Cross-border surveillance

Chapter 33 Don’t show your face!

In the small courtyard of the different world, Hall Master Du and others dispersed one after another, and it became empty. After there was nothing worth paying attention to, Tao An also put away his mobile phone and computer.

The time came to the afternoon unknowingly. He got up and went to cook. After eating and drinking, he started practicing in the afternoon.

Tao An became more and more active in training after learning that taking body training exercises, a quick success method, could complete the martial arts training stage in another world in about a year.

No, one year in another world is almost two years on Earth. Tao An almost forgot about this, but no matter what, two years went by very quickly.

He has a body that can lift thousands of kilograms, but that's just raising it with one hand. How terrifying is it to swing it with one punch? To be conservative, I guess I could kill a tiger, right?

Well, it’s illegal to kill a tiger, so why don’t you exchange it for a cow? But the cow didn't mess with me, so let's just change it to a small life...

There were random thoughts in his mind. Although Tao An was looking forward to the future more and more, he should still be worried. The effect of taking food and practicing physical skills was extraordinary, but it required a lot of food. Now Tao An could eat the same food as he used to for several days in one meal. Eat like this My wallet can't bear it anymore.

It can still last for a while now, but what to do after that? We have to find a way to make money.

After practicing for more than two hours, Tao An sat in the yard, smelling the lingering fragrance of concentration in the air and thinking about making money.

First of all, he ruled out the option of finding a job. There were too many factors. First, it was difficult to find a job, and he had to spend a lot of time practicing and cooking every day. For this reason, most jobs were not suitable for him. Another reason was that he was tired from work. How much can you earn working hard?

Tao An still knows how much he weighs. He is not an elite, and he doesn't even dare to dream of earning a million a year as soon as he starts working.

"It doesn't work for me to go to work. Do I have to do some black boxing? Just pull it off. I don't know which way the door opens. Besides, although my body has grown a bit during this period, it has not improved qualitatively. Even if I go, I won't necessarily fight. To get ahead of others, you might have to stand up to get in and carry it out, especially since that thing is illegal..."

After thinking about it, Tao An was so big.

Squinting at the sky with a troubled expression, Tao Anxin said that it would be great if there was a rich woman who could take a fancy to him, preferably a beautiful one, who could casually spend millions to humiliate herself.

If there is such a good thing, even steel balls are not intolerable. You can't even give up money for the sake of dignity...

There are some random thoughts in my head, but the problem still has to go back to the essence, how to make money?

"I have no work experience, I'm not an elite, and I'm not a rich second generation rich in resources... It's difficult."

As he was thinking about it, Tao An saw from the corner of his eye the burnt Ningshen Incense on the peach tree not far away. A wisp of incense ash fell slowly, and his eyes became thoughtful.

"I have personally experienced the effect of Ningshen Incense, and there is absolutely no way it can be said. So, can it be used to cash in and make money?"

For now, considering various factors, Tao An really can't think of any better way for him.

In fact, Tao An already knew the answer to whether Ningshen Incense could be sold for money. Just its effect alone would be good news to many people.

But the question is how to realize it?

Another thing, there is currently no test report for this thing, and although it is handmade by myself, does it have the qualifications and qualifications to sell it? If someone takes advantage of the loophole, let alone selling it for money, you may have to face a lawsuit.

Okay, even if all the conditions are met, who should I sell it to?

Perhaps because the effect of the Ningshen Incense was still there, Tao An's mind was particularly clear, and all factors had to be carefully considered.

"Let's do it little by little. The current way to make money is most likely to rely on Ningshen Incense. If the pattern is opened up through Ningshen Incense, then various subsequent incense products can also be arranged."

After having a clear goal in mind, Tao An began to think carefully along the train of thought.

"In terms of the test report, Zhao Shihan said that her uncle might be able to help, but it would take a few days to get an answer whether it was successful or not. Hope cannot just be pinned on her. She had to be prepared. She searched online for nearby testing institutions. If it doesn’t work there, I’ll commission the testing myself. After all, it’s handmade by me. Thinking more seriously, it’s probably not a big problem even if there are banned ingredients. I haven’t started sales and communication yet, so I’m going to educate you on the prohibition of production. This is already the worst It’s planned”

"The second step is to search for the classification of things like incense. Is it a handmade art or a health product? But it is definitely not related to drugs. Only by understanding this aspect clearly can we consider sales. And you have to know in advance whether you have sales qualifications and qualifications.”

"Only when the above conditions are met, promotion and sales can be carried out..."

After perfecting his ideas bit by bit, Tao An roughly made the next arrangements in his mind.

He already had a rough plan for the most critical part of sales realization. He didn't have the capital to spend money on promotion, and he couldn't afford celebrity endorsements or even Internet celebrities, so he had to start from the most basic ones. .

It was impossible to find a place to set up a street stall. Who would buy this thing? It’s not like burning incense in a temple, so Tao An put his idea on the Internet.

Start your own self-media and sell your own products!

In fact, Tao An also knows that this road is a bit unreliable. He understands that those self-media that have become popular are either launched by capital or run by teams. There are very few lucky people who truly become popular on their own. He does not feel that he is that lucky. Son.

But it doesn't matter, Ningshenxiang is his greatest confidence. As long as there are one or two who have experienced the effect, he doesn't believe that it can't open up the pattern if it is passed from person to person.

You can find it all over the world, just tell me where you can buy it.

"Why don't I meet rich people who are stupid and rich? They help me solve everything. I just need to ship goods and collect money."

Tao An once again lamented that he did not have such a good life, and then continued to think about self-media.

In fact, he had already thought about it. He would make some short videos and post them online, and then advertise for himself. Even if he didn’t have money to buy traffic, some people would get them, and one in a thousand of those who got them would place an order. That's enough. As long as you break through the stage of starting from nothing and someone has experienced the effect of Ningshenxiang, the follow-up will be stable... right?

"You have to try it, just in case it becomes popular."

After encouraging himself, he was thinking about what short videos to post. Plagiarizing those popular videos was of course the easiest way, but this kind of thing can easily cause disputes.

Looking at the surveillance camera on the second floor of his home, Tao Anxin said that there are ready-made materials here, such as cleaning the yard, washing carpets, trimming cow hooves, surviving in the wilderness, etc. These are all speed bumps for boys. .

"First of all, I will edit the video of cleaning the yard during this period and send it to my personal account. Well, I will post it on several platforms. I don't expect it to become popular. I just want to practice my skills. Later, I will practice my skills. The process of making the Ningshen Incense is the real thing. Let’s do it like this first. Anyway, I won’t get pregnant if I try. If that doesn’t work, I still have a killer weapon. There is a video of the method that Hallmaster Du from another world occasionally uses when he teaches his disciples. I will ask you if you have a dick and if it is enough to suck semen. Smash it. Even millions of people may not be able to produce such special effects, and they are not special effects at all, but they cannot be released unless absolutely necessary."

After thinking about all aspects, Tao An planned to get started.

Even if this path really doesn't work, he has nothing to lose and can honestly find a class.

As for the short video, he made up his mind not to show his face. It would be very troublesome if people pay attention to him because of his appearance...

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