Cross-border surveillance

Chapter 47 No one is a fool

If we want to talk about new information, we still have to look at the evaluation section of the online store, which is actually another message from 99 Plus.

However, what surprised Tao An was that in addition to the guy who was always having fun with himself, there were actually a few scattered people leaving messages there, but their messages were all drowned out. Among the information that was flooding the screen, if Tao An hadn't been sharp-eyed, he would have almost ignored it.

The first was the message from the cheerful guy, but there were too many. Tao An took a look at it and concluded that the guy's main thing was to ridicule.

‘Hahaha, I knew it was a trick. Last time, I directly asked someone to swipe the order and bought it all. It’s been so long before I put a new product on the shelves. It’s just thirsty marketing, right? I don’t even check whether my online store has traffic’

‘What a mess, are you going crazy thinking about money? 16888 pieces? Why not grab it? No, I'm not as ruthless as you in robbing money! ’

‘I understand. When you see me looking for someone to evaluate me, you want to trick me, right? Do you want to trick me by charging such a high price? ’

"Okay, okay, let's play like this. I won't accompany you anymore. I'll just test my butt. I'll throw my money into the water and I won't buy anything from you."

‘Oh, you’re still looking for an actor. I’m laughing so hard. At this price, I can’t even act with you.’

'I wish the evil store manager a prosperous business, but I don't think any fool will take care of your business...'

After casually scanning the guy's messages, Tao An curled his lips slightly. This guy doesn't play according to the rules. The review was promised, and I wanted you to bring me a wave of traffic, but you stopped playing right now?

Well, Tao An also understands that he is not a fool. He bought the 16888 Ningshen incense for evaluation because he had a trick in his head. He is not surprised at all.

As usual, he ignored the guy and Tao An focused on reading the messages from the strangers.

'A friend introduced me to this store and said that the effect of the concentration incense in this store is amazing. I originally wanted to buy some, but when I looked at the price, well, it is indeed a bit expensive. It seems that I can't enjoy it. I wish the owner a prosperous business. It's gone'

'I have experienced the effect of Ningshenxiang at a friend's place. I was thinking about the store manager putting new products on the shelves to buy some. But store manager, your price is a bit unreasonable. Forget it, I'll just go with my friend's. At worst, I will be shameless. Finally, I wish the store manager good business. Xinglong'

'I was introduced by a friend. I originally wanted to take care of my business. I went into the store and looked at the prices. I'm sorry, I'm superficial.'

'My friend has experienced the effect of Ningshen Incense, and I really want to buy it. But at this price, I can't afford to buy even one or two, but one or two is not useful at all. I want to order one or two every day, but I can't afford it. I'll say goodbye. '

'Friend...forget it, I'm leaving...'

After reading the messages from the customers who entered the store, Tao An smiled awkwardly and said sorry in his heart, even though there was no one around.

You don't need to guess, these people must have been introduced by An Zhiyu. I have to say that that person is really helpful and helpful in recommending them. But no one is a fool and they run away when they see the price.

Again, no matter how good the product is, Ningshen Incense is not a necessity, and it’s not impossible to live without it. Faced with the outrageous price, who would buy it without hesitation?

This is not a question of whether you have money, but whether you can afford it. No matter how good the effect of Ningshen Incense is, it is not a well-known luxury product, and you can’t pretend to be cool even if you buy it. On the other hand, if it is a well-known luxury product, it is not bad. For money people, that's another story.

The same thing, with different reputations, has a huge difference in value. Take diamonds as an example. Everyone knows that those things are useless except that they look good. However, they cannot stand up to their great reputation. Even if they can sell for sky-high prices, who are you looking for? Reason?

"There is a high probability that the Ningshenxiang in your hand can only be enjoyed by yourself. It doesn't matter if you can't sell it. The effect is really great. Isn't it just a missed opportunity to make a fortune? It doesn't matter. There are many opportunities, but it is not guaranteed. If you encounter it, It's a big injustice... As for the local tycoons, when they see the price is so expensive, it's not impossible to buy it and try it out."

He had been mentally prepared for a long time, and Tao An was not too disappointed when something was thrown into his hand. He didn't lose it after he got it. His mind was not that fragile yet.

Anyway, he still insists on his choice and will not lower the price even if it cannot be sold. He is really not a stubborn person. You can just say that you cannot support the effect of Ningshenxiang. If you can't sell it temporarily, it doesn't mean that you won't be able to sell it in the future. There is no need to worry about the temporary effect. Gains and losses lead to giving up long-term plans.

