Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 73 Return u0026amp; Advance to Lv10

After Leer left, the surveillance here naturally disappeared.

And Thatcher was also taken to the base by Leer.

As for what they can do in the future, that is their own business.

Or if Youge can come back again one day, he will find that the whole world has been turned upside down by these two people.

The quiet days flashed by, and Youge, who was stuck at the last moment, still couldn't break through.

After spending a lot of time, Youge finally realized that this world was not suitable for him to break through. Only by returning to the royal city can he really reach Lv10.

On the old site of the small broken house, the position before Youge came,

"Go back!"

The surroundings were dark, the light disappeared, and Youge returned to the "coffin".

It was still the familiar smell.

It took three months. According to the ratio, one month has passed in the royal city. Even if someone looks for him, it is too late, and how many people will look for him.

As for the corroded body of Auburn that was collected, two words "rest in peace".

It turned into one of the collections in Youge's coffin.

Old town, Youge's home

Youge suddenly came down from the second floor, which surprised Nina, but Nina immediately bowed her head to show respect to Youge because of the difference in status.

"Nina, has there been any problem at home recently?"

"My lord, no questions."

Compared with the hungry life in the slums, Nina already felt very happy here in Youge.

Of course, she would occasionally think of her former friends, but she was not qualified to resist fate and just missed them in her memories.


After accessing the information of the royal city, there was no news on her terminal. Compared with the three months that Youge spent in the mission world, this place was not unexpectedly calm.

After arriving at the blacksmith shop opposite, Youge began to advance to Lv10. After asking Nina not to come over, Youge also put his mind at ease and tried his best to sense the level barrier.

This moment was completely different from the previous world. Where to advance Youge could only feel the lonely power in his body, as if he was the only one in the world.

In the world of the royal city, Youge felt the great power contained in the world at this moment, and the tiny power in his body also resonated at this moment.

Roots and branches were born in the dark and inserted into the world fiercely, and began to absorb power.

Absorb, grow, absorb, grow!

After repeated countless times, the power in Youge's body also grew rapidly and tightly in the feedback.


Finally, the promotion was completed, and a huge illusory root structure gradually appeared on Youge's blood core heart.

Starting from the illusory part of Youge's trait-blood core heart, the main root vein born from his main attribute [blood] is in the middle, and four thin side root veins [death silence] [force] [ground] [speed] continue to grow around the main root vein.

The root veins are intertwined with each other like huge tentacles.

Growth is completed,

In this way, due to the existence of the root vein, not only is the energy replenishment faster, but now the subsequent powerful situation means that more powerful and larger moves can be performed.

Moreover, this promotion to some extent also represents a life transition. After all, that vein is not completely illusory, but it is not shown in front of ordinary people.


Level: lv10

Main attribute: blood

Secondary attribute: intention-death, force, ground, speed

Skills: blood affinity, blood core heart, resonance, form mastery, nightmare scarecrow, control improvement

Skills: boxing-Wing Chun (mastery) Baji (mastery), footwork-flexible (mastery), spearmanship (mastery)

Dependent: Elosli


The information on the panel is refreshed again, and the attributes are distinguished between the primary and secondary. This also confirms that Youge's core development in the future is completely placed on [blood]. Of course, the other ones are not not developed, but the main function is to assist blood.

In addition to adding the [nightmare scarecrow] obtained before, there is also an additional control improvement skill.

Control improvement, this ability can completely change Youge's fighting method from a new perspective, just like the original control can only do a single operation, such as the limit of condensing blood gun is one. Maybe the size can be changed, but it can only be controlled so much. With the increase of level to Lv9, it can only increase by more than half.

However, the skill of controlling the increase allows Youge to completely ignore the limit of the amount of blood, that is, he can condense countless blood crystal guns according to the maximum amount of blood he can hold.

The control is more free and more arbitrary.

Moreover, based on the original perception, Youge's connection with power is no longer based on perception, but completely integrated. Of course, this is limited to the power absorbed by Youge, a kind of complete control in the same sense.

Finally, about the title of Lv10

The changes in Youge's body are countless times stronger than those of ordinary professionals. Those people's roots are intertwined, let alone being able to get close to each other, which is good news.

How could there be no title given by power in such a situation?

After a long time, the power fluctuations in Youge's body were stable.

[Coffin] gave Youge three different titles to choose from to his surprise.


Undertaker: Improve the understanding of power and have stronger power with different powers.

Blood Shadow: Improve the control of power again, and you can have a stronger burst speed.

Puppet Master: Improve the control range of power, use puppet summons more flexibly, etc.


These three are the main ways to use your own power in battle after Lv5. Puppet Master will not be chosen. Youge is not a genius who is extreme and manipulates or creates art. The appearance of Scarecrow is just an experiment of his own, and now his needs have been met.

Blood Shadow is similar to the speed burst type of assassin. Although he likes it a little, it’s a pity that Youge believes that if he chooses the first one, he will definitely have a way to achieve the same level as this choice.

Comprehensively considered, Youge will go back to get more attributes to assist himself in the future, and be able to quickly use these powers to burst out stronger power. This is what Youge wants. Of course, the [Blood] attribute is his foundation, and he must also look at the matching degree accordingly before extracting other attributes.

On the other hand, the title of Undertaker has more offensive tendencies than the other two, and I believe it won’t be much worse.


As soon as the title was given, a ray of light flashed in Youge's mind.

The [Blood] attribute was compressed and rotated, and sent to the ground, adding [Force] to increase damage, adding [Speed] to increase burst, and then countless spikes burst from bottom to top under the enemy's feet, and new compressed balls can be hidden in the spikes. As long as one pierces the enemy's body, the result can be imagined.

Finally, the enemy's body is pulled into the ground, and the funeral!

This range of moves is just the most easily inspired move that Youge can perform at present, and the development prospects shown in it are of course far more than that.

The moment the information was received, Youge also thought of the name of this move: Blood Tomb Spike Burial.

"Hahahaha, not bad! If it had reached Lv10 earlier, this move would be fully qualified to hit the Slander with one blow." After all, Lv10 [Blood] is already qualified to compete with the Slander, as long as it enters his body, it will not be so easy to get rid of.

How should I put it? The coffin is set up to only obtain information from other people to help the protagonist. It is naturally impossible for the detailed information of others to be as clear as the protagonist's own panel.

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