Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 954 The energy vortex of chaotic human nature

"Big Brother's true form is here. I propose that everyone get one-third."

But it seems that the remaining three did not adopt Khorne's last suggestion. Tzeentch's eyes glanced at the other two. Everyone knew which Khorne Garden was more convincing than the incarnation of Khorne's power. Which one is more serious?

"With the elimination of Khorne, the three of us will jointly take charge of the Chaos Evil God!"

Tzeentch's words broke the worry of Khorne's offer. This temptation is far more difficult to refuse than anything else. Once Khorne's energy vortex is divided, even if Khorne is an existence that cannot be ignored, it will have no foundation. Without the great existence that he relies on, he can no longer be one of the four evil gods of chaos.

And it’s still impossible forever, forever suppressed!

"Kill him first! If TheRed is not eliminated, I will feel uneasy!"

Compared to the discussion between Slaanesh and Tzeentch, Nurgle's heart at this time was still completely tied to Youge. The permeating appearance of the hell star and the faint sense of absolute prey were existences that he could not ignore.

There was also his resentment at being teased.

"Hmph, how to kill him? Do you have a method?"

Slaanesh, who did not deal with it, did not give Nurgle a good look. To carve up the existence of Khorne, you only need to enter the core existence of the vortex, but it is so impossible to kill an existence that can make Khorne so weak. The three of them Working together may not necessarily defeat Khorne.


For the first time, Nurgle began to hate the hedonistic ideas of this brother and sister, and turned to look at Tzeentch on the other side. The other party was staring at Youge's existence with a sad expression.

"Do you have any ideas?"

Method, without method, Tzeentch would not take action easily.

"He did not achieve our existence. He only relied on the restraint of his abilities to suppress the power of Khorne. If we control him by force, we can kill him!"

The spoon in Nurgle's hand was filled with countless rich plagues. The thick auras fluctuated under his control like the universe. Except for the strong enough feedback force, he didn't care about the existence of the Garden of Khorne at all. This One blow, without the corresponding force to stop it, is enough to cause the Garden of Khorne to collapse.


Before Tzeentch and Slaanesh could say anything, Nurgle's already planned attack was released, and it collided directly with the existence of the Garden of Khorne and the diffuse appearance of the Hell Star!


Outside the fluctuations of the energy vortex, Nurgle laughed and waited for the aftermath of the fluctuations in front of him. This was an attack he had planned for a long time. This was also an attack he had planned since the last time Youge left. A universe completely occupied by plague , a universe under his complete control, after being withdrawn, turned into a chaotic collection full of plagues. Coupled with many malignant attribute mutations, even he himself could not receive this attack intact.

After the aftermath dissipated, the Garden of Khorne was completely razed to the ground. The cracked gap exposed the inner energy vortex. The surging energy tide continued to spread outward under the crack, repairing the existence of the crack.

Just when the good news seemed to wipe out You Ge, a chuckle appeared around these people,

"Do you really think you can defeat me?" Without a trace of damage, You Ge appeared extremely close to Nurgle and the other three evil gods. By the way, he looked at the unmoved horned rat. Ge sneered: "Then are you ready for my attack?"

In terms of long-term planning, Youge's long-term planning is even more thorough than Nurgle's.

As soon as these words fell, countless Hell Stars appeared around the Kingdom of Chaos, each with tentacles and eyes, surrounding the place where Khorne existed, completely surrounding it.

Chaos Demon Hell Star, this is the surrounding force formed by Youge who has been secretly contaminating and controlling all those weak Chaos Evil Gods and other demons, bringing their human emotions and their energy vortices under his control. .

"Although it is not as special as your existence, do you think that if the energy vortex other than yourselves in the Kingdom of Chaos is occupied? What kind of existence will appear?"

This is what You Ge is doing now,

Occupy all the beings under the Chaos Evil God and unify all their energy vortexes, you can definitely create a new and unique Evil God!

"Mara, the fifth evil god of chaos, is this the legend you are afraid of? Perhaps his existence was born in this way, gathering everything to destroy everything."

The surrounding hell stars began to blend, and the energy vortex within them also began to blend in the chaos. A huge hell star surrounded everything, a huge hell star with everything now surrounded by its core existence. The energy vortex appeared in front of all beings in an instant.

And the extremely chaotic expressions of human emotions began to fall into one place amidst the astonishment of these evil gods.

Chaos red seal,

"This is the power! Do you want to swallow us all?!"

Nurgle's expression became even more sinister, and as the other two finally understood what Nurgle said, they became absolutely hostile to You Ge's existence.

This guy wants to swallow everything and unify chaos!

If someone else had said this before, Slaanesh and Tzeentch would have made fun of it. It was impossible to unify Chaos and bring everything together. What kind of chaotic existence would be created after the mixed human emotions were integrated into one? Would it still be oneself?

But now, this seemingly laughing stock has actually appeared!

"Devouring you? No, not devouring, just collecting you. I am looking forward to how powerful you will be after you are completely integrated into one~"

Yuge sneered at the hostility of Nurgle, Slaanesh, and Tzeentch. It would be a pity to kill them. He still had to use these existences to explore the path of the superior. And the existence of the appearance of Hell Star blocked everything. This malice also showed a weak superior power in the anger of the Chaos Red Seal,

from the half-baked superior power of Khorne.

At least this is a beginning. There is no way and time for Youge to study and transform himself into the so-called superior power. He can only plunder part of Khorne's existence through the final devouring. The existence gathered at this moment, the result of the fusion of the Hell Star of the endless chaos demons, is used to plunder and occupy the existence of Khorne and transform it into his own beginning.

A new unified existence, the energy vortex of chaos humanity, and Khorne's existence has been deprived of a part. Following the collapse of the Khorne Garden and the dissipation of the Ladder Fortress, this huge Hell Star existence has finally produced a superior performance that is enough to deter the other party!

"If I didn't want to connect with the Chaos Kingdom on behalf of your existence, or even not just use humanity to push me forward, how could I let you go so wild."

Let go, for the fear of these people?

When Youge went here, he didn't care. The greatness he is carrying now is his biggest killer!

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