Crisis Management Game

Chapter 76 [Corpse Cruise] Level Summary

1. The scene of this level is inspired by "Princess Cruise". If you are interested, you can search it by yourself. The incident is also very serious. A public health incident in a semi-closed and isolated environment is indeed terrifying and desperate.

2. The purpose of writing this level is actually to round up the spread of copies of the orangutan virus when I was writing about hunting. The narrative shots were borrowed from "Blood Epidemic", "Contagion", "Extraordinary Declaration", etc., but film and television works can use close-up slow-motion The camera and background music express the urgency of the infection through sneezing, touching handrails, etc. It is still difficult for me to write in words, so I can only use visual descriptions as much as possible, and I still need to strengthen my writing skills.

3. In terms of rhythm, I followed the level plot around Chapter 25 and the real-life plot around Chapter 10. I expected the outbreak point of the disease to appear in Chapter 4, but it was delayed a bit, resulting in no explosive point in the early stage; there was a live broadcast in reality Many people say that the plot is very abrupt, including that the anchor hates it. Could it be that it was written randomly without an outline? This book has a detailed outline, and it is also the first book I have written out a complete outline. There will be more plots for this live broadcast later. As I told you, I will definitely not promote negative energy. The answer was written on the introduction before, but it has been deleted now.

4. Sensitivity. This is what I discovered today. Some chapters have been deleted in terms of word count. Chapter 73 has been deleted the most. If you haven’t seen it, just click on the chapter again or click on re-download. Some are even foreshadowing of the subsequent plot (that is I left it here on purpose, (crying). I tried my best to make it up. I don’t know what else was deleted. Next time if you find something that doesn’t flow smoothly, it may be deleted text. Please remind me and I will correct it immediately. Tutu also makes a promise here: the full text of this book is positive, promotes truth, goodness and beauty, and promotes the righteous deeds of the police!

5. The update is still a bit slow. I know that I am guilty. It is mainly because writing hard-core articles is still a bit difficult. I need to find out and fill in the gaps, so some details have been ignored. Please bear with me. I also welcome understanding brother to give me more expertise. Regarding sexual opinions, I am currently trying to save the manuscript and hold it back to post it. There should be no less than 10 updates.

I hope everyone can continue to support;


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