Cross To Be The Emperor

Please leave for 1 day, tomorrow chapter 5 will be updated

"It's simple. Since I said I'm fighting alone, I won't take advantage of you! I'll suppress my strength to the realm of eighth-level martial arts to fight with you!"

Chen Chuan rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

Li Hengxuan smiled disdainfully, not understanding his calculations, and shouted sharply: "Chen Chuan, I gave you the opportunity to fight alone with me, but you treat me as a fool?"

Chen Chuanyi said seriously: "Li Hengxuan, what do you mean!"

Li Hengxuan shouted, "Hehe, why do you think that I don't know? You talk about suppressing your strength, but what you really think in your heart is that in the middle of the battle, a sudden burst of strength will kill me! Yes or no!"

Chen Chuan was taken aback for a moment, he was scheming in his heart, he couldn't help but blushed, but he tried to argue: "Hmph, I'm not that despicable!"

Li Hengxuan smiled and said calmly: "Chen Chuan, I don't know if you are so despicable, only you know in your heart! But if you want to fight alone with me like this, you have to follow my rules!"

The trick was exposed, Chen Chuan had no choice but to say: "Then what are you going to do?"

"It's very simple, I'll have someone reverse your strength from what you fought first! I can even give you some leeway, allowing you to retain the strength of a first-level martial artist!"

Li Hengxuan looked at Zhao Kaishan with a smile, and said: "Zhao Qing, I will leave this task to you!"

"Hey, leave it to the minister, and promise to complete the task!"

Zhao Kaishan chuckled, his fists were clenched, and he said again: "Your Majesty, do you really want to retain his strength as a first-level martial artist? You are only an eighth-level martial artist!"

Li Hengxuan smiled, and said nonchalantly: "As the son of Daxia, I will naturally not be like ordinary people, only fighting with the same level, leapfrog challenges are a must!"


Zhao Kaishan nodded heavily, and walked towards Chen Chuan with a cruel smile.

"You, what are you doing..."

Chen Chuan's heart shuddered, and fear appeared on his face, and he retreated instinctively!

Shengsheng was beaten by King Wu, leaving only the strength of a first-level martial artist, what kind of pain he has to endure.

Li Hengxuan shouted loudly: "Chen Chuan, I have given you the opportunity, if you dare to resist, or take a step back! Kill Wushe immediately!"


At this moment, Zhao Kaishan rushed over fiercely, because he wanted to save his life, so instead of using a knife, he punched Chen Chuan's dantian.

With a puff, Chen Chuan couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of old blood, his expression horrified, he only felt that his dantian had been shattered under this punch.

Inside the dantian, the profound energy cultivated through hard work is rapidly dissipating outward.

This meant that even if he defeated Li Hengxuan in a short while, or even killed Li Hengxuan, his strength would never recover.

A look of despair could not help but appear in Chen Chuan's eyes, but it was this despair that aroused his killing intent.

He vowed to kill Li Hengxuan's heart.


Regardless of his mood, Zhao Kaishan punched Chen Chuan's dantian again, the profound energy in his body dissipated even faster, and he fell out of the Martial King Realm and became a ninth-level martial artist.


With another punch, Chen Chuan changed from a ninth-level martial artist to an eighth-level martial artist.

Zhao Kaishan didn't stop, one punch after another, soon Chen Chuan fell from Martial King Venerable to a first-class martial artist.

"Okay, don't fight anymore, that's it!"

Li Hengxuan waved his hands and said with a smile: "Chen Chuan, I will give you another generous condition, let you make the first move, and no one else will intervene!"

"Tyrant, this is what you said, don't regret it!"

Chen Chuan's eyes were red, and he shouted loudly: "Let me strike first, you are dead!"

After saying this, without any warning, Chen Chuan suddenly made a move, and with a dance of the long sword in his hand, a burst of sword energy shot out.

Like a horse training, he flew towards Li Hengxuan from a distance of thirty zhang.

