Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 832 Destiny

As Sophia spoke, her body also retreated slightly. An indescribable resistance came to her heart. She didn't want to have any contact with these guys, and she didn't want to interfere with this matter anymore!

"They are aliens who can leverage your destiny. If you don't want to be manipulated, stay away from them! Well, it is said that they were there when the original royal city was first built, and then it was successful. Hum, I don't think about this matter. Participate again.”

It was a clear step back. The responsibility of the Public Security Bureau was not to capture Baden. As long as all the undead in the fallen city were destroyed, it would be equivalent to achieving the purpose of the Public Security Bureau.

"The power of fate?"

Youge didn't make any sign of Sophia's retreat. It was just a retreat, but at the critical moment, she couldn't retreat if she wanted to.

But the life spider that appeared here is indeed very special. Special and very beautiful!


No matter what the relationship between these existences and the royal city is, from the perspective of appearance and human nature, these spiders that appear are indeed a bit good to the limit.

The spider legs with linear beauty, smooth and bright, with triangular barbs and sharp cold light, do not look like alien beings at all. Coupled with the distinctly colored carapace and tail, the black and red combination gives people an extremely special sense of attraction.

But such an existence, after You Ge diverted his attention, this beauty disappeared completely, leaving only the undead.

When I came back here, this kind of beauty came to my mind again, as if it was the first time I saw it, but my memory knew that this was not the first time I saw it.


"This should be the "retrospection of fate." The eternal intertwining fate between you and him is constantly looking back, and it is also the beginning and the end. "Sofia knew how Youge felt, because she felt the same way, but she knew some secrets and already understood this situation.

"Interesting." You Ge suddenly retreated. He didn't expect to attract such a mystery, so would someone take the initiative to touch the other party's bad luck? It was obvious that a large number of auras had gathered around at this moment. Finally, all the forces in the royal city appeared here at this moment, including more than a dozen royal families, family members of several major forces in the royal city, and those families who had taken root in the safe zone. , of course, there are also many alien figures appearing here, but they will be slower and have not directly participated in the recent situation.

"It's an alien!"

There were exclamations all around. You Ge glanced at Sophia and couldn't help but smile. Sure enough, someone didn't know!

"Kahayu, come and see your companions."

Sitting far away on the roof, You Ge was fully prepared to watch the show. As his demon spider incarnation walked out beside him, the latter glanced at Sophia and sat down silently.

"The Spider Clan in the Royal City? It seems to be the one that the timid elders don't want to touch."

Kahayu thought for a while, and based on the information conveyed by You Ge, and based on the performance of the previous group of demon spider elders, he was 100% sure that this was the main reason for their fear!

"Oh~ It seems so, it looks like we finally found it."

You Ge was also awakened by Kahayu. It seemed that it was true that the cowardice of those elders of the Demon Spider Tribe emerged. It was true, but speaking from the name, the abilities of these spiders were worthy of making anyone fearful.

At this time, several human forces who couldn't help laughing also surrounded them one after another. Regardless of whether they were greedy from the hound's teeth, in their view, they could not let aliens benefit. This was the royal city of humans!

"Go on, capture the unconscious guy, don't let the aliens succeed!"

Smoke rose, tiny explosions appeared, and familiar adventurer tactics were thrown out on the spot.

"Corrosive powder: a mixture of more than ten kinds of alien toxins."

"Fire Breath: A fire attribute extract that hides absolute temperature and can burn everything in an instant."

The two auxiliary props were thrown forward, and the undead and life spiders who were unfamiliar with these props were all forced to separate.

With a hissing roar, the human who threw the prop was immediately locked by the spider's gaze.

"This guy is going to be unlucky!" Without Sophia's words, everyone who knew the existence of the Fate Spider quietly looked at the unlucky guy. They were all waiting, waiting for who would touch the Fate Spider's bad luck first. Who can get this mysterious existence to take action first so that they can explore, and now it's finally here.

A transparent, intangible, yet perceptible thread fell rapidly from the sky. From discovery to discovery, this thread had already penetrated the top of the human being's head.

"The control of fate!"

The latter obviously didn't notice any problems, and even the dozen or so humans who worked with him didn't realize what they had experienced.

"Is this. Is this fate? Wait, if this is fate, then... the time is wrong, fate is a predetermined result, but time is a process!" You Ge briefly analyzed a little bit of special information, that kind of cloud A sense of confusion emerged in Li Wuli, causing him to decisively disconnect himself in an instant.

There were also many people who did not decisively withdraw their hands at this time. The confused sense of capture made them actively become the prey of the Life Spider.

An identical silk thread was separated from the thread, and without the knowledge of the captured persons, the same thread penetrated into their heads.

"Interesting, so it's not surprising that the tooth attracted the Fate Spider. Fate and time are two powerful forces that cannot be ignored!" So what exactly are the fate and time that represent the Lightless Pot? Regardless of the latter time, the interesting thing of fate also began to slowly unfold in front of Youge.

It seems that those who can perceive the power of fate are not able to find the abnormality above their heads. If it weren't for the reminder of their companions, these guys would still be exploring wantonly in the power entanglement of the Fate Spider.

In a blink of an eye, Youge also confirmed his body through Kahayu's perspective, and then he felt relieved.

And the first batch of people favored by fate in that field also showed new changes. Several professionals who were stuck at their own level level immediately showed signs of breakthrough. Some of the power in their hands seemed to have produced many more powerful and new changes when they were exerted on the team of undead.

And from the peek just now, Youge couldn't help but have a simple word in his mind about the changes in this field, fate is predetermined.

This is their existing destiny, or this is their existing future at the moment, but it has not yet developed to that level, and at this time it was stimulated by the power of the Fate Spider, which produced a catalytic effect.

Let their existing future destiny appear in advance.

"It doesn't seem so powerful? This feeling is just a simple way of going with the flow? The so-called reversal of fate."

Just thinking in his mind, the undead in the hostile angle immediately changed.

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