Cross To Be The Emperor

Chapter 423: Shady relationship

"Your Majesty, what's the matter?" Fatty Shen was taken aback, and asked in a low voice when he saw Li Hengxuan's expression was different.

Li Hengxuan said softly: "The team from the Wanbao Building to explore the Emperor's Road has returned."

Fatty Shen was also puzzled: "So fast? They only went last night, and they came back in just a day?"

"It can't be wrong, Dilu is dangerous, and it's not strange to retreat in a day."

Li Hengxuan nodded.

He could feel that the wooden box he gave Chen Xiaofeng was opened.

And that wooden box was sealed by the Juggernaut himself, with the sword intent of the Juggernaut on it, and it would never be opened without the cultivation of a Martial Saint.

And even a martial saint can only be opened by someone who knows the way of the sword very well.

Now that the wooden box is opened, it means that Feng Sheng is back, and he is the only one in Wanbaolou who has this level of kendo and can open the box of the Juggernaut.

"We will wait here for a while, and they should come to see me in a while."

Li Hengxuan smiled and said softly.

Now that Feng Sheng opened the box, Li Hengxuan is not afraid that he won't take the bait.

Li Hengxuan said that in the wooden box was the Juggernaut's kendo experience, but it was actually Feng Sheng who took the wrong path on the kendo, and the Juggernaut pointed it out to him one by one. But the method of correction, or the correct path, is all in the second volume. It is impossible for a person who practices swordsmanship to withstand this kind of temptation.

With Feng Sheng around, it was much easier for Li Hengxuan to make Wanbaolou submit today.

Sure enough, after a short wait, the third elder of the Wanbao Building Council Hall came to this hall again.

"The old man has seen His Majesty."

He bent down, still bowing at ninety degrees, and said in a low voice: "Sovereign Master, Vice-Sovereign Master, Great Elder and the others are back? Your Majesty, please go and see them."

"So fast?"

Li Hengxuan pretended to be surprised and said: "Senior Cui Sheng, didn't they just go to the Emperor's Road yesterday?"

"To tell you the truth, the entrance of the Emperor's Road found in my Wanbao Building is not far from the entrance of the Emperor Mountain in my Wanbao Building, but the Emperor's Road is dangerous, suzerain and the others, alas..."


The third elder sighed deeply.

Apparently, the Wanbaolou team couldn't make it out not long after they entered, and came back only as a last resort.

Li Hengxuan smiled slightly, and said softly: "The Emperor's Road is dangerous, I have a deep understanding. I also went to visit once, and brought the old devil Zombie and Mr. Baili inside, but I almost couldn't come back."

"Your Majesty almost couldn't come back with the old devil dead alive?"

The third elder was astonished. Although the old Mo Zong Shasheng was only a first-level martial saint, he was born with a rigid body and was almost invincible physically. His real strength was enough to fight with an intermediate martial saint. This was the reason for his astonishment.

"Okay, let's not talk about these past events. Senior Cui Sheng and the others can come back safely this time, but it is also a blessing in misfortune!" Li Hengxuan stood up, and then said: "Since Senior Cui Sheng and the others have returned, I will go to visit Bar."

"Please, Your Majesty."

The third elder said respectfully, he was leading the way ahead, but his expression was hesitant to speak.

Li Hengxuan smiled and said: "The third elder has something to say, but it's okay to say it."

"Oh, my lord, I shouldn't have said that, but..."

The third elder paused slightly, and continued: "To be honest, I belong to the same faction as the First Elder. First Elder, this time the First Elder..."

"What happened to Xian'er?"

Li Hengxuan froze for a moment, then stopped in his tracks.

He went on to say: "The Great Elder almost died on the Emperor's Road. Later, the suzerain tried his best to rescue the great elder, but the suzerain was also seriously injured. According to the disciples who came back, the deputy suzerain Guo Sheng deliberately framed him and withdrew. The position he was supposed to guard caused the Great Elder to be attacked by Dilu's formation. Then the suzerain rescued the Great Elder and was seriously injured, so they retreated from Dilu so quickly."

"Power struggles really happen everywhere."

Li Hengxuan sneered, and said in a deep voice: "You sub-lords, in such a dangerous situation on the Dilu Road, actually want to take the opportunity to get rid of Xian'er."

