Our whole morning was nothing but walking. No monsters had appeared, and I was surprised by that.

On the first day, we had monsters to fight. I know it was wrong for me to ask some monsters to attack, but I was so bored that I did.

The never-ending scenery of us watching trees was getting stale. The sight had barely changed from the day we traveled.

Lunch had ended with everyone satisfied with the lunch that Olivia had made. Olivia was friendly enough to make enough for everyone to feast.

I know that I had asked for monsters, but not during lunch. The food that Olivia made attracted the attention of some starving animals. It was now the afternoon, and we still had a long journey ahead of us.

"Kimi got any interesting stories to tell?" I might as well learn something about Kimi. At the same time, this might be our only time doing something together. It was better than doing nothing.

Anyone that was near us was also interested. Most of us were silent, watching our surroundings and checking for any problems.

"There was this one commission that I did that was interesting." I just hoped her storytelling was good enough to make her stories fascinating.

"Funny enough, it was our first commission that the three of us did." So the events should be exactly a year ago.

Lora and Jess, who were companions of Kimi, eyes widened, knowing what story Kimi was going to tell.

"Kimi, do you have to tell that story?" Lora, who I presume, spoke with a bit of discomfort.

"Lora, it's not that big of a deal. It's all in the past!" Kimi grinned excitedly to tell this story of her.

"Our first mission was in the city of Rekdon, a city right above Avaris Capital City."

"The three of us had taken a job to take out the bandits robbing merchants." Kimi sighed, reminiscing about the events that had happened.

"It was good that our seniors were around during that time. Otherwise, everything could have gone wrong." She showed a gloomy expression saying that.

"If you don't want to continue, no one expects you." I had jumped in when she said it.

Kimi shook her head and continued. "Our enemies were in the third ranks, and we had to fight off eight of them with our group of six."

That sounded pretty rough, considering they had more people and were a higher level ranking than most of them.

"Lora and Jess were caught and used as hostages during that fight because they were hostages of communication." Depression started to hit when she said that.

"Fortunately, we had a fourth-year senior at a fourth rank" She must have been talented to be at that rank from age 21 to 22. But not as talented as me.

"When Lora and Jess were both captured, our seniors had to find a way for my friends to be safe." It must have been mentally exhausting doing work like this.

"It was good that our senior had found a moment to strike when the bandits were not on guard." The issue was solved pretty quickly, by the looks of it.

"That was pretty much it." While it was short, at least Kimi told only the exciting points of the story.

"Now that I told you a story, why don't you tell me one of yours?" Did I have a story that I could tell? were

If I were confident in knowing a story that I could quickly tell, I would do so, but unfortunately, I didn't have any.

"I would like to share a story, but my life hasn't been interesting." I gave a wry smile apologizing indirectly.

"Olivia, how about you?" Kimi had asked Olivia instead because I wasn't going to tell a story.

Olivia looked in the distance, checking if she had a story to tell. It wasn't long before Olivia concluded.

"Sorry, like Charlie, I don't have much to share."

"I got a story if you all are willing to hear." A female guard of Kayla who had listened to Kimi's story has spoken.

"Please do tell me if you got anything interesting to say," Kimi replied, interested in what the guard had wanted to say.

"It was a few years ago before I took a job as a guard." The female guard had started with the timeline.

"I was traveling around the world with a friend."

"There was one commission that my friend and I found interesting, so we took it." The female guard smiled as she told her story.

"The mission we chose was to investigate kidnapping in a small village." Now that was a story that I was looking forward to hearing.

When everyone heard the word kidnapping, everyone perked up and listened closely. Stories were something appealing, something that would help us pass the time.

"My friend and I arrived during the night. It was odd that the villager's chief knew when we would arrive." That was odd, indeed.

"Being greeted by the chief, my friend and I made ourselves home at the chief's house."

"With the night being around, my friend and I decided to sleep for the day before we started our investigation." From stories that I read, they would usually do the investigation during the night.

"It was rough when my instinct didn't allow me to sleep. The time was already late, and everyone should be asleep."

"I heard a noise coming to our room quietly and faintly."

"With our doors opened, the village chief had a weapon in her hand." By the sounds of it, the village chief had made the commission a trap.

"Surprised that I was awake, the village chief tried to communicate with me. I had woken up my friend and attacked the chief, tying her up."

"It didn't take long for us to get information from the chief. The village chief planned to use us as sacrifices to summon their "god." Stupid cultist." The female guard had an unpleasant look when she said that.

With that, the story ended, and we continued our stories to make up for the silence we had earlier.

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