Crisis Management Game

Chapter 698: Escape from Life and Death (asking for monthly votes)

Gu Ji naturally heard the scream, and his expression suddenly changed.

Look at the expressions of the two soldiers from SEAL Team 6.

The answer is obvious.

It’s the sound of jets of gas from a fighter jet’s turbofan engine!

"Boom buzz——!"

"There's an explosion ahead! Found!"

Just as Gao Bo turned the corner and cut into the sewage pipe that finally led to the exit, he suddenly spotted a figure shaking in the bright firelight in the distance and immediately pulled the trigger.

Bullets crackled on the alloy shield.

Makes a crisp sound.

"Be careful, this shield is equipped with a blinding flash!" B4, the captain of SEAL Team 6, shouted hurriedly from behind.

It seems that they must have suffered greatly.

Little did they know that Gu and Ji had personally experienced this kind of special equipment on the battlefield in Iran.

"Hook directly to the left! I'll make up for it! Machine gun suppression!"

At the command, Gao Bo squatted down to "sweep the floor."

Gu Ji stood tall and fired two precise shots, shattering the strobe light.

It's Yassen's turn for the Mk48.

The super strong fire suppression instantly knocked the shield-wielding soldier to the ground, and was immediately killed by Gu Ji with two shots.

"Kill! Press forward! Control the machine gun from behind! Quick!"


Gao Bo responded, pressed against the wall, and moved forward quickly.

But before he could reach the pipe exit.

Then I saw a round object thrown in from the outside, and it exploded instantly, forming a wall of foam, completely blocking the exit!

"Damn it! They blocked the exit!"

"Gao Bo, check the body! See if there are any explosives and grenades, hurry!"

Gu Ji finished his sentence and went straight to the entrance of the pipe.

Skipping the foam solidified wall blocking the hole, he touched the black board stuck on the wall around the pipe, "No, this place was blocked in the first place!"


The explosion just now was caused by Cohen.

They must have just escaped here and found that the exit was blocked by this black panel, so they used blasting methods.

That was the explosion that Gao Bo just heard and the fire that he saw.

"God! This is impossible!"

D1, another soldier from SEAL Team 6, touched the door in horror, "There was no blackboard like this when we came in!"

Gu Ji turned on his flashlight and shined it.

It was found that the surface of the plate actually showed a texture similar to carbon fiber material.

Without saying a word, he raised the muzzle of his gun and fired two rounds.

It only left two shallow marks of a few millimeters, which was even more abnormal than a foam grenade.

The material hardness is as hard as bulletproof steel plate!

Seeing this scene, Gu Jicai finally understood.

The dazzling fire that accompanied the explosion just now should be the hot aluminum bomb that Jiang Youzhen previously described breaking into her father's specially made bulletproof car!

Instant blasting is achieved through ultra-high temperature explosive cutting.

"There are no bombs, not even grenades! He only has a radio..."

"Radio station? Quick, give it to me!"

Hearing Gao Bo's words, B4, the captain of SEAL Team 6, seemed to have found hope. He hurriedly grabbed the radio station and quickly debugged the channel.

Accompanied by the "sizzling" white noise.

The screams across the wall became louder and louder, as if they were hovering above them!

Gu Ji knew in his heart that time was running out.

He quickly looked back at the others, especially Yassen and Barron, "Quick! If any of you still have explosives in your hands, blast them immediately. The US military fighter planes are already here. If we don't escape, we will all die!!"

For a moment.

Yassen turned to look at Barron.

There was a flash of struggle between the boy's brows, but he finally took off his backpack and took out a metal hammer from it.


"Test! Test! Is this the command center?"

"B4? Oh God, communication has finally been restored. Wait! Have you safely evacuated the Longshan military blockade now?"

"Sir, no, we are still trapped in the underground base. The secret passage leading to the sewage is blocked. We are now thinking of a way..."

"Damn it!"

At the Command Center of the Special Operations Division of the U.S. Army in Korea, Staff Colonel Dres suddenly squeezed the phone and cursed, "Get General Smith right away, hurry up!!"

"The report generally states that we have arrived in the airspace above Longshan and are locking the target according to precise coordinates. The target has been marked with a laser and firepower is being deployed..."

Above Yongsan Mountain in Seoul.

Two F15 fighter jets fly side by side.

As soon as the main pilot on the right finished speaking, the fighter plane on the left slowly took off, flying as a companion to warn the surroundings.