"Hey, the suzerain is seriously injured now. Deputy suzerain Feng Sheng studies the way of swords on weekdays. Although he has high prestige in the sect, he is not very powerful! Now, I am afraid that the deputy suzerain Guo Sheng can control the greatest power of speech. I am Those who support His Majesty, the Great Elder must also, but Guo Sheng will definitely hinder him in this situation, I am afraid that it will be difficult to achieve the purpose of His Majesty's trip."

"It's okay, it's just a first-level Martial Saint!"

Li Hengxuan smiled disdainfully.

"Your Majesty must not underestimate him. Guo Sheng is only in his early 100s. In terms of talent and potential, the suzerain and Feng Sheng's deputy suzerain are not as good as him. Only the elder can be compared, but the elder is only the emperor after all.

Moreover, the Great Elder's strong push for the commercial cooperation between Wanbaolou and Daxia has already caused a lot of dissatisfaction within the sect. The Suzerain supported the Great Elder, and some even hated the Suzerain. Now the suzerain is seriously injured again, I am afraid the situation is not optimistic. "

The third elder whispered again.

As he said, he and Narcissus are in the same camp in Wanbaolou. If Narcissus loses power, he will be next. That's why he was so confiding in Li Hengxuan, it was also for his own consideration.

"Hehe, no matter how you put it, he is just a first-level martial saint!"

Li Hengxuan really didn't take this Guo Sheng seriously, maybe Cui Sheng and Feng Sheng had some scruples about this Guo Sheng.

After all, they are all from Wanbaolou.

Perhaps it was because of Ding Tianjian's mentality that the suzerain of Wanbaolou did not want to kill each other and weakened the power of Wanbaolou, which made this Guo Sheng grow up step by step, so unscrupulous.

But he doesn't care.

Not long after, the third elder brought Li Hengxuan to another hall.

This hall is magnificent, not only the roof, but even the walls are inlaid with bright stones for lighting. The walls and floors are paved with jade, supplemented by fine gold carvings. It is more luxurious than Li Hengxuan's palace in Thirty-Three Guards.

There are not many people in the hall.

There are two stone platforms on the top, and there are two seats facing each other on the top level, one of which is empty.

Sitting in the other seat was Cui Sheng, the suzerain of Wanbao Building, a middle-aged man in his forties, and his actual age was over two hundred. His aura was astonishing, and he didn't look like he was seriously injured at all.

The next step down is the two deputy suzerains, Feng Sheng and Guo Sheng.

With the sword on his back, Feng Sheng exuded a sky-high sword intent. When he saw Li Hengxuan coming in, his excited expression was obviously for the second volume of the sword master's swordsmanship experience.

On the other hand, Guo Sheng was a young man in his twenties. He was rather feminine and looked a bit evil. His eyes were full of hostility when he looked at Li Hengxuan.

As the Great Elder, Narcissus sat down with the other six elders.

Among the thirteen elders of the Wanbaolou Council Hall, eight of them came from Dishan, including the third elder who led the way for Li Hengxuan, and they were all in the main hall at this moment.

Daffodils top the list.

Seeing Li Hengxuan coming in, she turned her face away instead.

It can be clearly seen that her face is extremely pale. It is obvious that she was in Emperor Road. Although she was saved, she was also seriously injured.

"See Your Majesty."

Cui Sheng got up first, cupped his fists and led the crowd to bow to Li Hengxuan, performing an ordinary bowing ceremony.

Everyone immediately stood up and saluted.

"You are all seniors. I am here as a guest, so there is no need to be formal."

Li Hengxuan also clasped his fists in return, then walked up and sat opposite Cui Sheng. Now that Wanbaolou has not surrendered, such a position can be regarded as the greatest respect for Li Hengxuan.

Immediately, Li Hengxuan turned to look at Narcissus, and said softly, "Is Xian'er injured?"

Narcissus was taken aback.

Unexpectedly, Li Hengxuan would still call her that on such an occasion, just when she didn't know how to answer.

Another voice sounded.

Seeing Guo Sheng standing up, he said in a deep voice, "Your Majesty calling me the Great Elder of Wanbaolou like this is a bit of a disgrace! Or, is there a shady relationship between Your Majesty and the Great Elder?"

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