Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 897 Kahayu's appearance

"The game of raising gu is indeed somewhat similar, but so what, I still need to know the secret of the existence of this super crystal."

Ignoring the more chaotic power and anxiety, Youge continued to hover outside the lightless pot, watching the changes inside.

"Huh? That guy is here, hahaha, what a coincidence, he ran over so quickly."

The internal information changed. After Youge noticed the information from the other side about Nakahayu, human emotions became interesting again.

"Fotolyak, separate them all!"

Arrogant and decisive, after Kahayu appeared, a huge sky-flying spider leg floated out from his shoulders, cutting open all the fighting kings, and impaling an alien from the deep space layer to death. The King and the Unfortunate King of Weeping Bones.

"Demon Spider Clan, it's him! Why is he here!"

Anger broke out again among the alien army. They were blocked by the aliens from the deep space layer and intercepted by the Demon Spider Clan that they promised would never appear. Now coupled with such a powerful existence that cannot be crossed, the Weeping Bones were hindered. Lin's revenge plan.

"Huh? Where's the human! Where's that human!"

With an explosive roar, even the people in Plague Mountain City heard the wonderful atmosphere coming from the alien camp. Are humans involved? They thought just now that the guys from Weeping Bone Forest had gathered countless greedy people to get a piece of the cake in Plague Mountain City.


Similarly, after the Rakshasa Bird disappeared no matter how they searched, Epidemic Mountain City also thought of many potential connections. This unexpected battle must be someone deliberately targeting them.

But no matter what, now that Leng Spider beside Kahayu has taken action, this conspiracy has come to an end for the time being.

"Hmph, why, after the majestic Plague Mountain City left me, it can't even deal with these ants?" Kahayu stepped on his spider legs and appeared in this completely different appearance from the past. In front of Lan Risa.

"Without him, you can't do it." Lanrisa didn't care about Kahayu's ridicule. After finally breathing a sigh of relief, she asked: "Why are you willing to come back? Do you want to take away those small magic spiders, or do you want to Take away all the small magic spiders?”

Without saving any face for the other party, don’t you know yourself?

After Lanrisa expressed her gratitude to the Gray King who had just returned, the cold spider on Kahayu's shoulder suddenly interjected: "My lord, someone in the dimension outside the Aluminum Pot is spying on us."

Dimensions outside the matte pot?

Kahayu's little mind changed. Before he understood anything, the Gray King also said: "It's him. That guy is actually hiding outside. No wonder he can't always find that peep."

"Hehehe, oh~ Then he really hid it very well." Kahayu, who knew how he would react when he saw Youge, immediately changed the topic. He didn't want to let himself feel that coming from Wuguang. The external interference in the pot land is really troublesome.

"Okay, you can see what happens next. I'm leaving."

Throwing her head away, the contemptuous expression swept over Lanrisa, and she immediately led her men towards the area where the demon spider had not been affected.

"The arrogant guy in front of us, huh, who knows what would happen if we were in front of that guy." Lan Risa snorted coldly, and the strong aura of humanity was also exposed in her heart.

"Lord Gray King, what should we do next?"

At the same time, all the fighting with the peripheral aliens stopped, and countless alien ratmen also withdrew to their own territories. During the confrontation between the two sides, each of them also began to have headaches.

"Hee hee, let them go, we can't do anything." Stretching out lazily, the Gray King also had all the hidden problems in You Ge's mind. As for the next thing, he didn't want to pay attention to it at all.

"Ah? This"

It's finally time for Arnold and others. This seems to be something that can be a big deal, but no one wants to do it?

"Go ahead, Arnold, let them go, and we will get back what's due ourselves."

Lan Risa also agreed to the Gray King's proposal at this moment. The loss this time was not something that could be exchanged for compensation. Plague Mountain City still needed more accumulation until it could face those existences head-on.

"Yes, my lord."

And with the truce between the two sides, You Ge, who was finally able to explore the remaining battlefields of the kings at will, also let go of his hands and feet.

Without the intervention of others, no one would come to this chaotic place. Naturally, only You Ge was left to observe secretly.

"I really want to collect a few and cosmic barriers for experiments. Maybe there will be interesting changes between the two."

Unfortunately, the inner entanglement prevented Youge from taking action easily. He could only silently watch the free changes of the remaining power.

"Independence, strength, transcendence, and disregard for conventional methods are somewhat close to the feeling of gods. If we only record the hierarchy from a human perspective, the person with the highest rank after the king will be the god."

"But whether the gods are powerful or not is not actually an absolute power, but a special title. The existence of the gods in the dream world only has this name, which makes their status extremely lofty. Just based on strength, it is not as good as the original Pique How powerful you are.”

Thoughts kept flashing through his mind. After Youge swept through all the kingly powers surrounding this land, he gave up the pursuit. His body in the outside world was still trying to absorb the release from "nothingness". As long as he improved himself, these secrets would surface.

At the same time, after casually looking at the changes in Yishan City, he only left a trace of information that was completely unrelated to him in a place that was imperceptible.

"Yishan City is free"

Crossing the limit of distance, Youge at this moment left his information clone outside the dimension of the royal city, that is, outside the material existence.

The chaos of a short period of time will eventually end. At this moment, after the royal city forced back the existence of aliens, the entire city was completely controlled by humans.

From inside to outside, from top to bottom, this group of humans infected by their own joy did not know that behind the chaos, countless dark aliens had bred in the royal city.

Many of them were the emotional manifestations of this group of humans when they shouted for freedom.

And just like that, during the time when Youge watched silently, the royal city began an unprecedented development.


Hundred years,

Without any emotional fluctuations, Youge's self-existence, under absolute rationality, just indifferently passed the historical changes in the royal city for a hundred years, from the simplest childbearing, to the complex social reorganization, and finally the various social needs that came, which completely changed the entire royal city.

"LV43, not yet."

Until Youge locked his power again, quietly recorded it, and regained his calm.

However, unlike usual, in this calm atmosphere, a familiar breath began to flash in the royal city, which had not appeared for a hundred years, and the breath of the seemingly forgotten crimson substance existed.

Suddenly appeared!

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