Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 873 The Bait of Time

Dead City,

Outer edge, Fernandez family warehouse, outer edge of the dark world,

The king of the Desolate City and the Ten Kings City gathered outside the border surrounded by layers of Migo technology.

"Huang, you are willing to come back? It seems that you have gained a lot." The dead soul of the Ten Kings of the Royal City, after seeing a human wearing a crown of dead branches flashing in the sky, sneered coldly.

"Soul, you actually left the Royal City collectively, aren't you afraid that someone will raid your nest?\

,"King Huang, the absolute existence of the Desolate City, is also the supreme here, and is also the creator of everything in the Desolate City now. And today, he also received a report from the Dead City from the invasion of the Marvel World not long ago, and then he chose to come back after thinking countless times.

"Live? Huang, maybe you should pay more attention to yourself. Aren't you afraid that this place will become a chaotic place first?"

Chaotic place, a word that has not appeared for a long time. A word that may be unfamiliar to others, but for them, it is a word that needs to be much more careful.

A piece of land that was affected by the power of countless kings and was in constant chaos. This piece of land was what they left after their last battle.

And King Huang just smiled slightly, and after a few waves in his hand, the two kings of Huangwang City who were watching on the other two sides left here in an instant.

"Huh?" The people of the Ten Kings City were silently alert. Leaving at this time, is there any preparation or hidden hand?

"Hehe, don't worry, they just go back to do something else. After all, compared to the treasure of the Fernandez family, we still have to deal with trivial matters from outside the domain~", Huang did not avoid anything. It was necessary to send the two away, but the guys of the Ten Kings City were completely unaware of it.

"Huang, you are still so relaxed. I wonder if you will still be so relaxed later."

The dead soul looked at the wise men behind him. A little guy who was honest among the big guys slowly walked out. The current Migo word master Huizhi shrank his head, fearing that he would see someone he shouldn't see and be slapped to death.

"Sir, it can be opened. It is completely consistent with our deal with TheRed."

TheRed, openly talking and openly contacting, is completely different from what Ackerman saw. They, the group of people in the royal city who have no idea of ​​the changes of Youge, still feel the Youge composed of the past crimson material.

"Open it."

Huizhi nodded silently, turned around and drilled a large amount of biochemical flesh tissue from his body, and then climbed up the technological blockade barrier of the Migo tribe.

Strips of flesh tissue surrounded the surroundings, leaving disgusting mucus on the barrier at the border layer by layer, followed by the Migo tribe's words lighting up and surrounding it, and finally a door opened in front of everyone.


Everyone was nervously waiting for the door to open. A female voice floated out from the inside first, followed by a pair of hands climbing out from the door opened by Huizhi. The tension of everyone in the Wasteland City was instantly suspended.

This? What is this?

Someone got there first?

However, everyone in the Ten Kings City, who had been prepared, quietly approached the woman who came out. As the ancestor of the Fernandez family, TheRed, said, the hound's teeth are in the hands of the other party!


Right now, while the Wasteland City has not reacted, suppress this woman now!

And the first one to take action was naturally the King of Weaving, who had been spying on the power of time for a long time. A large number of fate threads suddenly rose from all around, and after connecting from the woman's body one by one, they tightly wrapped her in the weaving of fate.


"Humph! Is this your hidden secret?", while the injured king on the other side was full of disdain. After coming here from the royal city, he said cooperation and mutual assistance, but in fact he didn't tell them anything. He just took out a Baden to perfunctorily tell them that he had found the location of the Fernandez family treasure house and asked them to go together.

A huge scratch appeared, and in the entanglement of the thread of fate, all the materials connecting the thread were ruthlessly annihilated.

It's just fate. Without the connection of fate, then fate will no longer exist.

"I think it's better for everyone not to move, otherwise don't blame us if something goes wrong~", seeing that they were about to fight, the King of Desolation said calmly: "After all, this person is also an old acquaintance of ours, don't you think? Soul?"

Old acquaintances, really old acquaintances,

The two oldest people here are the King of Desolation and the Dead Soul, and Irene is their old friend.

"Oh? It seems like something interesting has happened, so you are the ones who are here to welcome me back?" Irene was not polite at all. This tense situation was aimed at her from the beginning, so why should she give them a good face.

"Hound's teeth, so this is your goal?"

Irene was surrounded by the ring that blocked the remnants of a large number of Tindalos hounds. The sense of peeping that was exposed bit by bit made everyone take a step back involuntarily.

"Hehehe~ Cautious and careful old acquaintance, that person really forced me to a last resort, and I didn't retreat~"

That person, of course, was Youge,

And Irene also opened a gap in this chuckle, and a piece of remnant shot straight ahead at the target who released him.

"No, no! I, no!"

In the blink of an eye, when the voice of the black market transformation master who had reached the highest peak of the limelight disappeared in the field like a cliff, all the king-level beings were also stunned. Huizhi disappeared, and new memories also conveyed new changes to them with the flow of time. This door was opened by the wise man, so Migo's words were also interpreted by the wise man after a flash of inspiration during the transaction.

"Is this the hound's tooth?"

The King of Weaving also felt the grand change in it. This time modification that was far beyond his imagination completely made him hot.

And at this time, Youge on the other side naturally noticed a trace of abnormality, but his existence had already changed. When the power of the Tindalos hound found him, there was an inexplicable sense of confusion. The Red? Crimson matter? Can't find the target, but it seems to have found something?

And what about the fact that Huizhi and Youge exist underground in the subhuman race? It all seems to have changed and it seems not to have changed.

But in this chaotic gap, the Tindalos Hound did not stay for too long. This stuck time information cannot be modified normally, so it is better to be eaten directly. A change generated from this information point is directly distorted by the Tindalos Hound. Once someone is able to track down this place, the power of Tindalos will surely come again.

"Tindalos's time bait"

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