Crimson Comes

Chapter 84: good time

"The Book of Origins..."

Although there are indeed a lot of things that make Wei Wei's heart move on the Demon Trading Field, there are also the bosses.

But he was still thinking about his mission, so he could only reluctantly give up his love, looking for a shop related to the demon of life, and wanted to buy the book of origin, probably only such a shop can be found. He walked slowly, but very quickly, he found a shop selling life injections, occupying a small door in the abandoned town, and it looked like there were some traces of time, and there were a few light blue injections placed in front.

Wei Wei approached, picked up one, looked at it, and put it back to make sure that the injection was genuine.

It's just, a particularly low-quality life demon injection.

The blood of the life demon can be purified and processed to make life injection, which can provide itself with a large amount of life energy in a short period of time. It has miraculous effects on people who are dying or who often take risks.

Even in the spiritual barrier, there are a large number of consortium personnel who have been purchasing similar injections at high prices for a long time.

It has already formed one of the largest gray industries recognized.

Of course, using this kind of injection is not really foolproof.

Except for the extraordinary who is the life demon system, other people will have certain risks and side effects when using the life demon injection. No matter how powerful the purification and processing is, when using it, there is a high probability of hearing the whispers of the life demon.

The more you use it, the easier it is to hear, and the easier it is to get out of control and degenerate.

Therefore, there are people who rely on life injections to save their lives, and it is impossible to live forever by relying on it.

Many old people in the consortium who tried to use life injections to prolong their lives again and again turned themselves into old monsters in the end.

It is said that the Xingtian Team, the highest combat power of the Foundation, has such a responsibility:

It specializes in clearing out the old guys in the consortium who are out of control because they are too greedy for life.

They especially like to do this job, according to the words of the instructor who once joined the Xingtian team: "This is a good job!"

"Rush into the homes of these consortiums and kill their elders."

"He still has to pay us a commission, thank us..."


Of course, those consortiums were not willing to accept such a result.

Many of the laboratories they support have been focusing on eliminating the side effects of life injections as a major research topic.

They all dreamed that they could live forever without worries.



Even the high-grade injections used by the consortium have unavoidable side effects. Naturally, those sold in this type of demon trading market are not good things. The original liquid of the life injection has been diluted no less than ten times, and a lot of it has been added. messy stuff.

Some of them don't even have the ability to make the original liquid of life.

They directly drew the blood of the life demon and poured it into glucose to count.

People who use this injection have to make a gamble between using it to save their lives or using it to kill themselves.

However, since the life injection is real, it means that it should be a little more reliable.

So Wei Wei stood in front of the stall for a while, and then he heard a person in the dark shadow say abruptly inside the shop:

"what do you want?"


Wei Wei glanced at the person in the shadow and said with a smile, "Is there a book of origins?"

"The Book of Origins, huh, who has that stuff?"

Surprisingly, the other party refused immediately, but suddenly said, "There is only a copy of the Book of Origins, do you want it?"


Wei Wei glanced at the store strangely: Does he think he is humorous?

Each system has its own "Bible", not only the content recorded in it, but even the book itself, which is the sacred object of this system with mysterious power. When talking about the book of origin, it usually refers to them. Refers to the body of the book.

However, he has come to this devil's trading field, and he still thinks that he can buy the real book of origin from this poor place?

Too lazy to say more, Wei Wei sighed and said, "Yes."

"How much?"


The other party said: "The few books we have here are not like other people's broken chapters and pages, and the prices are very fair."

"How many?"

"Five thousand copies."


Wei Wei was stunned for a moment and said, "Twenty."

The two sides were a little embarrassed all of a sudden, and no one took over for a long time.

Wei Wei narrowed his eyes: "Sell it or not?"


The other party suddenly spoke, and a printed book of origin was handed out.


Wei Wei suddenly felt that he had lost.

Considering the importance of the task, he took it over angrily, took out two ten-yuan bills and handed them over.

It's really expensive. It's only twenty if you buy a piece of information from Uncle Yuan and then have a meal.

Although he was somewhat dissatisfied in his heart, he didn't leave immediately, his eyes swept around the small shop.

He was quickly attracted by the small glass bottles hanging in a string in front of the shop.

