information that would be easily publicized.

"Maybe you can ask the great The Red~! Yesyes~"

The Insect Festival shouted a respectful title for Youge, and then the feeling of extraordinary life came, and the deep red light from the void shone, making Abel feel both strange and familiar in a burst of surprise.

Although there was some similarity, this feeling was completely different from the feeling of Hall. As Abel repeatedly confirmed, after paying respect under the illumination of this deep red light, he put away his doubts in his heart.

"Then what do I need to give!"

Abel waved away the ratmen guards who were crawling around in the crimson light, and the two left alone could finally start their secret meeting.

"Cooperation, communication, and help."

As the two talked, there were changes later. Those small groups of ratmen that fell apart became the first gift Abel gave to Chongjieshi.

Of course, it is impossible to say that Abel gave it to others. It just showed that he wanted the ratmen below to help Chongjieshi, giving Chongjieshi enough reasons to approach others.

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