On Monday, Tao An came to the training camp again. Huang Hongbo still picked him up, taking a closed plane. To this day, Tao An still doesn't know where the training camp is.

It was almost time, and they came to the indoor training ground, which was as big as a basketball court.

Fifty students had already stood in a straddle position and were waiting there.

When he came here, Tao An curiously asked Huang Hongbo, who was hesitant to speak but had an excited expression on his face: "Brother Huang, what happened to you? Is your wife going to have a second child?"

After getting along last week, the two of them had become very familiar with each other. Huang Hongbo twitched his lips when he heard this and corrected him: "Coach Tao, you can just call me Xiao Huang or Assistant Huang. Although it doesn't matter, we still pay attention to this place. Questions about salutation”

That's how he is. He's very strict most of the time, and Tao An doesn't find it strange.

Then he couldn't help but said: "As for the good things, there are indeed them. It's not that my wife has given birth to a second child, but I don't have a girlfriend yet."

"What is that?" Tao An asked.

Looking at the fifty students, Huang Hongbo said excitedly: "Coach Tao, the physical training you teach is really amazing. After last week's practice, their overall physical fitness increased by an average of one-twentieth. , it’s only been a week. It seems that each person’s improvement is of little significance, but what about adding them all up? The overall improvement is of great significance!”

Hearing what he said, Tao An frowned.

Seeing this, Huang Hongbo asked in slight shock: "Coach Tao, is there something wrong? Or is it that this improvement did not meet your expectations? They have worked very hard."

Shaking his head, Tao An muttered: "The reason why I frown is not because they tried hard or not, nor because they did not meet my psychological expectations, but because your previous tests were of little significance."


Looking at the fifty students, Tao An explained to him and everyone: "The reason why I say it is of little significance is that although the comprehensive test has indeed improved, those who can't be counted first practiced physical skills last week. As a beginner, you are still in the learning stage, and your body is adapting to physical training. To say how much improvement is unrealistic, I estimate that the so-called test improvement is mainly due to psychological effects!"

"The beginner stage is actually just a stage of stretching the muscles and bones. How much comprehensive physical fitness can be improved is purely nonsense. It's good if they don't tire themselves out. After all, the muscles and bones are still familiar with physical training, and I haven't taught them how to maintain it. No matter how much physical training brings about physical training, it is normal for physical fitness to decline even when you are physically and mentally exhausted after practicing."

"Don't underestimate the psychological effect. They believe in their hearts that they have learned physical training to improve their physical fitness. During the test, they will perform abnormally under such psychological effects. This is actually an illusion, and their own will deceives the body, so I say Previous tests were of little significance”

Hearing what Tao An said, Huang Hongbo was a little dumbfounded. The fifty students thought they had heard wrong. After all, their previous physical fitness tests were real.

"In other words, the fact is that after a week, their physical fitness has not improved, but has even declined after practicing diligently?" Huang Hongbo asked hesitantly, but he actually believed Tao An, after all, he was the one who practiced physical skills. expert.

Nodding, Tao An said seriously: "Yes, practicing diligently will only lead to physical and mental exhaustion and a decrease in physical fitness. After all, it has only been a week. But having said that, if they have had a good rest, their physical fitness will have improved, but there is absolutely no The test is so good, which means there are but not many, but..."

At this point, Tao An paused and said in a deep voice: "However, diligence is certainly a good thing, but have you forgotten what I told you? Although practicing physical skills can greatly improve physical fitness, the time spent practicing every day should not be exceeded. For long-term training, especially for beginners, two to three hours in the morning and evening is enough. When I am not around, your practice time must be more than that every day, right? Excess is never enough."

"We have indeed been negligent in this regard. They practice for more than ten hours every day. They will definitely make corrections in the future," Huang Hongbo said seriously and took notes.

There is nothing to shirk such a thing, it should be what it is, because there is no point in shirk. Tao An is the coach, and it is absolutely right to listen to him.

Nodding, Tao An said: "Just pay more attention to this aspect in the future. I won't say anything more. We just passed the easy break. Don't blame me for not reminding you when the time comes."

After the matter was revealed, Tao An clapped his hands in front of the fifty students and said: "Everyone, we meet again. A new week is also a new beginning. I hope we can get along happily in the next few days. "

"Hello, coach," fifty students greeted in unison, leaving no relaxed atmosphere at all.

