Republic of Burkina, Dougagu.

“February 4th, the beginning of spring?”

William’s mother sat by the bed and picked up the calendar. After seeing a line of small words next to the date, her mind became a little confused:

“If my son is here, he must know what the beginning of spring means. My son is amazing. It’s a pity that today, Friday, he is still in school.”

at this time.

“Honey, I’m back!”

The voice of William’s father speaking and the sound of opening the door reached the ears of William’s mother.

“Husband seems very excited today?”

Such an idea flashed through William’s mother’s mind, but she didn’t pay much attention to it, and quickly asked:

“Husband, do you know what the beginning of spring means?”

“Don’t you know what the beginning of spring means? Your factory workers’ literacy class should teach it, right? You didn’t listen carefully, did you?”

William’s father walked into the bedroom, his face pretending to be serious.

“Yeah! Have you ever told me?”

William’s mother was a little surprised and a little embarrassed at the same time, so she acted rogue:

“Oh, I’m obviously asking you, why don’t you hurry up and tell me what it means, or do you actually don’t know what it means?”

“You, you…”

William’s father was a little helpless and shook his head in amusement. He sat next to William’s mother and explained:

“You should know that the entire world is deeply influenced by the ancient Eastern countries, and the calendar is based on their settings, so the word “beginning of spring” also comes from them.”

William’s mother wanted to say “I don’t know”, but seeing her husband’s serious explanation, she held back and continued to listen obediently.

“The beginning of spring is the first of the twenty-four solar terms. It is the beginning of all things in the world, indicating that a new cycle has begun. At the same time, it also means a new beginning and new opportunities.”


William’s mother seemed to understand. Thinking of the people and things she saw on the street just now when she returned home, she asked curiously:

“I just came home and saw many people who were very excited. Is it because today is the beginning of spring?”


William’s father decisively rejected it.

“Isn’t it because of this? What’s the reason? I think they were so happy that they were crazy, but it was so scary that I got home several minutes earlier than usual today.”

“that is because……”

After William’s father said this, he stood up and walked to the window, looked up at the world outside the window, and replied excitedly:

“Our country is finally unified!”

“Ah? Unification? Hasn’t our country always been unified? No country has occupied our country’s land.”

William’s mother didn’t quite understand.

“You don’t understand even if I tell you, you’d better take your workers’ literacy class!”

William’s father shook his head and did not continue to explain. Then suddenly as if he remembered something, he immediately asked:

“By the way, what time is it now?”

“It should be almost six o’clock now, and my son should be home soon!”

William’s mother didn’t look at the time, but made an estimate in her mind and gave the answer.

It turns out that the answer is accurate.


“Mom, I’m back!”

William’s voice rang out, followed by another sentence:

“Hurry up and take out the radio. Don’t lock it in the cabinet like a treasure and won’t let me touch it.

At 6:30, President Sankara will deliver a national address to celebrate the official reunification of the country with us! ”

“Your dad spent two months of my salary on this. What happened to the baby? Why are you still in school? If you can, spend your own money to buy it!”

Although William’s mother said so.

But when she heard that it was Sankara who was going to deliver a national address on the radio, she hurried to a red cabinet and took out a brand new radio wrapped in floral cloth.

presidential palace.

“President, the equipment has been debugged and everything is normal. You can start speaking to the people of the country at any time.”

In the broadcast room, a staff member bent over and tinkered with the equipment, then got up and reported to Sankara who was standing next to him.

“Well, thank you for your hard work!”

A smile appeared on Sankara’s face.

“It is our honor to serve you and the people!”

“Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock—”Sankara sat quietly in front of the broadcasting equipment, listening to the passage of time.

To be honest,

To completely annihilate the anti-government coalition forces, take back all the areas controlled by them, and achieve the substantial unification of the country.

There was not much excitement or excitement in Sankara’s heart.

There is definitely a little bit, but not much.

Moreover, Sankara was not originally prepared to deliver a national address, but after thinking about it, he did so anyway.


A bigger war is coming!

Sankara needs to use the whole country to complete the unification, arouse the people’s love for the country, arouse their yearning for the coming peace, and arouse their illusions about a better life in the future.

Then, when this bigger war comes!

Only then can the citizens’ love for the country and their anger at the destruction of their peaceful life and beautiful illusions be twisted into a rope by Sankara, integrated together, and exert greater power.

“Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock—”

Time passed quietly, and soon it was 6:30.

“Compatriots of all ethnic groups in the Republic of Burkinia!

I am Ajero Sankara, the current President of the country.

Three months ago, I gave a speech here, swearing to each of you with my life, promising you that I will build a world where everyone can have enough to eat, everyone can wear warm clothes, and everyone can have a job. s country.

Today, I stand here again to address all of you, just to tell you that I have taken the most important step to fulfill my promise.

Because today, our Republic of Burkina has finally completed its de facto reunification!

This means that war will be far away from our country from now on, the days of peace are approaching us, and we will usher in a beautiful era of rapid development!

starting today,

We can finally walk on the road with peace of mind, without worrying about dying tragically due to suicide attacks by terrorists; we can finally build our own houses with peace of mind, without worrying that they will turn into a pile of useless ruins because of the war that day; we can finally… …

Large tracts of land will be planted with food, and having enough food will no longer be a luxury; factories are rising from the ground, and wearing warm clothes and having a job will no longer be a luxury…

And all of this is entirely because we have achieved national reunification and are about to enter a peaceful era without war!

Therefore, if anyone attempts to destroy the peace that belongs to us, let us go back to the days when we have no enough food to eat, no warm clothes to wear, no work, and the days when we work as cattle and horses for the landlords.


We will use our lives and the weapons in our hands to tell him——

Unless we step over our corpses, we will never agree! “

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