Crimson Comes

Chapter 86: Scarlet Theocracy

"What the hell?"

Captain Ouyang looked at Wei Wei's somewhat uncertain face and was obviously a little confused.

But Wei Wei didn't have time to explain, he hurriedly picked up the remaining meat skewers, followed the impulse in his heart, and walked forward along this lively street of the devil's trading market. I don't know if he was hallucinating. The more I felt a clear raving sound.

The bloodshot in his eyes has been vaguely stimulated, making his vision appear bloody.

Inexplicably, pictures began to appear in my mind.

There was a scene in which he was walking on a street at midnight, and suddenly, he threw a lone woman down an alley.

There is also a picture of himself after observation, sneaking into a room in the middle of the night, and using a drug to easily subdue someone.

There are also young faces, looking at him crying in horror.



These are not done by themselves.

Wei Wei analyzed in his heart, after all, the techniques presented in this picture are too unprofessional.

Then, why does such a picture appear in your mind?

Why is the desire in my heart getting stronger and stronger, and even an uncontrollable excitement?

He suppressed the curiosity in his heart, but walked faster and faster.

Captain Ouyang was a little puzzled. He frowned and followed him. He was curious and uncertain.

But what he realized did not affect Wei Wei at this time.

I just regret, this time I should have brought a stabilization injection from the base...

After a few minutes, the two of them came to the end of the trading market and looked forward. There was only a half-collapsed building. In the dark ruins, nothing could be seen, but Wei Wei slowly stood in front of the building, deep inside. Take a deep breath:

"I found it, Captain..."



Beneath this collapsed building, there is a hidden space that is still passable.

A man wearing a hood and a mask, led by a few burly men, walked slowly into the garage.

What appeared in front of him was a truck full of bullet holes and dust. Behind the truck was a huge iron shelf, which was firmly locked, and inside the iron shelf, there were naked people. A woman with a shaggy head and a dull face, crowded together.

"that's it?"

The masked person swept over the group of women who seemed to have lost their minds, and their voices seemed a little dissatisfied.

"Hehe, what else do you want?"

A middle-aged man in a camouflage suit leaning on the front of the truck sneered: "This is already the best thing in the wilderness. Previously, the Seventh Religion did not allow this kind of business, so they could only take advantage of their absence now. We dare to come in."

"Brother, pay the money, you are lucky today."


"I want a pure, undefiled lamb."

A look of sullenness flashed in the eyes of the masked man: "Look at what you brought, what has been ruined?"

"Pure, undefiled lamb?"

The men who were waiting in the basement were stunned for a moment, and suddenly laughed at the same time: "Brother, are you talking in your sleep? You have gathered from the wilderness, and there are pure ones? If you really want to find pure ones, do you have to go to the city? Look inside, and even if you go to the city, it’s probably not easy to find it, don’t talk nonsense, you want the best goods, we have already brought the best goods over, pay!”


The man wearing the mask couldn't help but breathe a little heavier.

What the **** are you talking about?

If you can find it in the city, why do you need to go outside to buy it?

The choice of lambs for sacrifice suddenly became urgent, and the demand for quality has also increased a lot.

He knew what the reason was.

The newspapers and TV in the scrap iron city are covering the sky and covering the sky.

Those **** pictures were scribbled and posted directly in the newspaper...

... crazy, crazy.

What kind of guy actually destroyed the sacrifice site and killed all the people there overnight.

He even made that life sacrifice into a piece of "artwork" and placed it in the sacrifice site openly and aboveboard?

Others may just be gossiping.

But he, as one of the peripheral members of Scarlet Rose, knew very well what message the other party was conveying through this...

Someone is watching us.

He was ruthless, even cruel, even crazy!

He originally thought that his work was secretive enough and his safety was guaranteed enough. When he saw the report, he really started to panic. In the scrap iron city, he was hiding from a ferocious devil, so how could he be at ease? Looking in town?