Tao An was used to it and was not surprised at all, and said: "Although it is the beginning of a new week, Youdao is to review the past and learn the new. Let me see your results last week, so that I can adjust the content of the next teaching and training accordingly. Everyone, please practice the physical skills again and let me see how you are doing."


The fifty people answered in unison, and immediately adjusted their formations and began to practice their physical skills without any ambiguity.

But as soon as they started, Tao An frowned and said in a deep voice: "Stop!"

Everyone stopped and felt uneasy. Huang Hongbo looked at Tao An in surprise, thinking, is there something wrong? They practiced very well, or did something go wrong?

As an assistant, Huang Hongbo is ready to record at any time.

Tao An looked at the fifty students, but shook his head and sneered: "I asked you to practice physical skills, and you do exercises for me? What do you think it is? What do you think physical skills are? What do you think this is?"

People were still a little confused after hearing this, but Tao An was thinking of himself: "Are you doing formalism for me? Are you performing in front of me? Remember, this is not a stage!"

"What I want to see is the result of your practice, rather than asking you to perform for me in a neat and uniform manner, and shout out numbers. Who taught you?"

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this, and at the same time their hearts skipped a beat. This is where the relationship problem lies!

Indeed, they had practiced physical skills before, striving to make everyone's movements uniform, intending to present the best side to coach Tao An, and this was exactly the side Tao An did not want to see!

Raising his voice, Tao An said in a deep voice: "Start again, let me see your truest side, just pretend that the people around you don't exist, you are practicing alone, and show the best of your body and body." The level is shown, this is not a review just to look good, I am not blind, there are only fifty of you, I can see what kind of situation everyone is in, let’s start!”

After he gave the order again, the fifty people started again after a brief adjustment. Now they no longer shouted slogans, and they no longer took care of others for the sake of neat movements. They all practiced their physical skills seriously alone, and put themselves to the best of their ability. The best state of mastery is displayed.

In this way, the movements will be uneven, but this is the picture Tao An wants to see.

Scanning the fifty people, Tao An showed no expression on his face, but he was nodding secretly in his heart, and even their performance had exceeded his psychological expectations.

Just one week has passed. Under the involution of these people, not only have everyone memorized the movements and movements of physical training, but they can also perform them completely. Some people's movements are even moving towards the standard!

Although everyone's progress is different, it has only been a week, and a few moves have become standard. You must know that it took Tao An at least a month to reach this point, and he suffered a lot during that time. Although there are a few of them who are still in the stage of familiarizing themselves with the movements and occasionally stumble, overall, their progress is visible to the naked eye.

There is no harm without comparison. Comparing their progress, Tao An felt a little ashamed of himself. Of course, it was true that these people had basic conditions that I could not do before.

After they practiced the physical skills one after another, Tao An nodded and said indifferently: "It's okay. Overall, it's a little worse than I expected. Just pass the test and I won't care about you."

You can't praise them anyway, you have to put some pressure on them anyway.

Then he added: "You have learned the moves and breathing rhythms of physical training, and you can still practice alone. The next step is up to you. How much you can improve with this depends on your personal diligence. To put it bluntly, We are not children anymore, and I am not your father and mother. I cannot watch you all the time and encourage you. Gains and losses are up to you. It is up to you to decide your future achievements. However, I have to remind you again that too much is never enough. You should take two to three meals at most every morning and evening. Practice for an hour, and then those who are progressing quickly will help those who are progressing slowly, and remind and correct them. In terms of practicing physical skills at any time, what are your individual achievements? But I also know other aspects. Many times you are a unit."


Fifty students stood in a standard military posture and said in unison.

Nodding, Tao An looked at his watch and said: "Every day is very tight. The moves and movements of practicing physical skills are up to you. I will check it from time to time. Then we will move on to the next item. You have already Once you learn how to practice, you have to keep up with the cultivation of the method, which are two different pile skills."

"Zhuang Kung Fu is divided into standing posture and lying posture. They are not only supporting secret techniques for practicing physical skills, but you can use them in many cases."

"The first is Zhanzhuang. You can use it every time you go through strenuous exercise, including but not limited to physical exercises. It can quickly restore your physical energy, soothe your muscles and bones, and the most important thing is to stay in your body. The most intuitive manifestation is that when you perform Zhanzhuang after strenuous exercise, you will feel comfortable all over and will not even sweat after exercising. As we all know, sweating after strenuous exercise It is a normal phenomenon, but it will take away a lot of heat and energy from the human body. Without sweating, the heat and energy will be locked in the body and act on the muscles, bones, and muscles. Only in this way can we truly improve and progress quickly."

