Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 875 Changes


A few residual drifts pulled several people back, but the remaining kings, reminded by the leader of the dead soul, immediately abandoned these companions and rushed in the direction of Irene's flight.

Immediately after the disappearance of several unknown minions in the venue, and the trembling of the two kings,

The dead soul who did not leave quietly asked: "King Zhi, aren't you interested in the power of time anymore?"

"No, she will find me, fate has been guiding her~"

Sitting calmly, what he is interested in at this moment is how the power of time affects the king, and the two people in front of him are his best test subjects.

Secretly snickering, he knew what the dead soul was talking about, but how could the other party think that these attacks were all arranged by him? However, the immunity of everyone in the Deserted City was indeed a bit unexpected, otherwise they would not really be able to attack them. The target was changed to these people in Wangcheng.

Arousing the trembling king, Death Soul and King Weaver also left here after looking at the mysterious tower in the city of Desolation.

It was also on the high tower they were looking at,

Not only the departing King Huang and others, but also the incoming king who left first are also standing here.

"Don't pay attention to them. What Irene has in her hands is just the remnants of the Tindalos Hound. Even if we get it, it is just a useless threat." In terms of observing the facts, the Wild King carefully followed Irene's methods throughout the process. He took it into his eyes carefully.

After comparing it with what he thought, he determined that such a thing seemed to be a little less powerful than imagined. Of course, if the power of time was really exposed, maybe he would have fought with the figures in the royal city again by now. One group, even if it destroys the deserted city.

"Huang, what about Irene?"

"It's impossible for them to let her go if she annihilates herself." In the endless void, after Huang and the departing dead souls looked at each other, they turned around and walked inward: "The invasion of Wu Guang Hu Land has already begun. At the end, instead of spending energy on this, think about how to get more benefits from the ending! Moreover, there is also a more complete power of time in their world!"


Unlike the relationship between kings in the Ten Kings City, which is relatively equal, in the Desolate City, from the conversation at this moment, it can be seen that Desolate has supreme control here.

"The Lightless Pot Land has identified us as the "constants" this time. Otherwise, we would not have been so relaxed when the time of the Tindalos hounds was erased just now. We all need to be prepared. We will attack that world with all our strength soon. Got it! "

The material particles from the Marvel world in the sky outside the window have reached an extremely rapid speed, and at the moment they cut through the sky, they also begin to bring many unexpected and relatively complete existences.

Looting, perhaps plundering, judging from the current performance, this is not a one-sided material plundering, but more of it is some communication and learning from the Marvel world. What the stalwart existence wants is not just a simple devour. Just eat a universe.



Immediately after things began to change in the deserted city,

Everyone here also noticed the anomaly in the sky. The complete existence coming from Marvel, after randomly crossing and flashing in the air, naturally represented that there were countless existences, and they would go up and fight for it.

As for the Royal City, this area belongs entirely to them, and they will plunder it without hesitation.

"What is this? A green arm? Wait, although this thing has no energy fluctuations, its strength is definitely stronger than that of ordinary professionals!"

This is the so-called completeness of the Wuguang Pot Land, where everything plundered from Marvel appears in front of everyone in an individual form and in another weird display.

"What kind of spider is this? A container? A human? Strange attributes."

"This power, crush! No! No, this is another complete and constant powerful force, a power that can create weapons in batches! The power of the Phoenix!"

Countless ones may be caught by everyone. Occasionally, with the impact of various forces in the sky, countless others may randomly fall across the earth. And this also means that as long as it is a person, as long as he can find it, then he can transform from an ordinary person with no power into a powerful professional with a certain basic strength!

"It's really God who helped me. I didn't expect that this world could bring so many possibilities to this world!"

At this moment when everyone in the highest office of the Golden Club was starting to get excited, Ackerman completely saw another possibility, another possibility that would make his plan more perfectly realized!

Everyone is like a dragon,

An era where everyone is like a dragon, perhaps this is the beautiful fantasy of many idealists, but this does not exist at all from the perspective of human nature, especially in the royal city, once everyone is like a dragon and becomes a professional, with extraordinary power , so who will do the underlying work? Who would abandon their daily enjoyment of life at home to farm the fields and live and die in dirty slums?

What's more, this situation is equivalent to promoting everyone across classes to the professional level. Then the disappearance of the lowest people will inevitably mean a greater gap. Isn't it invisible that the grassroots are on strike?

"I should supervise and give every human being the possibility of extraordinary things!"

Ackerman has already thought of such an ending, so all that is left is to arrange for a large number of people to obtain various levels of power and then deliver it to every ordinary person by coincidence.

"Come here! Gather all the adventurers, mercenaries, and other available manpower!"

"Yes, sir!"

This is an opportunity to race against time. From the moment Ackerman saw this king who could suddenly come back, he knew that things there should have eased to a certain extent, and then the other kings would inevitably return in the next time. To the royal city.

If they wait until they react, this plan will be completely ruined.

"Huh, it's only a matter of one day. No matter what the power, those ordinary humans have already gone crazy. What will they really care about after getting it? But things over there need a little supervision. The location of Epidemic Mountain City is exposed to They, as well as the accompanying resource information, have only slightly attracted their attention. Humph, don't worry! Wait until I investigate the epidemic mountain city thoroughly, someone will be interested!"

There is not only one person who has a grudge against You Ge. Ackerman believes that there will definitely be someone here who will stand with him.

"However, that stinky woman Sophia is really troublesome. She is still in contact with the Rat Man in an insignificant way. I really don't know what the other party got him to do!"

Ackerman, who was walking back and forth, was already impatient. After sorting through his thoughts for a long time, he immediately walked out of the room!

"No one can stop me anymore, hahahaha!"

"Sir, a summons has been issued. More than half of their idle professionals have responded, and the remaining professionals affiliated with other forces have returned to their stations."

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