It's a pity that the sacrifice was so tight.

As for myself, there are only three left to complete the final task.

But these three are lambs that have very strict requirements above and must meet the condition of "purity".

I didn't expect myself to see how much good things could be brought to me from these wilderness. I just hope that from the "goods" brought by the other party, it is enough to select three lambs that meet my expectations. But now, let's see, It's hard to pick these three...

But, safety comes first.

Thinking of the artwork named "Rite of the Lamb" by the newspaper, he couldn't help his heart beating wildly.

I have already completed the task immediately, so don't make extra troubles.

Let's reluctantly choose from here...

With this idea in mind, he got next to the truck. Although he only wanted three, considering that these people in the wilderness are not very particular, he deliberately ordered ten, just to give himself more choices. Chance to get good stuff.

But when his eyes swept over, he couldn't help but feel a little sinking in his heart.

What a waste of all this, these lunatics in the wilderness never treat people as people.

Even if it is within the mental barrier, just grabbing a few in the red light district may be much better than these...

At least those people still have a look in their eyes when they see the banknotes...

What might be the case? Only by looking here can we avoid the demon lurking in the city, right?

He took a deep breath, and with patience, he picked it up a little bit.

The people around him sneered and let him choose, but they didn't realize that their complexion was becoming more and more blue, like a dead person, and even blood was flowing from the eyes and nostrils, but, I don't feel it at all.

The person who chose the "lamb" had a faint smile on his face.

This time, steady.



"What did you find?"

Outside the building, Captain Ouyang looked at Wei Wei's faintly happy expression, and actually felt a little scared.

"I found a living port that can confirm the existence of other ritual sites..."

Wei Wei turned to look at Captain Ouyang, and replied with a smile, "I did hear his heartbeat."

Captain Ouyang's eyes were even puzzled: "Hear?"


Wei Wei answered with some surprises, "I really heard it."

"It's right next to my ear, thumping and thumping, very clear..."

"Perhaps, it's because he has fear of me in his heart, but he's doing things I don't want them to do, so..."

He smiled and pointed to his ears: "I just heard them."

Everything became clear.

The closer the scarlet power was to him, the more active he became. Now, just by looking at him from a distance, he could see the fear in this person's heart, and even vaguely sense the thoughts in his heart, feeling the feeling of whim. Causes……

It turns out that this is the true value of art.

Before, Captain Ouyang agreed to release those reports, just to deter those who existed in the dark, and at the same time put a little pressure on those above, but Wei Wei has always had some desire in his heart. He was in the process of being promoted to Scarlet Mentor. , I made that "art", and I always felt in my heart that this work of art seems to be more than just that.

Until this moment, his guess was confirmed.

The role of art is to make people who harbor sins fear fear through display.

But if there is only fear, it is not enough to trigger the ability of the third stage of scarlet, but if people with fear still have this kind of psychology, they continue to do things that will attract fear, will trigger its own induction.

At this time, it is up to him, with his own hands, to bring him real fear.



Knowing what he felt on a whim, Wei Wei's mood almost became a little excited.

With such a close distance, he can clearly feel the fear in the other party's heart and the worry in the other party's heart.

It is the kind of uneasy mentality that knows that skipping classes may be caught by the school director, and he has just caught a group of people a few days ago, but they have to run over and skip classes in fear. It's as clear as looking at your own palm lines.

"Captain, wait a moment."

Wei Wei suddenly turned his head and smiled at Captain Ouyang: "I'll go help you catch the person back."



"The power of scarlet, so good..."

At this moment, when Wei Wei walked into the ruins, he sincerely admired it.

But Captain Ouyang behind him changed abruptly. Although Wei Wei only explained a few words casually, he still understood the logic. projection to capture the other side's orientation?"

"It's not like the category of ability..."

"Like a higher totem or an evil spirit creature's response to the call of believers!"

"Like... theocracy!"

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