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

Xiao Lian shouted anxiously, her expression extremely anxious.

Lan Jiaoniang even stood in front of Li Hengxuan directly, trying to stop the blow for him!

"Concubine Lan, get out of the way, no one will help me!"

Li Hengxuan waved his hand, looked at this sword energy firmly, and instead of retreating, he rushed straight towards this sword energy.

"Haha, this tyrant is doomed! A mere eighth-level martial artist dares to challenge Brother Chen's attack!"

"He is so courageous that he doesn't even take a soldier, he is courting death!"

Wang Wenzhi and Liu Yunfeng looked at each other and smiled, wishing that Li Hengxuan would die in the hands of this sword energy!

Li Hengxuan's eyes were filled with infinite fighting intent.

In an instant, he rushed out ten feet.

The reason why he wanted to retain Chen Chuan's strength as a first-class martial artist was to hone himself.

You must know that what he is practicing is the holy-level kung fu, True Dragon Overlord Jue. If he only dares to fight against enemies of the same level, it would be too much of a waste of this holy-level kung fu.

He heard Li Hengxuan roar violently, punching the sword energy that was coming towards him with a fist.

"Wuzhi, how dare you receive my sword energy empty-handed! Tyrant, you abolished my martial arts cultivation, today I will dismember you and chop you into pieces, Ling Chi!"

Chen Chuan smiled disdainfully, and fired three more sword qi.

He seemed to have seen the scene where Li Hengxuan was cut into pieces by the sword energy.

"His Majesty!"

Xiao Lian let out a cry, and unconsciously pressed her hands on her chest.

"Hehe, it's just a mere sword energy, let's see how I break it!"

Li Hengxuan laughed disdainfully, and blasted out the dragon fist, and the profound energy in his body exploded suddenly after being blessed by the dragon's gloves. The sword energy, which was originally astonishing, suddenly split into pieces.

"What, he actually caught it!"

Wang Wenzhi and Liu Yunfeng couldn't help but froze in place.

Chen Chuan was shocked, only he knew how powerful this sword energy was, even though he was only a first-level martial artist. But after all, he was once the Supreme Martial King, and his control and use of profound energy far surpassed that of ordinary first-level martial artists.

This sword energy, let alone an eighth-level martial artist, even a real first-level martial artist will be cut in half.

But Li Hengxuan broke it up with his bare hands!

Li Hengxuan's Dragon Fighting Gloves are invisible, so everyone thinks that he broke the sword energy with bare hands.

"I, let you know what ignorance is!"

Li Hengxuan smiled calmly. After the punch just now, he was more sure about Chen Chuan's sword energy.

The incomparable profound energy of the True Dragon Overlord Art, coupled with the explosive power of the Dragon Fist, and the stimulation of the Dragon Fighting Gloves, this sword energy does not pose any threat to him.

Facing the three sword qi that flew over immediately, he didn't even use his fists.

With one slap, the three sword qi disappeared in smoke!


Chen Chuan was stunned. He didn't expect that the sword energy he was proud of could be broken by Li Hengxuan so easily.

"Hehe, I regret that I only let you retain the strength of a first-level martial artist! It won't have any training effect at all!" Li Hengxuan shook his head and smiled, and said: "Chen Chuan, it's time for you to die."

He rushed out suddenly, like an arrow leaving the string, and his fist like a dragon soaring into the air.

Before Chen Chuan could react, his head turned into a burst watermelon, with blood and brains spilled all over the place.

"Ding! Kill a strong Martial King, and find that the host is trying to cheat to obtain dragon energy points, so the dragon energy points will not be rewarded!"

"Fuck, just kidding!"

Li Hengxuan was stunned for a moment, there was no Dragon Qi reward for killing a Martial King! In a very unhappy mood, he looked at the remaining two people with a murderous look on his face, and said coldly: "You two old men, tell yourself how you want to die!"

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