Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 910 The Heroic Attribute of Humanity

The rising anger in the heart of the representative who was spurned by the people was instantly extinguished by Ryan. Yes, it was useless. From the time when the Freedom Alliance grew, he knew that this would happen.

I just didn’t know it was today.

"Come on, make a fuss, I'm tired too. The price of freedom is not as simple as words."

The five representatives withdrew. The darkness in the royal city was more than a little dark. Not to mention that after they saw the poor people in the royal city who were treated as consumables, they realized that all of this was fake.

"Pause the competition, pause your show!"




"Let them out!"

"Let them out!"

Instead, they focused their attention on this show, and all humans began to express their anger towards this show.

"What are you yelling about? You cowards, just go in and rob people! Hahahaha! Cowards of the shallow light layer, is this what you are condemning?"

At the right time, the victims of the Aluminous Layer also appeared around. Borrowing the secret passage left by Anna, this group of people desperately began to rush out of the Light Layer, with a huge momentum and continuous The road to expansion.

Also brought out the people in the dark light layer.

Who wants to stay in this dark underground mechanical city for a long time?

"Hahahaha, come here, let me destroy this disgusting thing with my own hands. Looking at the smiles of the garbage nobles in the light layer every day makes me vomit until I don't want to vomit anymore."

Some people objected, and naturally some people were not afraid of life and death. A few people in this aphotic layer looked at the corridor that had just swallowed countless humans, and the anger in their hearts kept emerging. What kind of bullshit is this, just to play with human lives? Is this the upper life that the aphotic layer yearns for every day? Let’s overthrow this fucked world!

What’s the use of keeping it!


Also watching the attacks of these victims, the upside-down man above finally stopped watching silently. He glanced at each other, and the hanging body appeared directly above the head of the victims. A curved tongue came out of his mouth, a sharp The arc shimmered on the tip of his tongue, bending and twisting, pulling away from the victim's neck, and a huge human head fell to the entrance of the corridor.

"My lord is angry, my lord is angry~ My lord is angry!"

After three shouts, the face of the upside-down man became distorted, and the whole person was like a confused figure, turning into a curved and corrugated existence.

And that same curved tongue, under his control, began to sweep around the heads crazily,

"Struggle is useless. If you want to gain freedom, you must make sacrifices. Why not sacrifice your freedom to achieve greatness?"

The mouth of the upside-down man began to murmur with his tongue, and the scattered heads also began to shout words of sacrifice and dedication to each other while rolling. Confusing pollution began to appear, and the irresistible free people became even more irresistible in this existence. Next, he began to walk towards the inverted man, pulling his neck, raising his forehead high, calling for freedom and dedication.

"Ah~ What should you do? You can't even force him out, and you can't even stop him at the show. Is this the result of your resistance?"

You Ge, who was watching indifferently, had no fun at all under the influence of his own humanity. It was fun, but there was no highlight? This human freedom that has been building up for hundreds of years just ends like this?

"Oh, yes, how could I forget you? How could you not help them, as you are someone who absolutely recognizes freedom and humanity?"

A word that he had never thought of appeared in front of You Ge's eyes. A word that transformed from a simple pronoun into a true attribute meaning came out from among the countless people in the royal city.

This chaotic world, with its strange attributes that are contrary to human existence, will be vividly expressed in this word.

Human beings, aliens, will no longer have anything in common,

This time, words followed the killing of the upside-down man and emerged from the crowd, shining with the ultimate luster of humanity, showing a new dawn for mankind.

"Hahahahaha! The ultimate humanity of the Virgin Sequence Man? With the "Hero" attribute tag bestowed by the OAA? Ha ha ha ha! It’s so much fun! "

Is this the existence that saves humanity in the royal city? Is this the solution that finally emerged after a hundred years of these series of catalytic reactions?

"Yes, yes! It can indeed be done! Humanity needs heroes and great beings who can gather people's hearts. Regardless of whether the real person behind it is a sequence person or a human being, this veil can indeed become the shining star of freedom in the future~ah~ "

In terms of the Marvel Universe, or in terms of human understanding, the most powerful abilities are just the existences represented by the Infinity Stones. On the contrary, there are more powerful existences that ignore time and space.

And now, these few people who have walked out are the ones who were given the five powers that are more in line with the real existence when the OAA was originally integrated into the timeline of the Wuguang Pot and could not touch the time of the royal city because of the greatness of the sky above. kind of strength.

The most intuitive power from Marvel,

Chaos magic attributes, Phoenix power attributes, spiritual attributes, real material attributes, and absolute power attributes.

In addition, these five people were wearing clown-like clowns that were particularly obvious in front of You Ge.

"Attributes of Human Heroes"

It is simply an OAA hero game.

"Hahahaha! Who is really being played with, Wangcheng? Human beings? Or these screaming wretches?" You Geliu's information clone in Wangcheng looked closely at the five heroes. This came from The power given by OAA's direct differentiation is like a being that can explode without any bottom, and it continues to grow during their confrontation with the Inverted Man.

Five sequencers who risked their lives for the royal city!

Heroes are naturally accompanied by sacrifice and sorrow,

In order to obtain more powerful power, for the so-called human freedom, and even more for the so-called future of the royal city, they started competing with the Inverted Man at the cost of giving up their own lives.

"This guy is actually a king-level existence?"

The release of the Inverted Man also allowed You Ge to see the opponent's strength, a mysterious king level, but no new king was born in the hundreds of years of information existence.

"A incomplete king? No, his super crystal display is only very small, but it is not incomplete."

This person's existence appeared in You Ge's vision. A super crystal that was about the size of a human head existed in his position. In the crazy confrontation with the five forces around him, he just reached a balance. degree.

"Interesting. I should be glad that this is not the harsh human universe of Marvel. Here, as long as your lives are not exhausted, replenishing them is not too troublesome."

The existence of this inverted man is a mystery, but the five heroes on the periphery can be seen clearly by him. The so-called professional root madly extracts the power of the world, and arrives here in a violent and unrestricted transport. .

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