At this time, the pilot's right thumb was already hovering over the red fire control button.

It can be seen that a gray-green BLU-118B metal-enhanced charge thermobaric missile is mounted under the fuselage.

The moment he was about to press launch.

"Emergency communication! Emergency communication! SU-30, SU-31, operation code name 'Doctor', mission cancelled, repeat! Mission cancelled, please return to base immediately!"

"SU-30 received! Damn it, I almost pressed the launch button just now..."

"Looks like tonight's trip will be in vain again, Jinas!"


At the moment when the two fighter planes lifted off and returned home.

Ground, sewerage near Longshan Park.

There was a violent explosion.

The right side of the river suddenly collapsed.

Under the smoke, the muzzle of a dark gun poked out.

"Safety on the left!"

"The right side is fine..."

After eliminating the danger factors outside, Gao Bo stepped into the smelly sewage river and let the dirty black water flow over his combat boots. "Finally out! Gu Ji, he is really a fighter!"

He looked up at the two fighter jets receding in the south direction and exclaimed.

Gu Ji naturally noticed it too.

Even through the optical sight, it was determined that it was an F-15 fighter jet.

Although due to military intelligence sensitivity, the two SEAL Team 6 special operations did not disclose the mission plan of the fighter jets.

But the F-15 is a heavy fighter.

If it can be used, it must be to mount heavy missiles, otherwise the more flexible F-16 can be used.

Because the mission was performed in the center of Seoul, the operational impact was taken into consideration.

There is a high probability of dropping a heavy-duty ground-penetrating thermobaric bomb.

This missile can instantly destroy all targets in fortified buildings and even military bunkers.

Once detonated underground, oxygen will be rapidly consumed.

The high pressure and shock wave caused by the explosion swept through the cave, completely killing everyone underground and damaging key equipment and electronic facilities, while not causing any damage to surface buildings.

It can be called a weapon of massacre!

"Captain Gu, let's get out of here first, the time bomb is about to explode..."

Liu Hailong came over at this time.

While speaking to remind him to stay away from the hole, he gestured with his eyes to Bai Zhenghao and SEAL Team 6 who were communicating next to him.


In this operation, although Cha Zaixian was found, the important target Cohen was missed, especially the "specimen" in his hands.

As the implementer of the plan, the United States will never allow intelligence to leak out.

Then it is very likely that a new round of conflict will arise.

Gu Ji naturally understood this.

In the underground cordoned off area.

Whether it is Baek Jung-ho of the National Intelligence Agency, the US Navy SEAL Team 6, or even Barron and Yassen of Unit 7472.

They can work together when facing the common enemy Cohen.

But now, the mission is over.

Then of course they have to prioritize their own interests.

In fact, some clues about this can be seen from everyone's current position and body movements.

Barron was the most nervous of all the people.

Just because he exposed the [Super Explosive Hammer] twice during the entire operation.

So he was afraid that these guys would do something to him.

So he secretly pulled Yasen to the side and whispered: "We will retreat immediately while there is an explosion!"

Yasen didn't speak, just nodded.

Everyone crawled along the bank of the sewage river to the wilderness in the south.

This is the undeveloped land at the Longshan base. Gao Bo and Liu Hailong were helping Hua Yingpeng tow Cha Zaixian.


Suddenly, a violent explosion was faintly heard underground.

Even the dead trees on the wasteland were rustling.

Gao Bo stumbled and almost fell. From the corner of his eye, he happened to see Amata, the American soldier next to SEAL Team 6, suddenly raise his gun.

"Be careful! There is..."

"Bang! Bang!"

In an instant.

Gunfire rang out.

Armata held an M4 rifle, staring at the Glock 18 in Gu Ji's hand. Finally, his eyes blurred, and the blood on his neck sprayed out like a fountain.

That's right.

The person who shot was Gu Ji.

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

Because it’s too fast!

Things changed so suddenly, but in an instant, several special operations personnel from SEAL Team 6 reacted quickly and immediately aimed their guns at Gu Ji.

at the same time.

Gao Bo and Liu Hailong also directly raised their rifles and pointed towards the opposite side.

"What are you doing!!"

"Put down the gun immediately!"

"Damn! You let go first, or I'll shoot!"

For a time, the two sides were at war with each other.

Several people came and went, speaking faster and faster.

The roars are getting louder and louder than the last!

