In today's world, there are only a dozen top-level warriors standing on the boundless sea.

Among them, the [Four Emperors], [Admirals], and a few old monsters who have been hiding from the world are even rarer.

Among them, the strongest official force is the [Navy]. Among this huge and complex force, there are only three people who have the title of [Admiral] -

Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru.

The above three people represent the highest combat power of the Navy, and all three have their own [Justice].

At this moment, Luffy is facing the Admiral [Aokiji] who pursues [Lazy Justice].

Luffy turned to Vivi and said:

"Take a good look at the control of the ice attribute ability of this Admiral. Your fruit abilities are all ice and snow attributes!"

Vivi nodded and watched attentively.

Luffy did not hesitate any more, and hesitation would lead to defeat.

He took the lead -

"Rubber·Fist bone·Fire fist gun!"

Luffy's fist was full of rakugan domineering energy, and he stretched out his arm and punched Aokiji in the face.

Aokiji didn't dare to be careless when he saw this, and took down a few leaves and exhaled a breath of cold air:

"Ice sword!"

Aokiji condensed ice into a sword, attached it with the unmatched armed color domineering, and swung it out.

Amid the clanging sound, the two tried to attack for the first time, and neither of them had the upper hand.

"Oh my, I'm afraid that no one in the younger generation can match Luffy's domineering power, and even many old monsters who have retreated from the world can only sigh that they are not as good as him."

Aokiji made a knife flower with the ice sword and was ready for battle.

Aokiji didn't relax at all, and the ice sword would break after a few more hits.

Luffy chuckled:

"Same here, Admiral Aokiji. The admiral's domineering strength has long been unrivaled in the sea, and his fruit ability is comparable to a natural disaster."

Yes, Admiral Aokiji's two-color domineering has long reached the pinnacle, his body is perfectly tempered, and his fruit ability of the [Ice Fruit] is a strategic-level power.

"Then, it's my turn!"

"Ice Cube·Two Thorns!"

Aokiji crossed his hands, forming spears made of ice on both sides, also wrapped with top-level armed color domineering, and attacked Luffy.

Luffy grinned:

"Come on!"

"Rubber Finger Gun·Split the Air!"

The steam power controlled by the Nika Fruit wrapped around his hands, supplemented by the pinnacle [Navy Six Style·Finger Gun], and fired two high-temperature, powerful [Finger Guns] at high speed, even forming a sound of breaking through the air.

The attacks of both sides collided, setting off a huge air wave. This time, Luffy actually had the upper hand.

"Ah, what a terrifying little brother! The navy's [Finger Gun] is so proficient, and can even be combined with the power of the fruit to make it even more powerful."

"Storm Legs·Ice Blade!"

Aokiji kicked out a huge ice blade, unstoppable.

As a navy admiral, he naturally has the ultimate control of the [Six Styles of the Navy].

"Storm Legs·Cut the Sky!"

Luffy kicked out a sharp arc-shaped air wave from top to bottom, and with a bang, the two moves canceled each other out.

Aokiji narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice:

"In this sea, the strength of the power is closely related to the amount of the bounty, but it does not depend entirely on the bounty. It will also refer to its influence on the world government.

According to the strength shown by Brother Luffy now and the ratio of the bounty, if the bounty is 1.5 billion Baileys, it would be too little!"

Luffy shouted:

"I'm really sorry, General Aokiji! Come and take my move again!"

"Freedom Ultimate·Break the City Rocket·Random Attack!"

Luffy's fist contracted, compressing the power of domineering to the extreme, and punched continuously.

Aokiji's eyes condensed:

"This can't be hit!"

"Ice Extreme·Burst Pheasant Mouth!"

Aokiji mobilized the power of domineering, stretched out his hands, and a huge ice bird wrapped in domineering blasted out.

Luffy's punches hit the ice bird, and after a few punches, the ice bird suddenly turned into a pile of broken ice.

