Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 749 Coffin Second Stage Fusion·Lv35

The second level of information improvement,

This level of improvement is actually not unfamiliar to You Ge. On a certain level, he has obtained a certain amount of guidance, but for him, this amount of guidance only reminds him what information he should obtain, rather than Information layer operational capabilities with practical significance.

For information about so-called blank substances,

In other words, it is an overview of the information on "meta-matter"! A term for the composition of the most basic level of matter, which is the information description of the most basic composition of Youge's own crimson substance and the most basic composition of matter that he is currently exposed to.

It allows Youge to start a new kind of communication on the original meta-matter, a kind of initial contact and communication on the material information layer that does not cover any will!

And at this time,

When the second layer of information from the coffin was infused into You Ge's heart,

The devouring eye of corruption, which was transformed into a huge crimson substance in the realm of chaos, suddenly began an unspeakable collapse, and the huge force field that originally supported Youge's existence also began to shrink rapidly.

Along with the rotation of the energy vortex that originally belonged to You Ge in the Kingdom of Chaos, everything began to rotate at an even more violent speed invisibly.

Touching upon the control of the earliest level of matter, Youge's changes will naturally begin to cause more profound changes in other material existences.

It is no longer the simple so-called trinity combination of energy, spirit and matter, but begins to evolve towards the original matter.

"Is this the true Trinity? The crimson substance has begun to show fluid combinations. It no longer has the so-called molecular structure and particle structure like before. Everything can be directly combined at the metamaterial level without any gaps. "

"Unless I actively control its unfolding, it is definitely better than ordinary material existence."

After the rotating crimson matter converged to a limit, everything inside was instantly transferred to the other world by You Ge, and the huge corrupted devouring eye shrank again to an insignificant thing.

The huge energy vortex in the kingdom of chaos also appeared as a rotating focus of extreme concentration. The completely gathered energy also set off an incomparable huge tide at this time, and began to gather and rush towards the waves in waves. That single focus of crimson matter.

If you look at it from a human perspective, you who are in focus seem to see countless suns falling from the sky, gradually bombarding you. But after these things really get close to Youge, a huge energy flow begins, following the fluctuations of the force field. Naturally, it shrinks and gets closer.

It's the energy that has been shrunk!

Following You Ge's changes at this time, he was reabsorbed into his body, and was instinctively transformed into metamaterial level energy by You Ge!

The space effect, this is the so-called space reduction effect, achieves the ultimate space effect, directly reducing everything to its original size.

There is no loss, no separation, and there is no time effect. You can completely control yourself from the metamaterial level.

"It's a good change, but it's just the beginning." You Ge, who was in the spotlight, naturally did not forget one thing. The crimson matter and the energy of the Chaos Kingdom had changed, and along with it, his force field also had a special effect. The effect, but that one has not changed because of this, is the void energy gifted from the Kingdom of Chaos.

Outside the void, the energy obtained by the Kingdom of Chaos is also the main reason why Youge can create his own special evil god power at this stage.

This force did not have the effect of being materialized as expected, and it was not affected at all.

"Void energy is not affected by the elemental matter that makes up the universe."

Things that are not affected by metamatter, he feels sad but helpless. At least he does not have the ability to collect this energy now. There is nothing he can do if he knows it, as long as he can use it a little.

"The second phase of fusion of the coffin is completed, and the transmission of metamaterial information is completed!"

The crimson substance condensed into a focus spread out again, but it did not show the shape of a huge corrupted devouring eye like before. Instead, it showed a layer of shrinking aperture surrounding the original focus. , like an isolated world, the outside can no longer intuitively see the existence of the inside as before, but after swallowing this layer of aperture, the inside is still the same crimson abyss as before, as well as the corrupted devouring eye. shape.

"It's over, and everything is no longer so blank. The crimson substance can finally begin to truly blend with everything and catalyze it. Although not. The catalysis of the Gray King is more intuitive and powerful."

"Level Upgrade: Lv35"

"Skill Acquisition: Nature Change·Yuan"

The information fusion had just ended. After the crimson substance in Youge's body returned to its calm circulation, Youge's level naturally improved.

And the faceless man in red in the Marvel world also had new changes at this moment. His original body had a feeling similar to that of the Gray King when he showed his pressure.

But at this time, Youge could truly feel this feeling, an unparalleled sense of independence.

A sense of independence in which the whole world and oneself are clearly regulated.

This is the main reason why the Gray King will not be interfered with by the Marvel universe. Without being affiliated with the Marvel world, he can also actively have his own control.

Compared to her and Marvel's sense of independence, Youge only slightly opened the door. It seemed that Gray King had more special feelings about her independence, which was her "sense of existence"!

"Hehe~ Congratulations, little brother Hong, it seems that you have really found a chance, it's really something different, now it seems that there is no malicious edge~"

No malicious edge,


At this time, Youge was like a blank substance without will, without the slightest fluctuation to the outside world. To some extent, it was also the inner sense of independence that made Youge completely separate from Gray King. Unless the other party directly tested, or took the initiative to expose some information, otherwise, he really knew nothing.

"Thank you, Lord Gray King."

The faceless man in red exuded a message of gratitude, and the blank sense of information was passed to Gray King.


The Gray King just smiled slightly, looking at the huge change of Youge, and he also had a little more worries in his heart. A guy who has no emotional fluctuations and completely devotes himself to it, making such a choice is much more dangerous than the kings of the royal city.

Waving his hand, he disappeared from Youge's side. Youge, who was alone on the earth, was also feeling the changes in his whole body after lv35.

Using the convenience of the Marvel Universe, he just happened to try this new change with the Infinity Stones, so that he could get familiar with it.

The crimson substance flowed out of his body, swept across the earth, and drilled into the earth's substance like a stream of water, drilling through the cracks and flowing through the gaps between the substances, without any hindrance, and even the earth did not show a slight change in the soil due to the filling.

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