“The appointment of ministers for the three new departments of the Ministry of National Education and Literacy, the Ministry of Industrial Development and Trade, and the National Security Council will be issued later. I will issue a special document to…”

Sankara hasn’t finished speaking yet.


The two guards standing outside pushed open the door of the conference hall.


Mayev walked in from the door in a hurry, and everyone looked at him.


He walked to Sankara’s side, leaned over and whispered in Sankara’s ear:

“The French ambassador is here and wants to see you!”


Upon hearing the words “French Ambassador”, Sankara’s eyes gradually became serious. After a moment of silence, he replied:

“Take him to the reception room and tell him I’ll be there right away!”

“Yes, President!”

Mayev nodded in response, then turned and left.


Sankara took a deep breath, adjusted his expression, then looked back at the people in the conference hall, smiled and said:

“I originally had a lot to say to you, but now I have more important things to deal with. It seems I can only wait until I have a chance to have a good chat with you later!”

“Let me emphasize one last point!”

“Please remember what I said at the beginning. I don’t want this to be the last time I see you at a high-level meeting of the government.”

“Okay, let’s do this for today!”

“The meeting is over!”

Before he finished speaking, Sankara stood up and left the conference hall.

Watching Sankara’s leaving figure.

Everyone in the conference hall had different expressions, some were curious, some were excited, some were disdainful, and some were gloomy!

Reception room.

“Bah, bah, bah!”

A blond man sitting on the sofa spit the tea he just drank back into the cup, and complained in French with a look of disgust:

“This tea tastes worse than the swill my grandma made out of old leather shoes! Don’t they have even an ounce of good tea?”

“Obviously their former president knows how to enjoy it!”

at this time.

“Good morning, Mr. Ambassador!”

Before he even stepped through the door, Sankara’s loud voice had already reached the ears of the blond man.

Sankara walked into the reception room. As he walked, he extended his right hand to the blond man and continued with a smile on his face:

“I have long heard that Mr. Adrian has beautiful blond hair and is very handsome. Now that I saw him, I didn’t expect that he is even more handsome than I thought!”


Hearing Sankara’s words, Adrian’s face instantly showed a smile. He stood up, reached out and held Sankara’s right hand, and replied:

“Mr. President, the way you speak is much better than your predecessor! I hope our next conversation will be as interesting as now!”


Sankara smiled and did not reply too much. Instead, he took back his right hand, made a gesture of invitation, and said:

“No rush, let’s sit down and talk slowly!”

After Adrian took his seat again, Sankara, who was also seated, continued to ask:

“I didn’t know Mr. Adrian came to see me so early, but is there anything important?”

“If so, just tell me!”

“As long as it’s within my capabilities, Sankara, I will definitely make arrangements for you!”

Maybe he didn’t expect Sankara to say that, but this time, a smile appeared on Adrian’s face, a smile from the heart.

But at the same time, a hint of disdain flashed deep in his eyes.

He picked up the tea cup that he had just thrown on the table and took a sip. After saying “This is really good tea”, Adrian replied:

“I do have some very important things that I need to discuss with you, Mr. President!”

“I thought you should know!”

“In order to maintain the friendly relations between your country and our country, our country and the previous presidents of your country have signed many friendship treaties.”

“Nowadays, although there is some turmoil in your country’s political situation.”

“But I think this won’t be a factor that affects the relationship between our two countries, right?”

Adrian didn’t say it clearly, but he actually made it clear.

As long as Sankara isn’t a fool.

You can understand what Adrian is talking about.

So is Sankara a fool?

The so-called treaty of friendship!

To put it bluntly, it is actually the powerful French Fourth Republic.various unequal treaties that forced the Republic of Burkinia to sign.

Including but not limited to unilateral tariff exemptions, strategic resource exploitation rights, energy industry monopoly rights, etc.

To put it more bluntly.

That is, for every 100 North African CFA francs that the French Republic earns from the land of the Republic of Burkinia, the Republic of Burkina can only get 1 franc from it. This is only given by the French because of their kindness.

And this 1 franc, the Republic of Burkinia will also be distributed to the people below who are waiting for food.

500 grams of rice costs 100 North African CFA francs. What can you do with 1 North African CFA franc?

If converted to the world before Sankara, this 1 North African franc was almost equivalent to less than 5 cents, and it was still 5 cents in the 1920s!

Even if it is used to buy a piece of paper to wipe your butt, it may not be enough!

This is the fundamental reason why thousands of people starve to death every day in the Republic of Burkinia!

This is also something Sankara cannot tolerate!


“What did I think it was?”

“So Mr. Ambassador came here so early just for such a trivial matter? Can you just find someone to tell me no?”

“Don’t worry, no matter how turbulent the political situation in the Republic of Burkinia is, it will not affect our friendly relations with your country!”

“Those treaties signed by previous presidents are equivalent to being signed by me, Sankara!”

“If necessary, I can also re-sign several treaties with your country to maintain the friendship between our two countries!”

The reality makes Sankara unbearable!

The French Fourth Republic is indeed weak!

In the last world war, it held high the white flag and became the so-called victorious country.

But this one is weak, it depends on who you compare it with!

In front of the giant red bear and the giant white eagle, France is as weak as a babbling baby. One punch can make him cry for father and mother!

But in front of the Republic of Burkina, which has less than 100,000 troops, only a few tanks and armor, and no aircraft. It has no coastline at all, let alone a navy.

The French Fourth Republic is still a world power with an army of one million, thousands of tanks, thousands of aircraft, hundreds of battleships and nearly ten aircraft carriers.

In the land of North Africa, it can be called a well-deserved overlord!


Hearing Sankara’s answer, Adrian’s eyes flashed with surprise. He did not expect this answer at all.

Sankara’s character at this moment was completely different from what he saw in the information provided by the intelligence department.

He was already prepared to be scolded by Sankara, and eventually expelled from the presidential palace, and then he would pay the price if he yelled something louder.

but now……

Adrian stood up with a smile, took the initiative to extend his right hand to Sankara, and said:

“Then, I wish the friendship between our two countries will last forever!”

Sankara also stood up, held Adrian’s hand, and replied with a smile on his face:

“If I have the opportunity, I think I will definitely visit your country in person to show the nearly century-old friendship between our two countries!”

But deep in Sankara’s eyes, it was indeed as cold as winter!


Nearly a hundred years!

A total of 98 years of “friendship” from being colonized by the French Fourth Republic to now seemingly independent!

He will definitely find an opportunity to have a good discussion with the French guy!

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