But when he looked again, Aokiji disappeared on the spot under the cover of the huge ice bird.

"Frozen time capsule!"

Aokiji covered Luffy's chest with both hands, and released the extreme cold air crazily, quickly freezing Luffy into an ice sculpture:

"It's over like this... huh?"

Before Aokiji finished speaking, he suddenly felt that Luffy's ice sculpture emitted huge energy. The next moment, the frozen Luffy broke out of the ice, and a strong domineering aura was flowing through Luffy's body.

Seeing this, Aokiji hurriedly jumped away. He had an inexplicable feeling that this was very wrong.

"General Aokiji, you don't think that such freezing will be good for the sea.The strong will have an immediate effect, right? This can't hurt me!"

"Gear 4·Snake Man!"

The huge pressure brought to Luffy by the admiral of the navy also made Luffy continue to become stronger. Now he can completely master the [Giant Power] of the giants. Every attack he makes now can cover the [Giant Power]!

[Giant Power], in fact, is also a kind of mental oppression in layman's terms. It will make every target attacked by it only take it hard and cannot escape. It is very much in the fighting style of the giants.

Aokiji shouted and quickly pulled away:

"Ice Spikes!"

Several ice spikes wrapped with domineering power rose from the ground under Luffy's feet. Luffy didn't panic when he saw this, and stomped his feet hard:

"Trampling·Steaming Power!"

Luffy in the [Snake Man] state perfectly controlled the steam, and the huge heat energy burst out instantly, overturning everything, smashing the ice spikes that emerged, and the huge explosion also caused the ground to collapse.

"Hey, hey, hey! The island will be sunk! "

The companions shouted in the distance.

"Ice Age!"

Aokiji released a huge amount of extremely cold air, creating a huge iceberg that covered all the surroundings.

"This range is too large!"

After saying this, Zoro swung out three swords at the same time and swung out several huge blood-red sword auras. The sword aura tore through the sky, and the iceberg was shattered, turning into fragments and falling into the sea.

Aokiji couldn't help but look sideways, and was even more fortunate that he didn't fight the entire Straw Hat Pirates directly:

"Luffy's crew are also some incredible guys!"

Luffy, however, stepped forward:

"Where is Mr. Kuzan looking?"

"Black Mamba!"

The zigzag fist hit out, and Aokiji didn't dare to be careless. He fully opened his observation color, dodged and moved, and finally avoided the attack.

"Huh~ Brother, you are not the only one who can see the future! "

Aokiji wiped a non-existent sweat.

"Of course! How could the admiral of the navy not be able to foresee the future?"

Luffy stood firm.

Aokiji suddenly found something strange:

"What's going on? My physical strength shouldn't be consumed so quickly, right?"

Luffy scratched his head and said awkwardly:

"Ah, that! It's the passive ability of our ship's doctor, Chopper! The enemy unit's physical strength consumption rate will double, and the fighting spirit will continue to decrease!

I'm sorry, you are equivalent to one against two, and it seems that there is no way to actively shut it down unless you are a friendly party. "

Aokiji was speechless:

"It's really perverted! But it's not impossible to use domineering to forcibly offset it!"

Luffy laughed:

"Indeed, too strong domineering can offset the ability of the fruit. However, energy is conserved. Using the power of one unit of Haki to offset the fruit ability of one unit, this part of the ability can only be consumed!

If not, who else in this sea would eat the useless devil fruit? Haki is the most powerful force in this sea, but it does not mean absolute invincibility. ”

Aokiji's mouth twitched:

"Indeed! I can't use all the power of Haki now!

Unfortunately, this is not enough! It's too early to defeat me!"

Aokiji's hands were flowing with armed color Haki, and the extreme cold was condensed, ready for a quick battle:

"Ice gloves!"

Luffy's expression moved:

"This is what Grandpa Garp said about the combination of fruit ability and Haki that General Kuzan figured out! It's really interesting!