To be fair, it is clear that Tao An can make a lot of money quickly by lowering the price to a suitable position, but he still insists on his choice. This really requires a lot of willpower. If it were anyone else, he would have lowered the price long ago. , make money, don’t be embarrassed, as long as you can make money, what’s the point of being embarrassed? Many people don't care if they lose their lives.

No longer entangled in this issue, Tao An exited the online store interface. If there was no order reminder, he would not open the online store interface again unless necessary before the new product was put on the shelves.

"While you are free now, let's go and deliver the goods to An Zhiyu first. As an old customer, although I only bought two to support the business, I sincerely recommended them to my friends. This kind of kindness is rare, so I will give a few away. Go ahead and collect ten bottles for express delivery. You must also explain that the delivery is because of old customers and help, not because of a disguised price reduction. And Ning Shen Xiang will probably have no sales in a short period of time. There is no point in doing it for a short period of time. I just go to town to buy it. Ingredients for some new fragrance recipes”

There is a saying that when the east is not bright, the west is bright. Knowing that the price of Ningshenxiang is set by himself, he will not stick to this road to the end.

Having made up his mind, Tao An immediately got busy.

At present, the only way he can make money is the secret recipe for more than ten kinds of incense products. For the time being, he can only make decisions in this area. When he realizes that the price of Ningshen incense is difficult to sell, he has already thought about what new products to make next. of fragrance products.

There is a saying that women and children earn the most money. Although it may not be true, since this saying has appeared, it must have some truth.

Since it is a fragrance product, this kind of thing is more oriented towards women, so next Tao An plans to make a bath fragrance. The secret recipe of this bath fragrance is called White Flower Dew.

It's white flowers, not hundreds of flowers. In fact, after Tao An read the secret recipe, he found that the materials required for the white flower dew have almost nothing to do with flowers. The name is white flower dew, but it is not a liquid. The finished product is a paste, which can be mixed into the water and soaked in the bath. For bathing.

The reason why he chose to make such a product was not because Tao An valued the way it would leave a special fragrance on his body for a long time after bathing, even though this fragrance could miraculously show different fragrances according to each person's physical constitution.

Yes, white flower dew is so magical. Different people use it to bathe in different smells. It seems to be able to adjust and fit according to genes. At least that's what the secret recipe says, considering that it comes from a different world with extraordinary means. Tao An temporarily believed the secret recipe.

How many women don’t want to try such a product?

Of course, just in this way, White Flower Dew does not have too many advantages to attract consumption. After all, no matter how magical you are, it is just like that. When a woman makes a choice, should she choose a luxury perfume or choose your name? Something you haven't heard of?

The key to why Tao An is really optimistic about this product is that after using it a few times, it can not only eradicate body odor and body odor, but also has a very good whitening, freckle and scar removal effect. In front of this effect, plus the magical fragrance that matches itself, How many women can resist not giving it a try?

Love beauty, many women do not hesitate to go under the knife on their faces just to love beauty. You can imagine how tempting such a product is to women.

This bath fragrance has such a powerful effect, Tao An believes in it, and he has the basis for it!

What is the basis? Of course she is a woman from another world. Although he has never seen another one except the little girl Minghui, Minghui, who likes to make incense in a blink of an eye, also has high regard for Baihualu. When she occasionally communicates with Du Qingfeng and others I have said that those heroines who run around in the arena, come and go in the wind and rain, and they are inevitably beaten and killed by the wind and the sun, and it is common for them to leave scars and become tanned. In this way, Baihualu It's just something that pleases the heroines of the arena. It can make the heroines of the arena fairer and more beautiful.

There are very few women who practice martial arts who are not in good shape, so how do they stand out? One white skin can cover up all the ugliness, and the skin is smooth and delicate, which is the favorite of flower pickers...

"I just don't know if the drugstore in town can buy all the materials. Everything else is fine. Where can I get one of the thousand-year-old lake mud? The drugstore must not have it. Do you want me to go to the West Lake to dig it? Okay, think about it carefully. I think it’s not that difficult to do, there are quite a few lakes that have lasted for thousands of years.”

After thinking about it, Tao An didn't worry so much. He was not in a hurry to make money for the time being. He just took his time, packed up and went straight to town.

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