Crimson Servant

Chapter 42 Withering Period




The suppressed prayers were repeated, and the four cultists formed a circle, wearing red robes, hiding their bodies in the darkness under the red color.

There are sacrifices in the center of the cultists. They may be their companions, or they may be unrelated. There is no way to judge. Because he was treated like an animal and died in humiliation without any body parts, his limbs were full of knife wounds, his chest and abdomen had been ripped open, like a water bag with holes, and the blood inside had now become a dim ritual formation on the ground. A plant stem was pulled by mistake and penetrated deep into his body.

The closed palms were blood red, and whimpering came from under the hood, mixed with evil whispers, forming the darkest blasphemy. Their voices turned from deep to shrill, and they were like abandoned babies in their madness. They were confused, sad, and painful. The dark energy was trapped in the blood-drawn ritual and could not escape.

Only unintentional madness will respond to them. The cultists turn from sadness to joy and tears to laughter in the red light of growth. Another vibration of the arcane sun appeared, an ominous red color climbing up the branch from the unfortunate cavity.

Pollution, corruption. Anyone can see clearly what the crimson power intends. It crawls up along the wrong branches, and its dark claws reach into the depths of the buds.

The young man wearing a flower crown and an animal skin suit looked with disdain at the cultists who were mumbling something. There was unbearability in his eyes, but his shallow emotions were not able to drive him to action. The druid turned around, his palms pressed against the vines, and his lowered head pressed against the wall. Where nature cannot be seen, madness grows.

Chuck seeks inner peace, but getting along with these madmen makes his spirit gradually irritable. Chuck thought he was almost getting used to the numbness, when a new sound appeared in his ears.

It was a loud noise.

A black shadow fell from the sky, and a burly man rushed towards him. A fatal sense of crisis surged through his nerves. Chuck hurriedly rolled sideways to avoid the attack of the tall armored human. He recalled the black bears that his master had brought him to encounter in the past. The humans in front of him were exactly the same as the violent beasts.

【Demon Fire】

The blue-purple flame burned on the enemy, but the effect was not good. The sudden burning only stunned him for two seconds, and then he rushed forward menacingly, making a fist with his right hand. It was terrible. The air wave rolled up by that punch seemed to be able to blow Cha K's chest was shot through.

A fucking paladin! The goblin flames illuminated the enemy's appearance, and Chuck judged the enemy's profession based on the armor, and his beating heart continued to pump blood.

How can a paladin look like a barbarian and swing his fists like a monk?

will die! If you don't hide, you will die! Chuck's body jumped like a monkey, dodging back and forth in a hurry. Fortunately, this paladin only had brute strength, and the armor on his body greatly slowed down his speed, giving Chuck time to dodge.

Once again dodging a murderous straight punch, Chuck somersaulted backwards and stepped onto the wall, picking off a branch. The living plant quickly condensed into a handful of wooden thorns in Chuck's hands. With the force of his feet, the druid's body fell under gravity and rushed towards the paladin.

The palm of his hand touched the wooden thorn, and the tip of the improvised weapon emitted a venomous green light. Like an eagle with spread wings, Chuck faced the paladin's punch and swooped down.

Narrowly dodging the fist with strong wind, Chuck looked over the paladin's blond head, his eyes focused. It's now! The poisoned wooden thorn stabbed forward, aiming at the gap in the armor on the back of the Paladin's neck.

Click! The fragile weapon broke immediately. Chuck fell to the ground and rolled around before getting up again, looking at the paladin as if he had seen a ghost.

Chuck swore that he definitely attacked the weak spot on the back of his neck. As a result, the wooden spur was pinched off by his armor, and the edge of the armor moved forward by one centimeter. Was that some kind of anti-backstab mechanism?

Druid immediately realized that he had encountered a tough problem. This guy seemed to have flaws, but in fact, he couldn't solve it alone.


The druid glanced at the ceremony. Four cultists had fallen. They had arrows stuck in their bodies, killing them with one arrow. There was also a terrifying archer hidden inside.

