Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 849: The manifestation of time

There are always some people who will choose a strange path outside the scope of human nature, right?

There is nothing wrong with the path that Youge took, and there is nothing wrong with the path that Irene took. It’s just that in normal situations with human labels, they don’t exist at all.

“At least she hasn’t reached the level of a king.” Having been with the Gray King for so long, Youge naturally knows the special feeling of the king very well. It is obvious that this person’s strength has not reached the specialness of the king.

“Yes, I’m just an ordinary special professional.” Irene’s words gradually began to show a trace of emotion. Compared with the sense of loss that just appeared, now there is finally some manifestation of humanity.

Some arrogant humanity.

Picking up the ball beside her with her fingers, Irene brought the topic back to the ball in her hand.

"Mortals who have never known fear will flock to any great power they see. Once there is any opportunity to take it for themselves, how can they give up easily?"

The sphere was stretched and turned into a ring around Irene. With her more arrogant expression, the familiar fear message from Tindalos began to spread from the ring.

"You are going to be targeted."

Irene whispered to herself quietly. No matter what this group of foreign intruders is like, no matter who they are, they met the one in their hands. Humph, wish you good luck.

This is the hound's tooth. To be clear, it is a remnant of the Tindalos hound that was accidentally discovered by the Fernandez family. Who knows what destroyed such an existence, and what kind of existence can have such great power.

Going deeper, this remnant is just a remnant that humans think of. It's just that the surrounding environment and the state of performance make them think that this pool of liquid is a remnant.


After collecting the remnants, the patriarch of the Fernandez family began to collect all the information about the Tindalos Hound, big or small, and traded with various alien races, and finally obtained the only effective information, which could divide and seal the remnants that were constantly showing vitality.

A unique and bold design, taking advantage of the shortcomings of the Tindalos Hound, completely sealed it in a circular space that isolated all information.

The remnants of the Tindalos Hound, which could only be materialized from the "corner", were locked in this space.

Perhaps this pile of remnants did not have enough time to condense will, or this pile of remnants did not, or even the Tindalos Hound did not need the concept of will.

In this space, whenever this pile of remnants revived enough, a very obvious corner would be split in the space. As the remnants were attracted, part of the remnants would turn into smoke and appear above the corner. At the moment of movement, the remnants were divided again to ensure that the prisoner would not exceed the control range of the space!

This is the strongest means of the Fernandez family. The so-called hound's teeth are kept in his treasure house until the next patriarch faces a crisis and takes them out from the treasure house.

It was during Irene's generation that this genius patriarch discovered the existence of the teeth, took them for himself, and occupied them forever!

Returning to the topic,

A small gap has been made on the ring in Irene's hand. The circular space without edges and corners inside aimed a group of amorphous liquid in the direction of Youge. The fear of that moment immediately surrounded Youge's heart from all directions.

Everything, all memories began to tremble, and a fear of unreality made him feel that in his past, an illusory shadow would appear at any time, changing everything about him!

This is the power of time.

Countless existences from the past began to flash in Youge's memory. It seems that as long as this black shadow continues to appear and reality continues to flow, the records in his memory will be reversed with reality until they completely disappear in the past.

At this time, when Youge had such a feeling, several kings in the royal city who had crossed paths with Youge also had the same feeling. When the reversal of time involves extraordinary people, it is not a little bit.

And if Youge disappears, then the first to be affected will naturally be the Orange King Gulag!

Then the changes and prosperity of the royal city will completely dissipate and turn into a pool of bubbles!


Several beings in the high spire stood up immediately. As special beings of kings, they actually touched the scope of time. Like the Gray King, they are no longer bound by the simple concept of time, but are completely independent.

But when someone touches the past, even if they are relatively not affected too much, how can they like others to touch them casually?

"It's TheRed! What on earth has he gotten into?!"

"It's that tooth. He's definitely one step ahead of us!"

"Damn that guy. Why is he always involved!"

Several kings cursed, but they couldn't find any connection at this time, and they didn't even know where this person was.

How could they get to Youge to share a piece of the pie or snatch this extremely precious tooth?

But no matter how the situation here was shaken, Youge himself, who was at the center of the vortex, suddenly calmed down in a moment of fear.

"Detecting the invasion of virtual information state"

"Detecting that the coffin fusion has reached stage 2"

"Material existence is disturbed"

"Information defense begins"

After a moment of delay, the fear surrounding Youge disappeared under the prompt of the coffin, and the dangling memory began to stabilize.

"Information state is stable, material interference ends"

As if he had lost his target, Youge, who was the first to be hit, completely lost the lock in the remaining liquid eyes, and turned to Fakyu and Migotaiser. In the moment, he also turned to the nearest gill man behind him after a brief look.

Fortunately, Laval did not come too far forward, otherwise he might have disappeared completely.

As for this gradually disappearing gill man, he slowly unfolded the sense of disobedience and modification in the memories of Youge and others.

The person who had gathered with them at the gathering place of the gill people was like quicksand, constantly dissipating and flowing away. That meant that the memory information that once belonged to this person in Youge's heart was about to escape and flow backwards.

"Is time flowing backwards? No! It's information flowing backwards!"

Surprisingly, the effect displayed in front of him made Youge surprised. Time actually showed like this? ! !

All the memories about the gill people were quietly flowing backwards and escaping. Youge could only observe and re-record the existence of this flow as a bystander to confirm the true existence of the whole thing.

Confirming that part of his information was stolen in this way

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