Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 884 Class Hostility

The change of the class in the royal city has already produced a clear differentiation in these three long days.

It is the same as expected, except that the ordinary people have an unprecedented cohesion of humanity and an extremely strong sense of resistance under the existence of OAA!

An ideological impact from modern society on the old society, a new wave of thought completely ushered in for the human beings in the royal city with the potential assistance of OAA, breaking the shackles of the aristocratic society.

And this kind of thought is far more profound than what Youge gave to 01 at the beginning. A kind of inner openness of human nature cannot be taught, but requires a person's heart to abandon the original inherent thoughts and accept new changes.

Compared with some humans who are corrupted by the thoughts of the old society, how difficult it is to accept new thoughts.

It is conceivable that the only one who can bring changes to mankind here now is the existence of this OAA. The free human breath that permeates the sky is the concept of freedom from the capitalist empire in the Marvel world.

"Hahaha! I don't believe it if this guy didn't do it on purpose." It was obvious that Youge noticed this evil taste of human nature. It was just that there was a problem with the deployment of the timeline, and a huge gap was created by the existence above the royal city. And OAA couldn't be blatantly hostile to the other party, so it could only choose this method after observation.

"It did urge them, and now the hearts of these people have been completely opened, and a new human revolution has been completely launched in the royal city!"

The whole city was in turmoil. The humans who were originally controlled by the high-level nobles as ants and leeks were no longer obedient. In a blink of an eye, the nobles who enjoyed themselves leisurely every day lost all their conveniences.

No one cleaned up, no one was willing to pay for their arrogance, and no one was willing to kneel and lick at the feet of the nobles.

Even more, some of the new generations of nobles, under the cleansing of this thought, burst out with the idea of ​​changing the current structure of the royal city, building a free royal city, and building a new vibrant royal city!

"What a ridiculous idea. Let's not talk about whether human nature will not be selfish in a free country. The premise is that humans become the top of the food chain and the resource allocation is completely consistent, so that we can really change all this."

The flood surged,

As this thought continued to approach inward, all the non-humans who were originally hiding in the royal city were dug out. The first to be threatened was the Skaven ratman. This group of humans will not forget the ratman's peeping when they got the extraordinary opportunity.

The radical people didn't care about the existence of the ratman at all. After forcing them out one by one, they turned to the most obvious gill people family.

The gill people, who were becoming more and more popular, the entrance that had just been exposed, the nightmare city that was constantly harvesting the emotions of the royal city and feeding the royal city, naturally became the second target of public criticism under this outburst of human nature.

"Oh? It's interesting. This guy actually started to change."

This unexpected situation forced the gill people family out. After that, Fakyu, who now controls the nightmare city, appeared in front of everyone, no longer looked like the past.

A brand new free growth without any trace of "Youge".

The enlarged body, strong arms, legs began to turn to the appearance of tail fins, and this guy began to change to the state of a mermaid.

"There is no trace of Youge at all, and it seems that the human body has been completely abandoned."

Feeling the changes in Fakuyou, Youge naturally thought of the other people. In this case, it seems that each of them has undergone different changes. This new independent personality is indeed a bit interesting.

But no matter how Fakuyou changes, he is not the main target of this matter at the moment. After a short attention, he shifted to the group of angry humans in the royal city again.

"Start, drive them all away. When you know that your current existence is also protected by an unknown existence, I wonder if you will also drive the other party away?"

Human self-improvement,

Heaven moves vigorously, and a gentleman strives for self-improvement,

Youge remembered the famous saying in his previous life, the philosophy he followed when he was still a human.

"Hehe, is the sky really like this? There is no sky in this world, or a sky full of humanity?"

Mockery, disdain,

Although this is just an insignificant idea, it allows Youge to glimpse a little bit of the ridiculous humanity of human beings again. How could this group of free people give up the idea of ​​being powerful? As long as there is a chance, as long as it is possible for them to be self-reliant and lightless, they will definitely not need the great shelter of the deep space layer, and then~hehe, take the initiative to expel the other party?

A picture appeared in the intersection of Youge's information,

This is not his imagination, but the future imagination from this human nature that appeared after he casually touched the free humanity now.

Human beings stand on their own in the world, no longer relying on any external objects, only relying on their own hands!

"I've changed my mind. It's not good for the Royal City to be in such a mess. Why not follow this interesting human nature and let the people in the Royal City fall to the bottom again after reaching the peak?"

"Such a Royal City would be self-destructive. The broken human nature, the meaningless freedom, the concept of nothingness, will all be trampled and destroyed by humans themselves!"

"Ratmen, all evacuate the royal city. In the midst of the human's cheers of freedom, you are showing your defeat and desolation. Escape!"

Sitting high in the intersection of information, after Youge gave the order, the ratmen who had just taken shelter came out of their homes. Under the cheers of humans, they left their armor and weapons one by one and kept coming out from every corner.

"You humble humans! What are you going to do?", and Fakeyou, who was awakened here, had just used madness to corrupt a group of desperate humans, and the fleeing ratmen also stepped into his eyes.

Suspicious thoughts appeared. Now that he was completely on the same side as Youge, he was inexplicably panicked. It would be a troublesome thing to make Youge choose to evacuate the royal city.

"Laval! Apart from the incident in the Wasteland City, have there been any other major events in the Royal City?"

"Lord Fak, recently, there has only been the extraordinary power falling from the sky, and we don't know anything else."

Laval now knows that Fakyu has set up his own faction. He is thinking about the fact that the ratmen, who are not inferior to them in terms of organization, have chosen to flee. Should they temporarily avoid the limelight?

"Put away the Nightmare City, we will not open it to the public for the time being!"

Guess, doubt, what can he do? Without Youge's information, Fakyu can only respond to the maximum extent. After all, he is now in the transformation period. From a personal point of view, he does not want any accidents to happen at this time.

"Yes, Lord Fak!"

The ratmen fled, and the gill people temporarily avoided the limelight. How could this strange phenomenon not let other beings in the Royal City find problems?

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