Cross-border surveillance

Chapter 64 Expressing Gratitude

"Are you stupid? I'd rather say something if that's enough!" Tao Ping waved her hand in front of her brother's eyes.

After reacting, Tao An quickly nodded and said: "Enough, enough, enough, so much can't be used at once."

Not only can it be used once, Tao An has processed and stored most of the barrel. Based on the white flower dew formula ingredients he purchased before, it is enough to be used twenty or thirty times. After all, this thing is not the main ingredient. Strictly speaking, it should be used. It acts like a catalyst.

And if all this silt is used up, Tao An probably won't be able to make white flower dew himself anymore without any need...

"That's good, let's go and find something to stir around. I have to return the old man's bucket later. Didn't I let you down?" Tao Ping clapped her hands.

Giving a thumbs up, Tao An said: "Awesome, there is nothing to worry about now. Go back to where you live?"

"It's okay, it's not far anyway." Tao Ping didn't care, and then she said a little frustrated: "Originally, I thought it was going to be difficult, so I was prepared to be humble and smile to please others for help. I might be too embarrassed to get off the stage, but I didn't expect it. I solved the problem just by helping an old man, and there is no sense of accomplishment at all."

Hearing this, the corner of Tao An's mouth twitched, "Sister, please stop talking. You are standing and talking without pain in your back. Why didn't you say that before?"

But I have to say that life is like this, plans can’t keep up with changes, and you never know what will happen next moment.

The siblings carried the bucket back to their residence and found something to put the mud away. Tao Ping asked, "I'm going to return the old man's bucket. Are you going?"

"It's okay anyway. Let's go with you."

"Then the silt you want is just left like this?"

"Otherwise, this thing cannot be used directly and needs further processing. You don't have the tools here. Besides, I still have other materials at my hometown."

"Okay, it's a rare visit for you. We'll return the bucket. I'll take you around and treat you to some delicious food, so that you don't have to go back and complain to your parents that I abused you."

Tao Ping is not stupid, she figured out her brother's tricks in just one day. As long as the food is not so exaggerated before practicing, she can still afford it at this time.

On the way to return the barrel, Tao An asked curiously: "Sister, can you fish in the West Lake?"

"Of course you can, but you have to go to a specialized unit to apply for a license. If you are caught without a license, you will be fined or even detained. Moreover, after applying for a license, it is mainly for entertainment, and you cannot fish economically. No matter how much you catch, you will only take one or two home. I mean, the Air Force will not go back, but the number of West Lake fishing licenses is limited. I don’t know the specific number. If you don’t have the ability, you can’t get it. Do you understand what I mean?” Tao Ping explained.

Tao An immediately understood that this was very realistic. Human beings are the same everywhere, but he said dumbly: "You have been in Hangzhou for several years. Do you know all this?"

"My previous uncle told me."

Well, it seems that the fishing master was either very capable before he retired, or his children are very capable now.

As she walked, Tao Ping looked at her phone and sighed inexplicably.

"What's wrong with you?" Tao An asked in shock.

She put away her phone and said angrily: "I have helped you a lot, and you are just talking to me like this, you are an ungrateful guy."

"Okay, may I ask why Miss Tao sighs?"

"It's nothing, I'm just a little speechless. Didn't I post it on Moments yesterday? There were more than 200 likes, and there were hundreds of messages below, including people asking for help, congratulations, inquiries, doubts, and sadness. , and there are people who ask questions for no reason,” Tao Ping curled her lips and said.

So Tao An quickly took out his mobile phone and turned to the Moments that his sister posted yesterday. He took a quick look and said at a loss for words: "Why did you post such a Moment when you have nothing to do? It may have caused a misunderstanding."

"It's just a misunderstanding. Who are we hurting when my brother and I ride bicycles?"

"Then you should make it clear."

"Who am I to make it clear? Is it possible that I have to explain it to others?"

"No, it doesn't matter to you. Take a look at the comments below. I'm afraid of being bagged while walking!" Tao An said tangledly.

"That's not true, is it?"

"You don't understand boys. Some extreme guys. If they like someone, they can do anything impulsively. Don't believe it. Although we don't meet them usually, there are quite a few such idiots."

"A society ruled by law is not as serious as you say, right?"

"There is an old saying that beauty brings disaster to water!"

"Oh, brother, are you complimenting me on my beauty?"

"You can pull this off, I'm a twenty-five-year-old woman, and she still hasn't found a boyfriend yet."

"Who are you talking about? Don't run away if you have the ability. This girl is in her prime. Since your eyes are useless, see if I don't blow you away..."

My sister is beautiful and naturally has a lot of suitors. There is no doubt about this. Tao An knows that there are no less than twenty suitors. However, she has always kept herself clean. She does not keep fish or have affairs with others. She doesn't like it. I just don't like it, and even if I offend people, I won't give them the opportunity to be ambiguous. My straightforward and decisive style has avoided a lot of trouble.

As for saying that my sister's post on WeChat Moments caused misunderstandings and that she was worried about being put in a sack, it was a joke. I am his younger brother, and this is Wang Zha.