Everyone had just escaped from the hell gate, and everyone's eyes were full of murderous intent, as if the world in front of them was blood-red.

That's when the tension reached its limit.


Bai Zhenghao, who was lying on the grass, suddenly shouted: "No, two people ran away!"

Several people looked away distractedly.

Discovering that it was Barron and Yassen, they actually took advantage of the confrontation between the two sides to turn around and evacuate down the slope of the wasteland.

Gu knew a long time ago that the two of them would run away.

Because everyone present basically has an official status, whether it is the South Korean National Intelligence Agency or the US military special operations, even they are backed by the Xia State Embassy.

Only Barron and Yassen could not explain it.

At first, Liu Hailong and others thought they were American intelligence agents.

But after contacting SEAL Team 6, this was denied.

If you continue to stay at the scene, it will only become more and more dangerous!

"Those two are with these Xia people!"

"What are you talking about? I don't know them at all! I even said they are American spies!"

Faced with Bai Zhenghao's questioning.

Liu Hailong immediately retorted loudly.

"Don't shoot yet!"

"team leader."

At the other end of the grassy slope, the B4 of SEAL Team 6 gently pressed down the muzzle of D1.

As the tactical captain of the top T1.

Of course he could come out. Gu Ji didn't have any obvious hostility towards them.

Otherwise, with the blow just now, you can completely deal with the soldiers and then use rapid fire to suppress them, so as to create more shooting opportunities for your companions.

The most important thing is.

From the corner of his eye, he vaguely saw what seemed to be the muzzle of the soldier's gun that was raised first.

"Captain Gu, I believe you are not hostile to us, but can you explain why you shot at our soldiers!"

"B4, do you really think he is your soldier?"

As soon as these words came out.

It immediately shocked everyone present.

Even Liu Hailong and Gao Bo were confused by him and couldn't figure out what this guy wanted to do.

"Where do you base your judgment?"

"It's very simple. From the moment we discovered this guy in the underground office, I have always had doubts about his identity, until the first wave of us entered the tunnel and encountered the suppression of the enemy's automatic grenade device;

This guy was not surprised at all, whether it was the automatic device or the foam grenade, which showed that subconsciously, he was already accustomed to these advanced equipment;

The second time that really made me conclude that there was something wrong with his identity was when you called me for help. At that time, when he saw your wounded, he did not take the initiative to help. Instead, he passively carried out the call after I called his name. This is consistent with the situation. The concept of an American soldier? "

Gu Ji spoke every word with an extremely calm tone.

It seems that he has already made up his mind.


After he said this, everyone gradually came to their senses.

Especially the second point.

Gao Bo saw with his own eyes that an intelligence officer like Bai Zhenghao, who had seen a lot of the world, would be surprised when he came into contact with those magical equipment, let alone an ordinary American soldier on duty?

Have a skeptical attitude.

D1 stepped forward and inspected the soldier's body.

Sure enough, a white plastic ID tag was found inside the lining of the clothes. Although the name was the same, the photos were completely different!

"Who is this guy and why is he pretending to be a soldier and hanging around us..."

D1 muttered something subconsciously.

Gu Ji turned to look at the mouth of the pipe they had just escaped from the underground base, and narrowed his eyes, "I think it must be related to the person who blocked the secret passage exit!"

From the second wave of pursuit of Cohen, when he encountered the two bodies of SEAL Team 6, he began to feel strange.

At that time, Barron carefully discovered the drag marks on the ground.

This proves that the two men were moved after death.

Cohen was in a hurry to evacuate with the specimens, and he would definitely not do such a thing idlely.

Then it is unlikely that the PM will kill the person.

And the US F-15 fighter jet just appeared in the sky above the base.

Exactly explained.

The 707 White Tiger Unit that Bai Zhenghao had previously arranged to evacuate, as well as their wounded embassy attaché Zhang Yong, failed to bring the news out of the blockade area.

There is a high probability that he was also killed.

Combined with the sealed secret passage.

It means that there is a force or someone behind the scenes who wants to use the hands of US military fighter planes to kill them all in one go.

At first.

Gu Ji originally thought he was a participant in the "Southern Star Project" and didn't want anyone to leak the information, so he sent someone to silence him.

But the American soldier's gun just now was aimed at him.

This person's reaction to black technology equipment and the new bulletproof materials that block pipelines...

There are various signs.

The people behind the scenes are like... Riddle! !

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