PS: It’s still the fourth update today, woo woo woo, my body is hollowed out!

April 19th.

The fifth day of the humiliating defeat of the French Air Force in North Africa.

France did not stop the war. Instead, after blocking the news, it tried to speed up the war and made even crazier choices.

They transferred nearly 90% of their troops to Jenening.

Only a small number of troops were left in other places, squatting in trenches, only defending but not attacking.

France seems to be preparing to use its overwhelming force advantage to occupy the city of Jenenin in the shortest possible time, and then direct its army towards Dugagu, the capital of the Republic of Buginia.

In this case, even if the news of the Air Force’s disastrous defeat is revealed later, they will not be greatly affected!

To put it bluntly, they are gambling now!

“As long as we can capture their capital, everything will be fine!”

“With an army of 200,000, I don’t believe that we can’t defeat a small Jenenin!”

“At any cost, we must defeat Dugagu within a week!”

Under direct pressure from the president, the generals on the front line no longer dared to fish, and they all worked hard to show the Republic of Burkinia the true strength of their French army.


What they never expected was that,

The Burkinian Ministry of National Defense, which learned the news in advance, also mobilized most of its troops from other defense lines and urgently supplemented them to Jenenin and the surrounding defense lines.

At the same time, the Soviet heavy armor division, which was originally intended to fight the Battle of Dugagu and had not been used, was also secretly transferred to Jeninin.

Instead of the original Burkinian army, it became the main force fighting the French army in street battles.


The French army, which had planned to capture Jenenin in two days and Dugagu in one week, ran into a wall of iron and steel.

The collision resulted in a bloody head, which was quite miserable!

In just one day, they suffered nearly 2,000 casualties. If they had withdrawn a little slower, this number of casualties would probably have caught up with the meat grinder of World War II!


The French army was so beaten that they began to doubt life.

“That’s not right! The Burkinian army is indeed very tenacious, but it’s not as perverted as it is today, right? This is ridiculously strong! I almost wonder if the Soviets are defending this city!”

An officer who had experienced World War II and also participated in the war against the Soviet Union as a servant army said in shock.

In fact, by this point, the French army no longer wanted to fight!

However, the huge pressure from the French president directly overwhelmed the French generals on the front line and could not breathe at all.

They had no choice but to convey this pressure to the troops below.

Then, when the war reached its fourth day.

Their daily casualties exceeded 3,000, reaching more than 4,000 casualties that made them wonder if they were dreaming!

“The most cruel meat grinder in World War II, the number of casualties every day is probably nothing more than this, right!?”

“We are not the German army, let alone the Soviet army! We are the French army! The officials above actually let us fight in this level of street fighting?”

“Is this a war? This is obviously a suicide attempt!”

“Why should we mince meat here with another North African country for the sake of one North African country?”

This huge number of casualties directly dealt a heavy blow to the already low morale of the French army.

If it were the French army that had sworn to defend the Maginot Line during World War II, it would have been impossible to waver because of these casualties.

But World War II has ended almost twenty years ago.

The most elite French troops in the past have either retired or have become mid- to high-level officers.

Therefore, the current middle and lower-level officers and soldiers of the French army are all rookies who have never experienced war.

The most important thing is that there is no so-called French Foreign Legion in this world. The French army is all composed of French people with orthodox French blood!

And there is another fundamental problem.

That is, these middle and low-level officers and soldiers have no idea why they are fighting this war!

When the war progressed to the fifth day,

The French offensive has significantly weakened, and many middle- and low-level officers and soldiers have begun another old French tradition during World War II – fishing!


The Burkinian army and the Soviet army, feeling that the French offensive had weakened, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

becauseBecause they are actually holding on now.

The cruelty of street fighting is not aimed at one side alone!

The French army suffered three to four thousand casualties every day. The Burkinabian and Soviet armies were on the defensive side, and they had rich experience in street fighting, so the sacrifice was not too great.

But there were also one to two thousand casualties every day!

In just four days, almost a brigade was destroyed!

Although the Soviet army accounted for nearly half of the casualties, the remaining half was enough for the Burkinaian Ministry of Defense to grin.

If it were placed on those big countries, such casualties would definitely not be too concerned.

But the Republic of Burkina is just a small country with a population of just over 22 million, and the casualties are all young and middle-aged people. How could they not care!

“We have also withstood the strongest wave of French offensives. Now it depends on the Soviet Union! We have enough bargaining chips. What we need to do now is to bring France to the negotiation table!”

Sankara stood alone in front of the window, habitually looking up and looking into the distance, and said softly.

Ancient Eastern country, Shencheng.

United Nations Headquarters,

United Nations Security Council.

“France, you launched a war against a sovereign state without the approval of the Security Council? You are openly trampling on the UN Charter!”

The ambassador from the Soviet Union slammed the table and roared.

“We just…”

Just as the French ambassador was about to explain, he was interrupted by the US ambassador to the United Nations:

“Moreover, you French are so crazy that you are preparing to carry out blanket bombing on civilians. Do you want to despise the common values ​​of the entire human world! Are you against the entire human civilization? Do you still have human rights in your heart!?”

“No, we don’t…”

Just as the French ambassador was about to explain, he was interrupted by the ambassador of the ancient Eastern country:

“French ambassador, on behalf of my government, I solemnly warn you, France! The war you launched against the Republic of Burkina is an aggressive war!

It is the worst war since the end of World War II!

Therefore, on behalf of my government, I advise you, France, to immediately stop the invasion of a sovereign country and compensate them for their losses in the war. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!”


The French ambassador now understands that China, the Soviet Union and the United States have long been in good terms. No matter how he explains, these three countries will definitely not listen.

There is no way, the French ambassador can only look at Britain.

At the same time, his eyes conveyed a very clear message to Britain:

“The three of them are working together to dismantle the colonial system that we have worked so hard to build. You must not stand by and watch! You have to stand up and speak for us, France!”

As a result,

what the French ambassador never expected was that the first sentence the British ambassador to the United Nations said was:

“We in Britain agree that this war is the worst war of aggression since the end of World War II, so we in Britain will vote in favor of the bill “Urging France to stop the war immediately.”


The French ambassador was completely dumbfounded.

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