As for what kind of boyfriend my sister will find in the future, as long as he is not a bad guy, her family and Tao An will have no objection. She can be rich or poor, high or low, and she really likes him. It is a very simple concept, and living a happy life is more practical than anything else.

Not long after, the siblings found the fishing man in a very remote corner of the scenic spot. He was in his sixties or seventies. He was wearing a sweatshirt and was very energetic. He was a very kind old man.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Tao An saw the old man holding a fishing pole from a distance, which seemed to be a bit like holding a gun. This is probably not an old man with a story.

"Grandpa Luo, did you catch it? I brought the bucket back for you," Tao Ping said hello and came closer, about ten meters away.

The old man surnamed Luo looked back and said with a somewhat unnatural expression: "Miss Tao is here. The fish were all hooked, but you scared them away."

Tao Anxin said, yes, this man seems to be addicted to food and is a regular in the Air Force. Look at the pile of fishing gear around him, it's a bit redundant...

At the same time, I have to admire my sister's social skills. They didn't know each other before, but now they look quite familiar. Those who didn't know better thought they were grandfather and grandson.

"Hello, Grandpa Luo." Tao An also stepped forward to say hello and put down the bucket he was carrying.

When the old man saw Tao An, he nodded kindly and said to Tao Ping, "Little girl, is this your boyfriend? That's right."

"Grandpa Luo, you misunderstood. This is my brother, my biological brother," Tao Ping explained quickly.

The old man said awkwardly: "I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing. Don't take it seriously. Just treat it like a fart."

Tao Pinglian said it didn't matter.

This man of feelings is also a person of temperament. Tao An smiled and said: "Grandpa Luo, thank you for the mud before. My sister didn't cause you any trouble, right?"

"No, no, it's just a matter of convenience." The old man smiled, then looked at Tao An and said, "You're a good young man. He has a really good body. It's not like my grandchildren, who are all like bean sprouts. They often exercise?"

"It's alright, just make a few gestures occasionally, and you'll be in good health and less likely to get sick," Tao An said, squatting next to him to watch him fishing.

The old man looked at Piao again and said: "You don't look like you are just making random gestures. You are quite organized in your actions, and you have a faint aura of intimidation. You are just a little immature and lack a murderous spirit. However, you have a good nature, so you can hide it. After seeing this, people without any discernment can't tell it at all... Haha, I am old and talk a lot, don't mind it."

Surprised in his heart, Tao An estimated that the old man's experience in his youth was unusual, so he didn't think much about it and said with a smile: "That's not possible. I quite like chatting with old people about ancient times. I can learn a lot."

"There are not many young people who can have this kind of patience nowadays." I don't know if he was thinking of his juniors, but the old man suddenly felt melancholy again.

"Grandpa Luo, pull the lever quickly, it's getting dark," Tao Ping suddenly reminded from the side.

In the end, his happiness was all in vain. The old man put on the bait again and threw the pole with a smile: "You can't be distracted when fishing. If you are distracted, it will turn black, just like a supernatural incident."

"Indeed, just like the person I know who likes fishing, he often talks about concentration," Tao An said following his words.

The old man suddenly became interested and said: "Really? If it's convenient, introduce him to me. I think he can become a fishing friend. If you have time, you can ask him to fish, anywhere in the world."

Tao An felt a little embarrassed. He remembered Du Qingfeng from another world. How can I introduce him to you? So he said, "I'm afraid I can't introduce him to you. He is in another world now."

"It's a pity," the old man said with regret, shaking his head.

Grandpa Luo obviously misunderstood something, but how can Tao An explain it? So he changed the subject and said: "Grandpa Luo, I have troubled you about my sister's previous affairs. She is not sensible. Please don't mind. I give this to you. It's a little bit of my heart. Please don't refuse."

As he spoke, Tao An handed over the three bamboo tubes of Ningshen Incense that he had prepared in advance.

Although he just made some mud in the lake with a little effort, it was a big help to Tao An. If he didn't do it, he felt sorry for it. His sister didn't think so much, but he took it into consideration.

On the side, Tao Ping realized that she had not thought well and smiled sheepishly, but she glared at Tao An and shook her fist, as if to say, why didn't you remind me, and I made a joke.

The old man suddenly said displeased: "Take it, take it, your sister is a nice person, what's the point of accepting a gift as a thank you if I help you a little bit?"

"Grandpa Luo, just accept it. It's not a valuable thing. I made the incense myself. If you suffer from insomnia and dreaminess, just light a small section to help you sleep. Let's talk first. This is for you. The effect is If you want a junior again, you will have to pay," Tao An said with a smile.

After hearing that he made it himself, the old man stopped refusing and said, "Okay, I'll accept it and add your contact information. If the effect is good, I will buy it from you and promote it to those old guys by the way."

"Thank you very much"

Regardless of how expensive Tao An is currently selling this thing, it is actually worthless to him. It doesn't bother him to give it away a few times. As for whether the other party still wants it in the future, that is a matter of business, and one size will be the same.

After returning the things, thanking them, and adding their contact information, it was getting late. The Tao An brothers asked the old man to go back early, and then stood up to say goodbye...

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