Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 702 Historical information contained in language

The power of Fakyousi began to converge, but the madness that was about to burst out had already begun to brew a new seriousness.

He didn't know what Laval was thinking, but it was not difficult to guess. From Laval's tone, one could guess the other party's general metaphor.

"Lord Yuge, how is it? What did you find? Aren't you tempted by such a wonderful thing? Otherwise, we should try to make something out and put it in the royal city? Hahahaha! No, no, no! How about we put it in the Weeping Bone Mountains? The Gray King is eager for you to do something for him~"

The madness in the eyes of the deep diver became more intense. As Yuge collected all the technical knowledge recorded on the walls around him, he agreed more with what Laval said.

Indeed, the full technical knowledge recorded on the wall, from words to patterns, from the language of the Migo tribe to the languages ​​of humans, gill people, spiders, and other different races, is recorded in it. According to Youge's collection, after comparing several "simple structure information languages" that he can completely analyze, the result is that the technology recorded in these different records is also the same.

"Make, of course I have to make it!" Youge broke away from this unimaginable knowledge, and after calming down his heart, he also had countless ideas.

And simplifying these records, generally speaking, it is not difficult for them to make a god, or the method of making gods recorded by the Migo tribe is not as difficult as expected. The only trouble for me and others may be the common problem of all those who have ideas about this technology,

Get materials!

"The epitome of the power of the gods or a part of the gods' body that has fallen off, or any offspring born from the power of the gods."

"Put it in the high-purity energy that has not been rendered by the world's power for baptism, and wait for the other party to reshape itself."

"Finally, infuse the source of wisdom to shape its consciousness, and trigger independent thinking wisdom that is independent of the potential connection with the gods."

"The Migo tribe's colony planet has all the conditions described later in this technology."

Youge pointed to several buildings specially marked on the patterns for Fakyou, all of which they had seen on the way here just now: "So those who can arrive here must also be able to appear in those buildings, so... The only thing that the Migo tribe cannot prepare for those who steal the technology is the prerequisites for truly completing this technology. Conditions."

Moving his sight,

Fakyu smiled and carefully observed the patterns that Youge had indicated in his mind. As he approached, he suddenly asked: "Great Elder Laval~ Then can I go to these places to have a look?"

At this time, Laval had no other distractions. He just looked at Fakyu quietly, nodded and replied calmly: "Lord Fak, after meeting that person, you can come and go freely here, and you can go to those places as you want. You can go as you want~"

"Hahaha! Good~", with a loud laugh, Fakyu didn't drag it out this time. The knowledge on the wall was boring and incomprehensible to him. Even if there were records of the language of deep divers and humans, he couldn't understand those nouns and descriptions even if he understood them.

On the contrary, these pictures made him understand a little bit.

"If it weren't for Lord Yuge's ability, I wouldn't be able to use this thing even if it was placed in front of me. It would be too bad if I missed this wonderful knowledge."

Wonderful knowledge, wonderful art, Fakyu suddenly felt a little unhappy with the artists under his control: "They are all ordinary humans and sea artists, there are no good advanced creatures, even if there is a Migo, I can take everything here for myself!"

"Take some time to get some ordinary aliens first, and then capture some members of the superior races, even if they don't have artistic cells, throw them into the power range of the song, are you afraid that they won't go crazy?"

Youge also heard Fakyu's self-pity, after all, these are all done slowly, and it is enough to do it step by step.

Retracting the little thoughts in his heart, Fakyu also came back to Laval's side.

"Lord Fak, shall we continue?"

The latter took a step back and pointed to the back of the circular staircase, where a slightly opened door was waiting for them to enter.

"Oh? Let's go meet him! I haven't seen the Migo tribe yet, hehe!"

He was a little impatient. He had seen the potential charm of the words above, and had seen the intimidation of Migo through Youge's sharing. Now he was suddenly full of curiosity about this Migo, whom he had never met before. Is he really that great?

The two continued to move forward.

The rest of the way was also filled with some unclear languages ​​of other races, but they were slightly more complicated than the above languages. Although it was just a simple record, Fakyou, who was not very focused on the "information state ability", found a lot of strange fluctuations in it.

"The language of the upper race, Mr. Fake, if you are willing to learn it, the Migo tribe is also willing to provide you with the basic knowledge of these languages." Laval, who was walking in front, said one word at a time and walked down the stairs without squinting: "Everything is recorded in language, including the detailed evolution history of a race. If you understand it, the secrets of this race will be revealed to you. So, Mr. Fake, if you want to learn, you can try try!"

Laval didn't stop or wait for Fakeyu's answer, and approached the slightly opened door.

"Well, hehe."

Fakeyu is very clear about what Laval said. Understanding the writing of a race is equivalent to understanding the evolution of a race. The same is true for human writing. From oracle bones to vernacular, everything is hidden in the wonderful world. There is really wonderful word art in the words, but he just wants to appreciate this art, rather than interpret the profound knowledge that the words are trying to express at this moment!

So complicated! So exciting! So tempting!

All kinds of emotions began to surge as Fakiyu approached the door. They rose and fell over and over again, and were suppressed over and over again, igniting the madness in his heart again.

His eyes signaled Laval, and Fakyu didn't do anything else. He just suppressed and enjoyed his madness and walked in with Laval.

Migo colonial star hub center,

Countless brain cylinders, countless biochemical devices, countless display devices filled with green mucus, countless twisting strange biochemical pipes, and clusters of strange fungi, all operate here in an orderly manner.

And at the very end of these, a motionless Migo standing on synaptic feet suddenly turned his head.

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