Crimson Comes

Chapter 56: Devil Taboo

"It's the tactical team of the Wandering Religion."

When Ye Feifei and Wei Wei left the team and returned to their comfortable nests to rest, Captain Ouyang was also gathering with a group of team members in the base, and a rare meeting was held: "And it's a high-level tactical team, In addition to the mercenaries who provide fire support, there are even two mentor-level believers, such a powerful threat level, even if I…”

After a pause, he said, "...I almost couldn't hold it back."

All the team members rolled their eyes, although, there is no logical problem with this statement.

Now the side effects of their demonic power have been resolved, and no injections are used.

Many extraordinary sheriff teams have the same habits as them.

When the demon power is active, first see if you can digest the negative effects by your own will. If you can, then you don't have to use stabilizing injections. This is not only to save stable injections, but also to use as few injections as possible.

Sister Lucky took a look in the mirror, propped her chest, regained the confidence she once had, and said with a cold smile:

"Have they wandered around for so long, can't they finally come in?"

Uncle Gun couldn't help but said, "The most important thing is, what are they looking for?"

Several other people couldn't help but glance at him, and seemed to think that asking this question was superfluous.

Xiaolin said lightly, "In the entire scrap iron city, there are only two things that they are worth looking for so seriously."

"Same, it's the captain's head."

He said lightly: "Of course, the kidneys can also be used, and the heart can also be used. If you can remove his waist, it will be more popular..."

"I heard that his egg, a piece of gold that can sell for ten times its weight on the black market!"


Captain Ouyang couldn't help but his face darkened.

Xiaolin added: "The other thing, it should be something we didn't find before."

Next to the conference table, the atmosphere suddenly seemed a little depressed.

They all knew exactly what Xiao Lin was talking about.

Legacy of God.

"We all knew they were looking for this."

After a long while, Sister Lucky suddenly said: "Not only do we know, the Foundation also knows, but after so many years, there is no clue at all, and their actions have long since diminished, or even disappeared, how could it suddenly become so aggressive?"

When she said this, she looked at Captain Ouyang and suspected what he was hiding.

"The brain circuit of a madman is incomprehensible."

Captain Ouyang met the gazes of the team members and could only whisper, "It's the same with the mad believers."

"Now I'm not sure if it was just an attack planned by them again, or if it was a harbinger of some big move, but in any case, we have to cheer up, the Guard Office and the inspection team, I will Say hello, Uncle Gun also went out to cast a net, we need to know more about the trends of all parties in Scrap Iron City during this time, once they want to do something..."


He narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice, "Then we'll report it to the superior immediately..."


Everyone else thought it was reasonable, so they all nodded and left the conference table.

Only Sister Lucky stayed under Captain Ouyang's eyes and sat on both sides of the conference table.

Captain Ouyang frowned and said, "I'm a little worried about Xiao Wei."

Sister Lucky's expression was a little puzzled, she had already determined something.

"It's not related to the legendary demon taboo."

Captain Ouyang shook his head and said, "I'm worried about him, himself."

"do you know?"

He sighed lowly and said: "When you stopped the spread of the demon force field, this kid actually rushed to the core of the demon force field without hesitation, even one step faster than me, and after solving the force field After the core of the field, I saw the retreating tactical team, and they chased up alone without saying hello. Fortunately, I didn't catch up, in case they really fought..."

Sister Lucky was a little surprised and hesitated, "What do you mean?"

After more than a month of getting along, they just let go of their vigilance against Wei Wei.

Although we all know that he has a special status, he also has a rather unique aesthetic style.

But the young man is sensible, sweet-mouthed, respectful of his seniors, and works diligently, so it's hard not to have a good impression of him.

In this mission, everyone also saw his ability, at least he didn't pull over, and he didn't lose the face of the training camp.

Of course, according to Uncle Gun, young people are not very good at living.

He was given three bullets, and he used two!

But considering that young people are taking part in the action for the first time, it may be a little nervous and unintentionally wasteful.



Captain Ouyang shook his head slowly and said, "I'm pretty sure that he hid his strength, and even his profile was specially edited, although he is usually a very nice guy, especially he knows how to respect me. team leader…"


"But whether it's his hobby or personality, I always feel that there is something terrifying hidden in his heart..."


Sister Lucky couldn't help but look dignified: "Then we..."

