Crimson Blood Coffin

Chapter 98 Return to the Farm

Increase the level of the human-faced spider and the ghost scorpion? Youge knew that Mr. Cheng had misunderstood his meaning after hearing this, and hurriedly explained:

"It is not about the improvement of biological level, but the high-purity extraction of the original poisonous fire substance, distinguishing the single substance that is completely prone to explosion, so as to improve the explosion level!"

This explanation is straightforward, but unfortunately it also makes Mr. Cheng think of other things: "Alchemy?!"

Alchemy can be said to be the core technology of the Clockwork Center at the beginning of its development. It is precisely relying on this technology that so many artificial robots and various equipment that change the life of the royal city have gradually developed. I didn't expect Youge to be interested in this technology.

"01, is anyone using Lab 1 here now?"

As soon as the words fell, a detailed description of Lab 1 appeared on the console: "Idle, no one has applied."

"Lock the user to Hall Azathoth and set it as a private studio!" Since Youge was very interested in this, how could Mr. Orange stop him? "In the future, you can get help directly from 01 about equipment applications, and it will also make a certain evaluation of your results. Just experiment here with confidence!"

"Thank you, Mr. Orange!"

Seeing Mr. Orange's support for him, Youge was greatly relieved. After all, he was still just a professional who preferred combat, not a research-oriented professional. The reason why he didn't say it directly was that he was worried that he would make the other party think that he was playing with things and wasted his ambition.

Facing such a person who had high hopes for him, he still had some small thoughts because of his status.

After that, the two of them briefly talked about how to act, and Youge took a team of standard engineering clockwork robots to Orson's house. On the other side, Mr. Orange also began to make certain preparations, such as purchasing abandoned real estate near Orson's house. Although the royal city no longer needs more factories to maintain some facilities in this area, Mr. Orange's status makes it impossible for the other party to drag on such a small matter for too long.

So take advantage of the enemy's lack of reaction and take them down first.

This is also the first time Emma has seen so many clockwork robots.

After following Youge in, the robots completely ignored the ghost Emma that had been entered into the database.

"Sir? These robots!" This is her home where she has lived for hundreds of years. Emma has a lot of emotions in it. Seeing such a big battle, she was afraid that it would be demolished.

"They are here to expand the underground passage. Others will come to repair the buildings here later. Don't worry."

Before the initial completion, naturally, there will be no big fuss on the surface. The first step of 01's plan is to live in a small space without attracting other people's attention!

After measuring the detailed data at the entrance of the passage,

half of the robots were separated and began to expand the capacity after jumping into the cave for a distance. The passage in the house will definitely continue to be used later. It is better to build a new large passage directly on the nearby abandoned site and cover it with a warehouse. It is convenient and will not make others think of the legends of the Orson family.

The remaining robots followed Youge to go deep into the ground.

After leaving the surface, these robots also began to move in a big way. After taking out some strange compressed tools from their bodies, they took the lead in building some simple information transmission points, gradually bringing the underground floor into the control range of the king's city information.

As long as they can access the information processing center of 01, the progress of the underground plan can be improved by leaps and bounds.

After walking and stopping along the way, from the passage to the underground, after completing the construction of several base stations for simple information transmission points, Youge finally led this team of engineering robots to the "outpost" farm.

When Youge put on the mask and approached, he also sensed the condensed atmosphere under his spiritual perception.

"It's better to come early than to come early. It seems that Rios has reached the last step."

Since Rios issued some targeted orders, those fence-sitters were completely furious, but fortunately, more than half of them chose to join Rios' camp.

For those who disobeyed, the big purge of them just began when Youge arrived.

The moment he entered the gate, Rios came up like a ghost: "Oh, Mr. Scarecrow is here at the right time. My men found a bunch of underground stink bugs in the farm. I just sent someone to clean it up. Please wait for a moment, Mr. Scarecrow and your men."

That mean look, there is something wrong.

"No problem, let me help you." Youge naturally followed his wishes. With a wave of his hand, the real [Scarecrow] appeared in front of him.

"Hahahaha, it's troublesome, sir. If you don't mind, please feel free to do it!" Rios greeted him so politely, didn't he just want Youge to do it? The sooner they get rid of those people, the sooner they can start further cooperation. If he hadn't been reluctant to let the farm be destroyed by the battle, he would have taken everyone to fight.


With Rios' roar, the men who were still deadlocked in the room immediately retreated.

Only the diehard resistance elements were left inside.

Unfortunately, after seeing Youge at the gate, they all lost their minds in an instant: "When. It's over now. The humanoid alien from last time is coming!!!"

This group of people originally wanted to take advantage of the stalemate between the two sides to seek a little benefit for themselves and others. What was unexpected was that the humanoid alien who entered the scene in a high-profile manner last time actually arrived quietly this time.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him. When the other party's mind fell into a brief state of unconsciousness,

The order to attack was issued, and the scarecrow started again.

With the strong [malice] emitted by Youge, the people inside were eroded by malice and their wills became twisted in just a moment.

The scarecrow flashed into the room, and with precise attacks, one twisted spirit body was extracted from the enemy's body with one hand, and mercilessly turned into Youge's nutrients.

It's different. Rios saw these people being solved so easily, and the big worry in his heart finally disappeared completely.

"It's really worthy of being Mr. Scarecrow. Come on, please come in." Rios praised Youge with his mouth, and did not forget to signal his men to go in and collect the bodies.

In joy, he took Youge to the main building of the farm.


As soon as the few people sat down, Youge's watch issued a series of reminders,

"Send an engineering robot to the tower here to repair the transmission equipment, and discuss it after I arrive! - Orange"

Mr. Orange is coming?

This is a big deal. If only Youge could follow the plan step by step, it would be fine. However, Mr. Orange's sudden arrival means that the other party must have discovered something. The original plan was to wait until after this cooperation to discuss the meeting between the two sides' senior management.

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