Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 95: Poor Marcelo

Amidst the noise of these people, a wave of malice spread from afar.

Having the same reaction as Giselle's team, this group of underground people also fell into shock. Fortunately, they were in the center of the farm. After only a short hesitation, they all rushed to the nearest warehouse.

"Aliens above the professional level! Everyone is on combat readiness!"

It seemed that the usual training was done, and the originally chaotic scene ended instantly. Relying on various bunkers, equipment, and the tamed human-faced spider, he looked in the direction of the malicious attack.

"The Poison Fire Team is ready to throw, follow my orders!"

Then again, you can't blame You Ge for showing up with such fanfare.

After An An quietly accompanied Rios for a while wearing a mask, he was asked to be more high-profile and show off to the gang of people who had both sides.

Rios spent a lot of time explaining this, fearing that Youge would misunderstand that he wanted to give a hint to the people on the farm, and then concentrate his firepower to eliminate the opponent.

And that talk, to put it simply,

In other words, the history of human development in this world is equivalent to the history of fighting between humans and aliens. However, there were also many times when humans and various aliens reached coexistence.

You Ge can also find that the rats in the sewers of the Royal City have made a lot of "contributions" to the sanitation of the Royal City. Secondly, the "relic" in the slums that treats humans like lambs is also An An'an. It's been a long time.

The most special thing about these examples is that there is only a strong distinction between the two parties in terms of cognition, and there is no racial discrimination at all.

For Youge, what Rios means is that as a strong alien, he will never hide himself safely, and he has no idea of ​​​​protecting himself wisely.

Now that You Ge has entered as a heterogeneous person, with his own extremely repressive attributes, he naturally has to walk in more blatantly in order to show his identity.

With Rios lagging slightly behind, both parties walked towards the farm in a leisurely manner.

After seeing his confidants watching from a distance, Rios waved his hand and made a special gesture:

"Mr. Scarecrow, I'll ask them to come out to greet you. After all, it's the situation of underground people and aliens. After you show off your power, you have to appease them."

After Rios explained, he looked at Yuge carefully. If he didn't like this, he would have no choice but to go down and comfort him himself.

"That's it, it doesn't matter."

Even if they really want to harm him, You Ge is confident that he can avoid them immediately. Moreover, Rios has set his stance so low. After thinking about it carefully, there must be other things to ask of him. Apart from the recycling of those limiters, Yuge naturally also wants to have a hand in the creation of poisonous fire. .

In this way, both sides will naturally become more harmonious under the hidden secrets.

Approaching the farm, the gate opens.

Four hundred people stood neatly behind to greet the two.


After a road split in the middle, Rios took the initiative to guide Youge towards the main building.

"Huh, what kind of powerful existence did Mr. Rios bring back? I feel like I'm going crazy just by looking at him."

"Stop talking, be careful if people 'hear' you will really go crazy!"

There was constant gossip, but Marcelo was not having a good time at all.

As an old cunning guy, I could tell at first glance that Rios and the new aliens were coming from the direction of the human-faced spider.

And when others were being stalked by evil intentions and falling into panic, Marcelo still did not ignore the strange scarecrow behind him. In addition, Rios' eyes drifted past him from time to time, and he finally confirmed that Giselle and the others were definitely... More bad luck than good.

Perhaps there was still a glimmer of hope, until the gate of the farm was closed, and there was still no late arrival of Giselle and others within sight of the spider.

"Trouble", Marcelo sighed and completely ignored the random questions from people around him.

While the outsiders were still discussing the alien who came back with Rios.

Someone quietly called Marcelo indoors.

As soon as the door opened, it goes without saying that the first ones were Rios and Yuge, followed by five or six of Rios' confidants.

And the moment he walked in, the atmosphere dropped sharply, and the confidants on the side stared at him fiercely without moving.

Marcelo didn't look at each other, he just walked up to Rios and bowed slightly to greet: "My lord!"

"Well, sit down."

After just a slight expression, Rios continued the conversation with You Ge.

"Mr. Scarecrow, this is the Marcelo I just mentioned. He works hard on the farm and doesn't complain. If you have anything, you can go to him directly." Rios gestured to Marcelo with a half-smile.

"." He was speechless for a moment, but after only a slight hesitation, Marcello replied: "Yes, I have been here for decades, and no one can match me in terms of familiarity with this place."

To rush the duck to the shelves, if Marcelo shows a little displeasure, the aliens can take action mercilessly. As for the aftermath, Marcelo will naturally become the sinner that affects cooperation. It couldn't be simpler.

In fact, from what Rios said, it can be seen that if Marcelo is responsible for everything about this alien, it is conceivable that in the process of long-term contact with aliens, even the best people will be constantly eroded by the other party's malice, and this [malice] has already made Marcelo feel like being hunted when he just arrived at the gate. If it continues for a long time, how can he have a good result.

Not to mention the panic of the alien's face with only protruding bones facing him when Rios said that he should be responsible.

Marcelo couldn't escape, and he couldn't stay, so he didn't pay attention at all.

"When can Mr. Scarecrow arrange the mechanical team mentioned last time?" After crossing the matter of Marcelo, Rios officially started to discuss with Youge.

A thought flashed through everyone's mind in the room: "Tomorrow will do."

"Okay. Then I'll be waiting for you." Rios changed the topic and asked again: "Regarding the cooperation with the adult behind me, I want to go deeper with you."

As soon as the adult behind said this, Rios' confidant immediately looked at his nose and heart, and entered the state of knowing nothing if you don't call me.

And the only outsider in the field, Marcelo's hair exploded, this is directly to kill me!

This kind of private matter is not something he can participate in at all, and then his face was filled with bitterness, and he almost shed tears.

And Youge naturally thought of the content of the original document. The other party must report to Mr. Orange if they want to cooperate deeply. If a civil war breaks out among the underground people, it is not something he can intervene in alone now.

"Wait, and give a reply tomorrow."

How could Youge not want to deepen this cooperation a little bit with his thoughts in his mind? Finally, this step is about to begin.

The humble author is very curious, all the readers who have persisted to read this far, what attracted you in this book, just criticize it lightly (shivering)

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