Captain Ouyang's face became serious, and he said solemnly, "We need to give him more care and love."


Sister Lucky was immediately stunned.

"It's fate to be assigned to our team. It's right to pay more attention to newcomers..."

Captain Ouyang waved his hand with a smile, and said, "However, we should be more careful."

"Don't let him know about things related to that thing."

"You can't arrange other things for him, young man. Once you have specific things, you won't be cranky."


Sister Lucky looked at Captain Ouyang speechlessly: "How can we have so many jobs here?"

"But we have endless streets..."

Captain Ouyang said, "I also arranged for him to patrol the streets..."

"But you can't let him be with Feifei, a radical, an unlucky person. Once there is a chemical reaction, it will be terrible."


Sister Lucky accepted Captain Ouyang's arrangement in a speechless manner. Before leaving, she suddenly said:

"But you need to tell me the truth, what do you think about the legacy of God?"


"If the legacy of the gods is really in the scrap iron city..."

Captain Ouyang was silent for a while, and said seriously: "I would rather it be taken away by the wandering sect immediately, so as not to cause trouble!"

God's legacy?

After waking up, Wei Wei was still thinking about this unusual problem.

It's really hard to associate an existence like God's Legacy with a small scrap iron city...

He didn't doubt the result of the human head pendant's analysis of the demon's command.

After all, before it became what it is now, it originally belonged to the high-level transcendents of the knowledge system.

Even the person who made this demonic command is not necessarily higher than the original personality of the No. 206 Brain of the Knower.

But Wei Wei was equally puzzled.

Devil taboos are some ordinary things, strange items born after being contaminated with the devil's breath.

Among them, the lowest-level demon taboos are mostly spiritual items.

Because it is contaminated with demonic breath, it can trigger some kind of vision and even pollute the spirit.

But this kind of demon forbidden item will gradually dissipate with the passage of time, and eventually become an ordinary thing.

The third-order demon taboos are generally born in the center of the demon's magnetic field and possess demon consciousness.

Even if the demon power is lost, it will automatically absorb the demon magnetic field to restore it.

Usually, such demonic taboos are used by some extraordinary people as weapons, accessories, etc.

These things can improve your strength.

But the downside is that such demonic taboo items will emit demonic radiation for a long time, affecting one's own consciousness.

It is said that wearing some things for a long time will make you more and more irritable, and some will make you more and more sensitive, and it is said that there are some more magical things. The man is getting better and better...

Higher than the third-order, it is the second-order demon taboo, and it is also the rank of the head pendant in Wei Wei's hand.

Such taboo items usually have their own will and have the concept of "self".

If you want to use its power, you need to pay the price and make them satisfied.

The first-order demon taboo is an item that is said to have been blessed by the "devil" himself.

They have authority, as well as their own will and goals, and they even have the ability to escape and choose their masters.

Such demonic taboo items are often locked in the safes of major forces.

Every time it is used, it is an amazing event.

Can't use it.

1st, 2nd and 3rd order demon taboos, UU reading www. is already known to the vast majority of extraordinary people in this world.

But Wei Wei once knew from the instructors that there are still higher-level demon taboos in this world.

However, at this level, it is no longer called a demon taboo.

Known as: Legacy of God.

Because of the name, these things are all things held by "Gods", and they are what they left in reality.

"It said that this legacy of the gods has a lot to do with me?"

While brushing his teeth, Wei Wei sat on a chair, holding a trash can in his arms, frowning and looking at the head pendant.

When this guy was in a daze, he suddenly woke him up from his sleep, and then he just shivered and said the legacy of God and the strong relationship between this thing and himself, and he was very Almost fell asleep again.

"Find it!"

"Be sure to find it!"

"Otherwise, when it finds you, it may be too late..."


This is what it shouted to Wei Wei before it fell asleep.

After speaking, he fell into a deep sleep, as if analyzing this demon designation consumed too much energy.

Or, are you dizzy?

In other words, this fellow felt fear, so he pretended to be asleep and didn't respond to himself.

Wei Wei thinks that he should think better, after all, he didn't respond when he lit his hair with a lighter, so he probably wasn't pretending to be asleep.

However, what should be found is still to be found.

How can such a dangerous thing be allowed to escape outside?

Of course, we need to find it out and hand it over to the Foundation for safekeeping!

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