Cross To Be The Emperor

Chapter 451: News of Fire Bone Flower

"His Majesty."

Seeing Li Hengxuan extending his hand in a friendly manner, Bai Zhinian didn't know what it was like.

She persuaded the martial sage of her master's faction to join the ancient sage, but the ancient emperor abandoned her at a critical moment, trapping her to death.

She once attacked Li Hengxuan, but this was the second time Li Hengxuan had saved her!

"Get up."

Li Hengxuan said softly again.


Bai Zhinian took Li Hengxuan's hand and stood up gently.

Li Hengxuan said again: "Join Daxia."

"Your Majesty, Zhi Nian cannot."

Bai Zhinian shook her head, the ancient emperor abandoned her, she should have accepted Li Hengxuan's kindness at this moment, but she couldn't.

"Because of Bai Sheng? He hurt your soul, otherwise you would never be like this now." Li Hengxuan said softly.

Bai Zhinian is definitely comparable to the existence of the saintesses of all major forces. Not only is her cultivation talent astoundingly high, but she also possesses the four-image divine body. However, in a place of opportunity like Dishan, he still did not reach the Martial Emperor, because his soul was damaged and it was extremely difficult to break through.

"But he is still my master. He raised me up, taught me how to cultivate, and taught me the principles of being a human being. Although in the end he became unknown to me, he even attacked His Majesty for the sake of rights, ignoring all the people of Kyushu. But his kindness to me is still as great as a mountain, everything Zhinian gave was given by the master, but the master just took back a little bit."

Bai Zhinian shook her head.

Li Hengxuan sighed lightly. Strictly speaking, there was not much conflict between him and Bai Zhinian, but some misunderstandings occurred in the middle.

On the contrary, he still admires Bai Zhinian a little at the moment.

Appreciate her loyalty to Bai Sheng, and also appreciate her benevolence to the people of Jiuzhou, otherwise she would not prevent Bai Sheng from attacking her in the ghost bamboo forest, and she would not be hurt by Bai Sheng.

"Bai Sheng adopted you and taught you how to practice, just for the sake of taking you away. The four-image divine body can be taken away from each other, do you know?"

Li Hengxuan finally said it out.

Although this would break Bai Sheng's last thought in Bai Zhinian's mind,

Very cruel to her. But he didn't want Bai Zhinian to be kept in the dark all the time, and to be loyal to such a master.

Li Hengxuan continued: "Bai Sheng is a complete hypocrite. He adopted you with bad intentions from the very beginning!"


Bai Zhinian was taken aback, her face paled instantly, she stepped back three steps, trembling all over. The ancient emperor abandoned her just now, causing her to die. Seeing death approaching, she didn't even have such an expression.

But now...

She has always been Bai Sheng as a teacher as a father, but now, someone actually told her that the man she regarded as her father wanted to take her away from the very beginning.

This feeling, this mood has never been experienced before, and ordinary people cannot understand it.

Because there is an emotion called despair!

Li Hengxuan said again: "This matter is what Luo Li said to me. It came from the mouth of the Black Water Fairy. Bai Sheng is hypocritical, and his peers know it from mouth to mouth. Now you still want to reject my kindness for Bai Sheng?"

"Thank you for your Majesty's notification, and thank you for your kindness, but he is still my master, and he still died at the hands of Your Majesty."

Bai Zhinian's mood stabilized slightly, but her face was still pale, she continued, "Zhi Nian has gone."

"Forget it."

Li Hengxuan shook his head, the reason why he recruited Bai Zhinian was because of her talent.

If she regains her mind and soul, in time, she will definitely be no worse than Bai Sheng, and even if the secret of Emperor Cheng is revealed, it is not impossible for her to become a female Martial Emperor.

But since Bai Zhinian couldn't pass the test in her heart, let it be.

A golden token suddenly appeared in Li Hengxuan's hand, and he said softly: "After you get out, go to my palace to find Hua Tuo, he will heal your soul, it is my reward for saving Luo Li's life."

"No, His Majesty has already repaid my favor for saving Sister Luo Li, and repaid me twice. This kindness is long gone."

Bai Zhinian shook her head, unwilling to accept it.

She went on to say: "I heard that Sister Lolita hurt her origin and needs firebone flowers to heal. I once found a firebone flower spirit land in a place in Dongfeng. It's just that the fog hadn't cleared at that time, so I didn't dare to take it. This is A map over there."

Instead of accepting Li Hengxuan's gold medal, she gave Li Hengxuan a map instead.

Then, she left, trembling at every step.

"Oh, arrogance kills people."

Li Hengxuan couldn't help sighing, there are many geniuses in Wuzhou, and most of them have arrogance, and they are often killed by their arrogance.

The ancient emperor counted as one.

This is not the case for Bai Zhinian, if not for her arrogance, how could she refuse her kindness?

She refused to accept the invitation again and again, and Li Hengxuan stopped persuading her.

Her life is her own, her future is also her own, and she should decide how to choose.

Although she is talented, joining Da Xia will be a great help to Da Xia.

But Daxia does not lack her alone.

Li Hengxuan shook his head, and said softly: "Old Zang, Mr. Baili, you lead the team and continue to go up."

"What? Your Majesty is not going up the peak?"

Zombie was taken aback for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "It is the most advantageous to be the first to arrive at the peak at this moment, Xi..."

He suddenly shut his mouth.

Although everyone present could absolutely trust him, except for a few of them, no one else knew that Xing Yin was Li Hengxuan's trump card.

Immediately, he used his spiritual sense to transmit the sound, and said softly: "Your Majesty, Xie Yin may have defeated the white tiger, and he may have grabbed the Emperor Pearl at this moment. Of course, he may not have snatched it. But anyway, who will go to the peak first at this moment?" The top is the most beneficial, especially since we still have a cause!"

"It is precisely because the person who goes up to the peak first is the most beneficial, that's why I let you go up first!"

Li Hengxuan smiled slightly, and continued: "There is a fire bone flower in Dongfeng, maybe it is the only fire bone flower spirit land in Dishan, or maybe not, there are other places. But maybe I can't afford it, I can only believe it That is the only place where firebone flowers grow.

Now that the fog is rising, there is no guarantee that other teams will also find the Firebone Flower. You must know that not all teams are here for the Emperor Zhu. Many teams know that the Emperor Pearl is hopeless, so the firebone flower is the most attractive to them, so I can't help but go. "

Zombie said here: "Your Majesty, the overall situation matters! Before the overall situation, why does Your Majesty care about personal feelings?"

"How can I sweep up the world if I don't have a house? I can't save my own woman, so how can I save the world? Little Lolita was hurt because of me, how can I not care about it? If there is no fire bone flower, her life is almost useless. What's more, now we can take care of the overall situation with Luo Li."

Li Hengxuan's expression was firm, and he said in a deep voice: "No need to say more, Mr. Baili, you go up the mountain! Lao Zang, you know what to do if you encounter it, so you don't need to say it?"

"His Majesty!"

Zombie was stunned, and he wanted to say something else.

"Okay, old zombie, if your majesty is a heartless person, how can you and I submit? If your majesty is a heartless person, what is the need for Daxia?"

Bailixian smiled slightly.

He clasped his fists at Li Hengxuan and said, "We will wait for the first God Peak, and we will definitely live up to His Majesty's expectations!"

"Then there will be Mr. Lao Baili, and Lao Jiang, Yuanba, Chen Zongzhu, Jiu Gu, you all go, don't worry about my safety."

Li Hengxuan waved his hand, unwilling to say any more.

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