Then let's compete in close combat!"

Aokiji was also very happy to hear this:

"Come on, brother Luffy! Mr. Garp has a favor to me, and he helped me to forge a very strong body! He is my teacher!"

Luffy smiled:

"Who isn't? Grandpa Garp's training is very harsh! Let me help you recall the horror of Grandpa Garp!"

"Ultimate Freedom·Fist Bone·Fall to the Seabed!"

This punch, wrapped in unmatched Armament Haki, hit Aokiji directly.

Aokiji's face changed, and he condensed an ice shield in front of him, and the whole person flew back:

"Ice Crystal Shield!"

But the terrifying Haki impact directly penetrated the ice shield, and continued to blast towards Aokiji.

Aokiji was instantly blown away, and jumped up from a distance with a dusty face, leaving a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth:

"What a heart-warming punch! Iron Fist Garp, really is of the same lineage!"

Luffy grinned when he heard it:

"Come again! "

Then the two of them started a fierce collision, fighting each other in close combat, punching each other, ice shooting, and air waves flying.

The two fought from the ground to the sky, and from the sky to the ground, the whole island was shaking and shaky.

In this battle, Aokiji was very uncomfortable. The natural system has the power to destroy the world and even permanently change the climate of a region. This is the advantage of the natural system.

But when fighting with the top strongDuring the battle, large-scale bombing is meaningless, and the natural system will hardly add much to the physical strength. The physical strength can only be strengthened by the ability user himself. What's more, he has to consume some of his domineering to offset the effect of accelerating the loss of physical strength.

The [Ice Bullet], [Ice Rain], [Ice Ball], [Frozen Moment], etc. released by Aokiji were all forcibly broken through by Luffy, and even [Ice Age] was difficult to achieve success. He was forced to fight Aokiji in close combat, but he was shocked to find that he was suppressed in close combat with Luffy!

Unable to open up the distance, he could only take Luffy's free fight. Although the attacks released by Aokiji occasionally injured Luffy, the frozen wounds recovered rapidly in Aokiji's puzzled eyes!

The monster-like Luffy was about to make Aokiji doubt his life.

After all, Luffy's fruit ability was not a [Rubber Fruit] at all, but [Animal System·Mythical Beast·Nika Form]!

This is the most exaggerated fruit ability in the world, but the greater the imagination, the greater the power. This is a completely unreasonable power!

What's more, Luffy became stronger and stronger in the battle, and he kept yelling something in his mouth, which was a kind of mental damage:

"Ora Ora Ora!"

"Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da!"

After a long time, Luffy and Aokiji both lay in the huge pit, but Luffy jumped up quickly.

Aokiji panted:

"Stop, stop, stop! I'm really old! How come you're still like nothing happened? Do you have endless stamina? Why do I feel like your stamina recovery speed is too suffocating? The more you fight, the braver you become, and the stronger you become!

No... are you really a superman?"

Luffy did not answer directly:

"Ah, that! I forgot to say that Chopper's passive ability can also double the stamina recovery speed of friendly units!"

Aokiji gave up immediately after hearing this:

"I won't fight anymore! I can't hit you, and the damage I can do is not as fast as your recovery. I can't make you unable to recover in an instant. Damage, but you can continue to accumulate the damage I have suffered.

You are still ridiculously strong, I will be knocked down by you all of a sudden! If you continue to fight, there is no need to play! It's over! "

Luffy pulled up Aokiji who was playing badly:

"Then let's stop here! Haven't you used the awakening ability of [Frozen Fruit] yet?"

Aokiji asked back:

"Aren't you useless too? And you didn't use the Conqueror's Haki! Using the awakening ability means a fight of life and death. There is no need for that, and I don't think it can threaten you."

Aokiji raised his eyes and looked around the Straw Hat Pirates meaningfully.

When everyone saw the battle subsided, they gathered around:

"It's over?"

Luffy nodded and said:

"Well, the battle is over."

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