Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 891 Kahayu


After feeling the approaching breath from outside, Kahayu also lifted his body from the deep dark forest.

"He's here, go and bring him in."

The humanoid upper body stood up, black lines spread, and the mouthless left and right cheeks stood side by side with more than a dozen eyes blinking continuously; the mouth at the junction of the humanoid body and the spider-shaped lower body opened, and countless demons flanked it. The spider began to spread outward.

"Is it about the Kingdom of Chaos?"

Kahayu crawled his body, and a dark feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

And just as Yuge set foot inside the dark forest belonging to Kahayu, the groups of demon spiders also made way for him to lead directly to Kahayu.

"Ah, Master Youge~ Did you encounter any trouble again?" As he went deeper, Kahayu, who appeared in front of Youge, was still so arrogant.

"There are indeed some problems. I don't know if you still need to sacrifice to your gods~"

Youge knew that although Kahayu no longer had his convenient relationship, the countless world links under the abyss network could still allow him to go where he wanted to go, but Youge still needed to confirm the actual situation of the other party. , after all, the demands of the Spider God seem to have shrunk a bit when it comes to offering sacrifices.

"Sacrifice?" Kahayu folded his body, straightened his spider legs and surrounded Yuge and said, "It's just destruction, it's not a difficult thing."


Looking at the arrogant Fakeyu who didn't mention anything else, Youge had already determined the opponent's idea of ​​destruction, which meant that there were few others. Is the existence of the Spider God's daughter so unimportant?

The number of Daughters of the Spider God who weave the giant web of the abyss and are willing to communicate with Kahayu will also quietly decrease.

There are not many small service-type magic spiders unique to Pestilence Mountain City around here.

"I need you to destroy a universe in the Kingdom of Chaos... Well, so the destruction of the person behind you refers to the destruction of pure human meaning?" Youge also put on a waiting posture, and turned into someone behind his back. The new Crimson Throne made him change to a more sovereign posture and looked at Kahayu.

"Hmph, it still sounds like an unpleasant command." Kahayu snorted coldly, and after blinking his spider eyes a few times, he continued: "Look at what you want to be destroyed, some of the world's existence itself represents The meaning of destruction is completely different. The destruction brought by my god reflects the fear of that place in a certain sense. "

"Where do you want to destroy? The universe under the Kingdom of Chaos?"

"Well, pick one that's similar. After it's destroyed, I can provide you with what you want. And the demon spiders in Plague Mountain City... you can use them as you like." You Ge secretly laughed in his heart, what an arrogant guy. , after you left, you couldn't bear to go back and use the things that still belonged to you. No one would touch them anyway, but you just couldn't hold back your arrogance and went back on your own initiative.

"Humph, what about the Skaven universe? That universe that has been completely drained by you is not that powerful in itself."

The feeling that Youge was sure of winning made Kahayu really uncomfortable. In this case, he didn't want to do anything strenuous anymore. Anyway, he was asked to choose one, so he would choose the simplest one.


The Skaven universe, the universe where the Skaven were born, is indeed possible.

"But is it possible for you to destroy the Realm of Chaos now?"

It seemed that Youge had some ideas and asked about the Kingdom of Chaos without any hesitation.

"It's impossible. Unless all the energy vortices of the Chaos Evil God are destroyed now, the other party will oppose the existence of the entire giant network and interfere with the spread of destruction." Since leaving Plague Mountain City, Kahayu has also concentrated on studying the abyss giant network. applicable conditions.

These existences in the world that can oppose the gods all have a core of special mystery and unknown. To put it simply, they are equal existences that can compete with the power of the gods. For example, the Wuguang Pot Land can quietly swallow up the power of the gods. In terms of composition, They are also not afraid of the gods, but the composition of the two sides is different.

The Kingdom of Chaos also has the same thing, but Kahayu discovered the powerful repulsive force when he secretly tried to do something in the Kingdom of Chaos.

The existence of every energy vortex is a given and inevitable, it is not just a random and meaningless display in the kingdom of chaos.

"Oh ~ let's talk about it later, but when can you start the destruction of the Skaven universe?"

It is true that there is no rush to destroy the Kingdom of Chaos. Even if it can be done, You Ge is not sure that he can really absorb all the energy dispersed in the Kingdom of Chaos. That would definitely be a waste of 10,000%.

"You can do it at any time, but are you sure you want to destroy this universe?" Kahayu stood up and motioned for the other party to open the way to that world without any hesitation.

"The rat people won't miss it. What can a universe without resources do?"

Even if there are ratmen, compared to the ratman armies in other places, this place is meaningless. After he spread the ratman sequence people and other relatives to various universes, this place seems even more meaningless. It makes sense. With the passage of time, the word "number of huge rat-man groups" may now need to be described with tens of millions of zeros.

At this moment, Youge pulled up the information entanglement around him, and after the tentacles he stretched out touched Kahayu's existence, he moved from the lightless pot to the Skaven universe in a blink of an eye.

"Your place is really interesting, and I almost couldn't move out." Facing Kahayu behind him, he teased at the other party's completely incomprehensible angle: "Information entanglement moves, ignoring everything, and your forest will actively cut the information composition. If I hadn't moved once on the way, I really couldn't get out."

Although he had noticed it a long time ago, after Youge entered this square forest, except for the interference from the lightless pot, the rest was only noticed during the actual operation.

"It's just the dark curse, you know. But Lord Youge's ability has really begun to leap forward since the last time, and I didn't find any traces of movement~", a little weird, although he knew the special place of Youge, but Kahayu had to be impressed by every boldness of this guy.

Is it really the same choice that he would make?

"Hehe, pay attention to your subordinates after you go back. They saw me. I hope they won't cause any problems for your cute little spiders."

Like the annoying sand, seeing Youge now may not be a problem, but when he disappears, his existence and influence will not be so easily cut off. Constant existence, constant existence information, always there unchanged.


After a while of being more speechless, Kahayu really regretted letting his subordinates look for him now...

"By the way, you too, my lovely former incarnation~"

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