"The second is lying on the pile. It is different from standing on the pile. It is mainly used to restore the energy and spirit. In today's terms, it regulates the endocrine system. You don't have to worry so much. Just know that after practicing the lying on the pile, you can do it every day. You can feel energetic after resting for two to three hours or even less, and there are no side effects, that’s all.”

After hearing what he said, everyone present was excited and looking forward to it. Is it really that magical?

The moves and movements of the physical training can temper the muscles and bones, the standing posture can soothe the muscles and bones and lock the training effect, and the lying position can quickly restore the energy and spirit. Is the name of this so-called physical training really not the involution technique?

Tao An clapped his hands and said: "This week, we will try to learn two kinds of pile skills. By then, you will be able to feel your rapid improvement in all aspects by practicing physical skills. However, you must be prepared to eat a lot of high-energy foods. Make preparations, otherwise problems will arise if you cannot keep up with nutrition. As we all know, the engine burns oil when it runs fast, but girls, don’t worry, as long as you are not lazy, you will not gain weight no matter how much you eat.”

"After you have mastered physical training, including training and cultivation, next week will be mainly about practice. At that time, your personal talents and progress will be reflected, and your personal strengths and weaknesses will be clear at a glance. At that time, I will adjust future training according to your progress. content"

"Okay, let's talk about the rest later. Today we will mainly talk about zhanzhuang. I will do the standard movements first and explain the details. You listen carefully and read carefully, remember the details, and then follow them. I will spend two hours in the end. Time, let you squeeze your body and practice Zhanzhuang to experience its effect. Now everyone, come here and take a closer look..."

After speaking, Tao An began the formal Zhanzhuang teaching, and assistant Huang Hongbo also began to take notes. The process is not a one-time process, and the videos will be saved as future promotion materials.

In a sense, these fifty students are just guinea pigs, or seeds. The training results they receive in Tao'an will have a huge impact. The better the results, the greater the impact!

At that time, as Tao An himself, all aspects of value and influence will be reflected.

For the training of fifty students, Tao An has a relatively complete plan in mind. They need to teach physical skills, pile skills, fighting skills, and body skills in a step-by-step manner, and strive to have all fifty of them transformed in three months. , comprehensive physical fitness and hand-to-hand combat are definitely far superior to them before!

On this day, Tao An mainly taught Zhanzhuang. At first, he demonstrated in person to let them have an impression. Then he asked them to practice physical exercises over and over again to squeeze their physical strength. After they were exhausted, he taught Zhanzhuang again. , giving careful guidance and explaining the key tips.

But generally speaking, the results from the initial contact are always unsatisfactory. This requires them to watch the video practice repeatedly. Zhuang Kung Fu is mainly about nourishment. It does not consume much, and there is no limit on the length of practice. You can be in the mood and You can keep practicing as long as you are interested, and it will only benefit you without any harm.

In the next two days, Tao An mainly taught Zhanzhuang. After they reluctantly learned it, he started teaching Zhanzhuang.

After a week, fifty people have barely learned how to stand and lie down. After all, it is not a high technology and it is not difficult. Moreover, these fifty people are all elites. They just need to thoroughly master the flexible use and need to be familiar with the practice for a long time. .

After they learned the Zhuang Kung Fu, a new round of involution began again. Physical training should not be done too much, but other aspects of training were possible. If they then used the Zhuang Kung Fu to recover and adjust, the effect would be astonishing.

At this time, the growth in their comprehensive physical fitness began to be highlighted. After all, practicing physical skills is a quick way to achieve success, and the improvement at the beginning is the most obvious.

While they were improving, Tao An himself was also improving. Even the improvements achieved through daily practice were not comparable to those of each of the fifty people individually. Even when they first came into contact with the incomplete martial arts of the other world, the improvement was most obvious. , after all, eating so much, coupled with the combination of natural materials, earthly treasures and 'elixirs' is not for nothing.

In short, Tao An is rapidly moving towards the stage of body refining, but he is not public about it personally.

After this week's 'work' was over, Tao An still left the camp on Friday afternoon. It was already the end of the month, and the Xiangjiang auction would be held in these two days. At that time, the white flower dew he provided would be auctioned, which was a matter of personal concern to him. Naturally, we need to pay attention to the issue of income...

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