Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 997: Ending

"My existence is complete."

In the depths of the Crimson Abyss, Youge stood there. Power and perfection were just the words that could describe him in comparison with his past and the only description of human nature. There were no problems that existed in human nature, nor any feelings that existed in human nature. He didn't need them, and there was no need.

And this was just a simple beginning, just a small step for Youge's existence now.

The infinite future, the infinite existence, could no longer be described by any information, just as sleep and stagnation were just words that humans would think of.

Ten thousand years, hundreds of millions of years, trillions of years, trillions of years, and trillions of years,

Only humans would care about this information.

A simple awakening,

"Human? Hmm... very familiar, it is a creature with two legs and two arms standing upright."

"They seem to like my old name very much."

"They seem to be very curious about the existence of this name."

"They are studying my past, studying some information about my existence."

"The light of humanity? Interesting things."

"The corrupted and devouring eye, and my followers."

"The Red."

The crimson flashed across, and the human thought he liked it, and he just made the human think he liked it.

The human's preference just reflects his existence.

Darkness, crimson, endless,

Human stuff.

"New book, my swordsmanship is a little wrong (somewhat Cthulhu) hahahahaha~"

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