Chuck applied a layer of bark magic to himself, faced the paladin who had stood back up in front of him, and slowly moved back.

Carl Demiras shouted.

"Capture without mercy! Your father is in our hands!"

Chuck was stunned for a moment, then quickly regained his focus and concluded that this was the Paladin's distraction. However, the opponent did not continue to pounce on him. Maybe they could communicate and delay time. He opened his mouth, took a few deep breaths, and calmed his rapid heartbeat.

"What did you say?"

"Capture without mercy! Your father is in our hands!"

"I was adopted."

Karl's momentum froze, and his eyes turned to a certain direction above his head.

"I mean, your master, once a teacher, always a father!"

Chuck retorted excitedly: "Impossible! My master will never be caught by you!"

It was only then that Karl realized his slip of the tongue. Such a mistake occurred in front of his companions. Karl had the urge to bury his head and kneel down, but he stopped! The dignity in front of his companions has been lost, but the dignity in front of this new druid can still be fought for.

Karl showed what he thought was a kind smile. His mother once praised his smile as the most innocent and natural, and it would definitely win the favor of strangers.

"No, you misunderstood me. I mean, your master is traveling with us, and we are companions bound by common moral principles. I advise you to turn around and don't make any mistakes again!"

Chuck narrowed his eyes, the hostility in his eyes reaching the extreme.

"No! Even if I am following my master's will, my master will not associate with bugbears!"

Carl was hit hard by Chuck's hostility. As the son of a nobleman, the Paladin was a man born with an aura. With the praise of his training instructor, the recognition of his esteemed bishop, the love of his mother and the respect of his subjects, Carl Demiras once thought that he was a genius who could achieve instant success.

Even though he was repeatedly frustrated in this adventure, he still believed that his affinity was the best among his companions. An old dwarf and an arakkoa, there can't be anyone who likes the evil warlock!

"Karl..." Jurgen walked out of the darkness. His appearance gave the Paladin hope. He pointed at the dwarf and grabbed the last straw.

"Look, what I said is right! Your master is here! Although he has lost his beard now and his skin is a little pale, you can definitely recognize him! You are a close master and disciple!"

The dwarf looked at the paladin's excited words and obviously paused.

Druid Chuck looked at Druid Jurgen, full of strangeness and wariness.

"So, did you bring this idiot? Jurgen Mercer, did you find yourself a new son?"

An old voice came from the other side of the huge bud.

There is a crown of antlers on the head, and the pale hair is tied into braids, hanging down from the sides to the chest. The face is densely wrinkled, but the beauty of youth can be vaguely seen. The body is as skinny as a stick, with a broad frame like an open clothes hanger. The old man had a smile on his face, but his eyes were as cold as a hunting hawk.

He held a long oak staff with a strange stone inlaid on the top, as red as blood.

Four slender tree spirits stood behind the old man. These tree spirits had bodies shaped like branches, long sharp claws, and cores entangled with flies. Only two eyes and part of the body had dark red crystals, which appeared asymmetrical from left to right.

Chuck quickly ran behind the old man and bowed humbly outside the tree spirit.

Jurgen, the dwarf's sight has been focused on the old man. His eyes transcend the constraints of time and distinguish the familiar face from the old man.

"Saeman, my boy. No, Karl, my friend, a very, very young friend."

Saiman laughed. His lungs were like broken bellows squeezing air from his body, making an unpleasant sound.

"Long time no see, Jurgen. Well, that may not be too long for you."

"No, Saiman, this is long enough for me. Come home with me, my child, just like in the past."

Saiman laughed louder, his voice became even more ugly as he laughed forward and backward.

"Look at you now, Jurgen. These plants have caused you some trouble. I've never seen you without a beard."

"If you like this, I will trim it shorter."

Saiman shook his hand.

"Forget it, I'm used to that grumpy old dwarf with a long beard."

"Think of this as a brief interlude, I'll keep it in mind."

"After your death, Father."

The dryad rushed towards his enemy.

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