(PS: Four updates today, two chapters in a row in the morning!)


As a father, the young man saw the confusion in his daughter’s eyes and fell silent.

He didn’t know the answer to the question either.

After a while,

The young man asked softly:

“It was the Buginian army that saved us!?”

In his words, there was the same confusion and confusion, as well as some disbelief.


Even though he had the answer in his heart, he still wanted to get a positive reply from his daughter.

“Yes, Dad!”

The daughter nodded vigorously and added:

“If it weren’t for them, my father and I might never… see my mother again. By the way, my mother is now also a doctor in this field hospital.

My mother said that the Burkinian army saved my father and I. There was nothing she could do but use her medical skills to save as many Burkinian soldiers as possible. ”


Buginia is at war with its own country, and his wife, a doctor with Ghanaian nationality, is actually saving lives and healing the wounded for the Buginian army?

If it were in the past, young people would definitely think that they were crazy, or at least there was something wrong with their ears.

Otherwise, how could you hear such crazy words?

But now… young people just want to know:

“Why did the Buginian army save us as Ghanaians?”

“Because we are all human beings, the war between our country and your country is a matter between our soldiers. No matter what happens on the battlefield, everyone will do it according to their own means, and there is nothing to say.

But if you maliciously target or even deliberately massacre civilians outside the battlefield, then you are a beast inferior to a pig or a dog, and do not deserve to be called a human being at all! ”

Just when the young man was confused, a rich voice came into his ears and gave the answer to the question.


The young man looked in the direction of the sound.

A lieutenant colonel officer who looked about 30 years old and was wearing a jungle camouflage combat uniform with a collar badge of two stars and a horizontal bar on the top and bottom. He was standing at the door of the tent with a bag of fruit in his hand.

“Who are you……”

Just as the young man was about to speak, he was interrupted by his daughter:

“Dad, it was this uncle and his comrades who saved us the day before yesterday.”

“Uh…thank you and your men for saving our father and daughter!”

The young man quickly thanked him.

The lieutenant colonel strode to the bed, changed the hand carrying the fruit to his right hand, and took the initiative to extend his left hand to the young man with an injured right shoulder:

“Hello, my name is Yevich Fomin. If you want, you can also call me Yefim. My comrades all call me that.

As for what happened the day before yesterday, you don’t need to thank us at all, because after all, if it weren’t for us, you and your daughter would not have encountered such a thing. ”

“Hello Mr. Fomin, my name is Masky Andre.”

Andre habitually wanted to stretch out his right hand, but the severe pain made him immediately switch to his left hand.

After introducing himself, he was silent for a second or two, and then continued with a very serious expression:

“Although I am a Ghanaian, the grievances are still clear. It was our government that initiated the war, and your government was only forced to defend itself.

The ones who hurt me and my daughter were also soldiers of our country. It was you, the Buginian soldiers, who rescued our father and daughter.

Therefore, I must say thank you! ”

“Hahaha, Mr. Andre, you are really an interesting person. By the way, from the callus scars on your hands, you must have been a soldier before…”

Fuming smiled and shook his head, just as he was about to find a place to sit down and chat with Andre for a while.

“Political commissar, there is news from the regiment headquarters, saying that there is something very important and asking you to go back quickly!”

A guard broke into the tent and interrupted Fumin’s thoughts.


Fuming was stunned for a moment, and then said very embarrassedly:

“I originally said that I would have a good chat with you and ask if you are interested in joining our group, but now it seems that I can only wait until next time. I have something to do here, so I will leave first!”

After saying that, without waiting for Andre’s reaction, Fuming turned around and left.

Just when Fuming was about to step out of the tent, Andre, who seemed to have figured out something, immediately asked loudly:

“Mr. Fuming, what is the number of your regiment?”

After about two seconds,”People’s Armed Forces of the Republic of Burkinia, 2nd Division, 4th Light Armored Brigade, 241st Infantry Regiment!”

“The people…the armed forces!?”

The civilians who were originally panicked and frightened because the Burkinian army occupied the city were afraid of the evil acts committed by the Burkinian army.

Gradually I discovered,

This Buginian army seems to be completely different from the armies we have seen and heard before.

Not only did they not rape women, rob property, or torture and kill civilians…but they also took the initiative to maintain law and order in the city! ?

They provide medical aid to injured civilians, food to hungry civilians, tents to those homeless due to war,…

Is this really an army?

“These are obviously a group of angels sent by God to the world!”

“No, this is obviously a group of Living Buddhas appearing in the human world!”

Some citizens who believe in religion or Buddhism have given their own explanations.

Many people who do not believe in religion or believe in Buddhism also believe these words.

Otherwise, they would not be able to explain why there is such a good army in this world.

In particular, there was the army of their own country in front of them. After losing the battle, they fled to the city, took advantage of the chaos to rape women, robbed money, and tortured and killed civilians… Obviously they should be the protectors of this city!

As a result, it was the Buginian army that attacked the city that was protecting the city.

“This is a complete travesty!”

“Now I would rather this city had been ruled by Burkina!”

“That’s right, Ganal’s army must not come back again!”

“They are not an army, they are clearly a group of bandits, no! They are worse than bandits!”

Some civilians with personal experience said angrily.

Some civilians even began to actively provide help to the Burkinian army.

Including but not limited to pointing out the defeated troops hiding in the city, helping to provide materials for building fortifications, helping to provide some hearsay information about the Ganar army, etc.

“Actually, our military is far from as good as they say!”

Sankara, who was in the Presidential Palace, after learning about these things, said with shame:

“If it were not the 4th Light Armored Brigade that attacked the city this time, but the infantry brigades adapted from local forces, I’m afraid we would also be rated worse than the bandits.”

“President, please rest assured that our Ministry of National Defense will never let these things happen to our military.

At the same time, we will also complete the ideological transformation of those local troops in the shortest possible time! ”

Katle, who is the Minister of Defense, loudly assured Sankara.

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