Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 960 Chaos Whirlpool

And this ordinary, just like any natural phenomenon in the universe,

the burning flames, the blowing wind, these are all acceptable to everything.

If this transcendent existence can be accepted, can be accepted by the simplest matter, their transcendence can also be divided into upper and lower.

Ordinary existences grow beyond the limit of ordinary, don't they yearn for the more distant and complete transcendence? Just like Fakyu's existence, his blood will always yearn for purity, looking forward to the more perfect performance of the deep diver.

All of this will be a more perfect expression of Youge's strength and specialness.

And now,

Youge has finally completed it, attributed his specialness to the ordinary, scattered in everything, and naturally appeared today.

If he always attributes his specialness to strength, then the final result will be that he will become a wandering individual like the Hell Star, devouring and destroying any single performance that touches it.

"In fact, the existence of crimson matter has already had such performance, but under the premise that crimson matter is integrated into all things and communicates with all things, crimson matter is not so powerful beyond the limit, and the purpose is also different..."

In the same situation, Youge also remembered the original exploration of the power of crimson matter, but unfortunately the purpose is different, and the limit of thinking constrained his idea of ​​facing this more powerful power at this time.

"Level Lv50 is ultimately just a limit to limit the existence of the king level."

In terms of energy level, Youge has finally reached the same level as the king level, but the existence of the other party's super crystal has also become a cage in his eyes. It has an expression beyond the limit and has an extraordinary power wave. When they show their power more perfectly, they will naturally enter the ranks of the superiors.

Unfortunately, the lightless pot uses the existence of super crystals to limit their perfect expression, because in the view of human nature, super crystals are only larger and more deterrent, and that is the way to the existence of the superior.

"The true manifestation of the king and the superior lies in their own display of power to the outside world, and more importantly, in the exploration of their own existence. The most critical thing is the infinite possibilities without shackles. For them, their possibilities are always bound by the world and the suppression of the great."

"So now..."

After breaking away from the chaotic and intertwined appearance of the Hell Star, Yuge's tentacles pulled out four light balls, four energy vortexes that were concentrated to the extreme, and four represented the final real existence of the four evil gods.

"Do you still think that your power incarnation will come to save you?"

Not caring whether the other party will escape, the super-limited power that imprisoned them was released, and Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh, and Tzeentch were finally released from the shackles that could not move. And the chaotic humanity that was still mocking them also released this huge gathering of the appearance of the Hell Star under Yuge's control, and the energy vortex gathered into one was directly displayed in front of everyone.


As the longest-imprisoned Khorne and the furious Nurgle, they first smashed into the void in front of Youge, and the violent energy aftermath quickly dissipated, without a trace of their past power.

"Go on, I'm willing to watch you continue to vent your emotions, and I'm also happy to help you vent these."

Without dodging, even if they are now attacking with all their strength, they are not as deterrent as a Lv30 existence.

"Is this what you want to see? Watch Chaos completely fall into war? Completely destroy everything?" Tzeentch did not have too much negative emotions, it was just a matter of success or failure, he was concerned about all this, not the ending!

"Oh? Hehe, yes and no, war and destruction are just a sideshow, but this so-called I want... Don't you think this is what Chaos wants to see?"

Mocking, Yuge's existence was surrounded by shiny runes that flashed around the red seal of chaos, and mixed emotions were perfectly revealed from it, either mocking them, or anger at their misunderstanding, or sadness for their unclear understanding, or contempt for their ignorance, or pity for their current existence

And so on, various amorphous human faces and amorphous voices also narrated Yuge's thoughts along with the fluctuations of these emotions.

"Poor lambs, the time for harvest has come. I just pushed it. Do you really think you are crucial to stabilizing the entire chaos? I just need you to be the last shield to avoid exposing me directly in the unknown chaos~"

"Oh~ By the way, you may not know that the Great Horned Rat has long been the focus of chaos. His destruction is more favored by him than you. There is no need to wait for this interesting breeding to end and cultivate another fifth god to destroy Mara. He can replace everything."

Chaos' emotions are more complicated, and the expressions of the four evil gods are more worried.

Regardless of these, the aftermath of the war that flashed far outside the chaos is now constantly fluctuating and transmitted to the current chaos kingdom. The four incarnations of power, the four in the countless years when the Chaos Evil God was imprisoned by Youge, seem to have completely broken away from their shackles. Under the emergence of new human nature, they are tempted by another force and appear to be free.

The unknown attributes, the different human trends of power,

These incarnations of power showed their independence at this moment, and they wanted to attack Hell Star in order to destroy the original existence that was weakened to the limit by Youge, so that they could continue to exist completely without any worries.

More importantly, they no longer needed the existence of energy vortexes to maintain themselves, which was also the main reason for their independence and rebellion!

"Hahaha! Go, welcome back to Chaos, this huge vortex is for you, whether it is to divide or reunite your existence, this huge Hell Star will block you for a while!"

There were countless mocking expressions around Youge, and men, women, old and young were all teasing these four people. After Youge disappeared, there were only four slowly recovering energy vortexes and a huge Hell Star energy vortex.

Outside the Chaos Kingdom,

Above the Chaos Whirlpool,

After Youge appeared here, he could still clearly see the various wars that broke out on this vortex.

As if it was deliberately arranged, the appearance of Hell Star began to grow on the boundary of the universe's barrier. Eyeballs and tentacles were everywhere, but they did not seem to completely occupy every place.

In this case, the long-lost big horned rat seemed to be driven by something and appeared in this universe, destroying, damaging, and destroying everything in this universe that had lost all possibility of existence. Finally, it turned into black granular powder and was absorbed by the existence of the big vortex.

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