These small glasses are only about the length of a thumb, and the bottle mouth is tied with twine.

In each small bottle, there is a cloud of black gas that is indistinct, constantly wandering, and sometimes sticking to the bottle wall.

Wei Wei's heart moved slightly: "What is this?"


The voice in the shop lowered and said, "The variant of the spiritual body after death is also the treasure of my shop here."

"If you want to buy one, it's 10,000 yuan each."

"And whether it dissipates or retaliates afterwards, our store will not be responsible for it..."


After a person dies, it will dissipate, and there will be no more consciousness and traces, just a corpse waiting to rot.

If it burns, there will be only ashes.

However, under some specific circumstances, some people can continue to exist in the state of ghosts for a period of time after death.

As far as Wei Wei knows, there are several anomalies: either in a country with strong demon power, after death, the soul will be owned by the demon, between existence and disappearance; or by some special power Protection does not dissipate after death.

The other one is that he has been infected by knowledge demons, and his spiritual power has been specially strengthened by infected people.

After these infected people die, they will turn into ghosts and wander in the sea of ​​knowledge.

And this special product produced after the mysterious big bang is also very popular among the circle of demon believers.

Many mysterious rituals or the creation of special weapons will use this special resource.

Because of this, this kind of thing has become a commodity to some extent.

Wei Wei is also very excited now.

His scarlet power was promoted, and he gained the ability to "touch the soul".

And now, it is time for me to need some suitable experiments to research and develop this ability.

These bottled ghosts are the best choice.

Wei Wei looked at it carefully, a little moved, and looked up at the store: "Ten yuan?"

The voice in the shop was silent for a while, and then there was the sound of bullets being loaded, saying, "Are you looking for trouble?"


It was a pleasant conversation just now...

Wei Wei pondered for a while and said, "How much can you sell?"

The other party seemed to sneer and said, "It costs 10,000 yuan each, and extra money is required for special cases."

Wei Wei immediately frowned, "Why is it so expensive?"

"Haha, brother, artificial cultivation is very troublesome..."

The people inside sneered: "Do you think it's still like before, catching them everywhere and stuffing them into glass bottles?"

"The quality of the capture is entirely up to God's will, and there is no guarantee."

"I choose one by one when I am alive, and then carefully select them. Each type of ghost has its own attributes, and in order to ensure that they have enough viciousness, do you know how many processes are required for torture and blows? kill?"

"You are only charged 10,000 yuan for such a good thing, do you think it's too much?"


"Artificial care?"

Wei Wei narrowed his eyes.

In his memory, even if there are some systems that need "ghosts" to improve their own systems, the only choice for ghosts is to go to some areas deeply polluted by demons to try their luck, or directly through merit and points, to the Foundation In exchange for I didn't expect that in a remote town like Scrap Iron City, it would be an eye-opener.

People, have already achieved mass production?

Sure enough, people are the wisest when faced with business activities...

A gentle smile appeared on his face: "Then, a little cleaner, are there any made with children?"

The people inside were silent for a while, then said with a low smile, "Brother knows what you can do, this is the most valuable one."

"But it was agreed in advance that it needs to be customized, and the price is very expensive..."


"It's ok."

Wei Wei smiled and walked straight into the store.

The dark figure in the store looked at Wei Wei warily, but the smile on Wei Wei's face allayed his concerns.

So Wei Wei entered with a smile, and the darkness of the unlit shop drowned him.

Suddenly there was a half-sounding exclamation in the darkness, but it disappeared immediately, and then there was a faint sound of someone struggling.

It's just that this movement only lasted for a few seconds, and it quickly returned to calm.

After a long time, a meandering blood trail slowly flowed out from the dark shadow of the shop.

Wei Wei took a towel and gently wiped the blood on his hand, then threw the towel back into the store.

He took his other money from the other party's pocket, but threw the twenty dollars he should have paid on his body.

He slowly picked up the bunch of bottled ghosts hanging at the door and left calmly.

I'm in a good mood, I bought the book of origin, and there are other gains.



The shop was silent, and the lively streets on both sides were still hawking various businesses, and no one noticed the changes here.

The years are still quiet.

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