"Oh oh oh! We are finally arriving at Water City! It's been a bumpy ride!"

Sanji was filled with emotion.

After all, they had just experienced a great battle with Shiki the Golden Lion, and had killed a top warrior of the old era. Everyone was exhausted.

Luffy suggested:

"Everyone! Let's dock the ship at the port of Water City now! Let's not get off the ship yet, and have a good rest on the ship! When we wake up, we will officially start the adventure of Water City!"

Robin couldn't help stretching:

"Huh! I'm really sleepy! No matter how interesting Water City is, let me take a nap now!"

Luffy couldn't help thinking: Water City is really interesting, and it may also be the turning point of Robin's fate. There are all kinds of monsters in Water City, including CP0 and CP9.

Everyone started to feel sleepy after hearing this, so they all went back to their rooms to prepare for bed.

"Well, I'll go to sleep first! I'll talk to you when I come back!"

Luffy exhaled, went into the room, and fell asleep.

In the dreams of the Straw Hat Pirates, the previous news began to ferment rapidly.

In the dreams of the Straw Hat Pirates, in an unknown era, a fight was quietly unfolding, and the timelines of the past and the future were quietly changing...


This is the year 1502 of the Sea Circle Calendar, 18 years ago. At this time, Luffy was less than 2 years old, a period that could not be reached anyway.

At this time, Wano Country seemed to have just experienced a turmoil that swept the country. Shouts and shouts were everywhere, and gunpowder was everywhere.

In the year 1502 of the Sea Circle Calendar, the new world, Wano Country, Kuri Castle.

This is the residence of Kozuki Oden, the original general of Wano Country, in Kuri Oden Castle.

The mansion is now surrounded by raging fire, and the obituary of Kozuki Oden's death by boiling has spread throughout Kuri Castle.

Mrs. Toki listened quietly to Oden's last deeds, then walked into the room alone and took out the suicide note that Kozuki Oden left for his family. This was left by Oden before he went to fight Kaido.

In the suicide note, Kozuki Oden foresaw that if this trip failed, he would die. If he could not defeat Kaido, then for a long time to come, no one in Wano would be able to defeat Kaido. It will take a long time to wait. In eighteen years, there will be a huge war that will tear the world apart.

And the protagonists of that war will come to the New World, to Wano Country, and the future will be created by them.

Mrs. Toki burst into tears: "If I die..."

However, for that uncertain future, for Oden's dream, Mrs. Toki still tore up the suicide note firmly.

In the dense forest far outside the mansion, a severely injured samurai desperately fled with a child in his arms.

The child was dressed in a standard samurai outfit, with a kimono and wooden clogs, and a short sword—Kozuki Momonosuke!

The samurai walked forward with difficulty, comforting the boy in his arms:

"Young master, please don't look back! Although I don't understand why Madam Toki suddenly changed her mind, I will definitely protect you!"

This samurai was not one of the Nine Red Scabbards directly under Kozuki Oden. He was just an ordinary samurai who was unknown, but he was one of Kozuki Oden's death warriors. In order to conceal her identity, Madam Toki specially chose such a person to send Momonosuke away.

The samurai's face was very ugly, because the elite troops of Kurozumi Orochi were chasing them!


Momonosuke's tears rolled in his eyes, and his arms tightly grasped the samurai, and he no longer looked back at the raging fire.

Momonosuke couldn't help but recall everything that happened not long ago—

Kozuki Toki had already told the Nine Red Scabbards about her origins and abilities, and she wanted to send everyone to the future to change everything.

But just when Lady Kozuki Toki was about to activate the power of the [Toki Fruit], she suddenly became at a loss and was horrified:

"What's going on? The future? The future has been changed! The future world is torn apart, but there is a special red color that gradually spreads to the whole world!

The world was originally a chaos and nothingness, but strangely, there was a man wearing a straw hat..."

At this point, Kozuki Toki suddenly had blood flowing from her mouth and nose, and suffered a great backlash. She couldn't see the future clearly, nor could she see the face of the man wearing a straw hat!


The Nine Red Scabbards hurriedly supported Kozuki Toki:

"What happened?"

Kozuki Toki said breathlessly:

"The future, the future has been changed! The huge war sweeping the world will still break out as Oden said.

But there are variables! Huge variables! Even the ending has been changed! The original protagonist and the man wearing a straw hat overlap! That man with a straw hat with a very strong fate has changed everything! I can't see the future clearly!The future of Wano Country will be involved in a huge war, a war of thousands of troops! The man wearing a straw hat will make Wano Country red all over! "


The Nine Red Scabbards were shocked.

Kozuki Toki continued:

"No! Momonosuke must not be sent to the future! Because if Momonosuke is sent to the future, what I see is that Momonosuke's future is nothingness!

No! This is not right! The prophecy of [Nine Shadows Falling from the Sky, Do You Know the Dazzling Dawn] is also invalid! In the future, even the Kozuki clan will not be the generals of Wano Country! No! Wano Country will no longer have generals! "

It was difficult for Kotsuki Toki to speak, but Momonosuke also saw the inexplicable light in his mother's eyes.

Momonosuke realized that if he went to the future, something more terrible than death would happen.

Kotsuki Toki did not choose to send Momonosuke to the future, but only sent the Nine Red Scabbards to the future. She arranged for her retainers to send Momonosuke away and hide, and the scene of the samurai sending Momonosuke away happened.

Kotsuki Toki's love for her husband was unswerving until death. She went to death calmly and left a new prophecy.

The escaping samurai hugged Momonosuke, and suddenly a huge figure fell from the sky, smashing a huge deep pit in front of them.

The figure stood up unscathed and even twisted his neck.

The samurai was heartbroken:

"You are! Kaido!"

It was Kaido in his youth who came.

A desperate enemy.

"Hehehehehehehe! Where are you going to escape to? "

An insidious voice came, and Kurozumi Orochi walked over.

This is really desperate.

Kaido had no interest in the crying Kozuki Momonosuke, and drank by himself:

"Huh! Kozuki Oden's son is so cowardly, forget it. "

Kaido pouted in disdain and turned away.

But Kurozumi Orochi smiled sinisterly:

"Kaido doesn't bother to attack children, but I don't have this taboo! How can you cut the grass without removing the roots?"

With Kurozumi Orochi's order, the surrounding warriors hacked the dead soldiers to death.

Kurozumi Orochi also used his [Animal System·Mythical Beast·Snake Snake Fruit·Yamata no Orochi Form], revealing a hideous monster:

"If I let you live, I will be unable to sleep or eat! "

The eight heads of Kurozumi Orochi rushed forward and crushed the frightened Momonosuke to ashes.


Eighteen years later, at the port of Water City, on the Golden Merry.

Luffy, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly felt something in his heart and woke up:

"Hmm? This special feeling of being spied on?"

The voice of the system suddenly sounded in his mind:

"Ding——Host, just now someone with the special fruit ability in the pirate world, the [To-To-To Fruit], spied on the future related to the host, but the future has already changed, so how could he spy on the past? Tongzi has blocked this spying!"

Luffy's mind moved, and he asked in his mind:

"To-To-To Fruit? Isn't that Kozuki Toki, the wife of Kozuki Oden? What did she see?"

The system replied:

"Host, the system only lets her see what the host wants her to see! So don't worry at all! But the prophecy has been changed! The past timeline has also undergone tremendous changes! ”


“Timeline changes? What changes?”

The system’s voice sounded in his mind again:

“Momonosuke was crushed to ashes by Kurozumi Orochi in the past!”

Oh? Momonosuke, that’s fine.

I already disliked this little pervert in the original work. Now that he’s dead, we don’t have to worry about him coming to the present to harm our companions!

Luffy asked in his mind: “What else?”


The prophecy has changed to——

[Changes are coming, like a god descending, a battle of thousands of armies, do you know the dazzling dawn! 】”

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