The Straw Hat Pirates came to a dilapidated and ancient gate, behind which seemed to be a cemetery.

Robin stretched out his hand to push it open, and a creaking sound was heard. Such a strange sound made everyone frown.

"This Gekko Moriah's taste is really not very good!"

Franky curled his lips in disdain.

"Yo, roo, roo, roo, roo, be careful, you don't know how many weird creatures you will encounter next!"

Brook seemed to be in a good mood.

"You are the most like a weird creature!"

Chopper complained.

Eleven people entered in a line and slowly walked into the cemetery. The gloomy and weird atmosphere made everyone quite uncomfortable, and they wanted to leave this ghost place quickly.

Not long after the group walked, they met the three-headed hellhound that guarded the gate here in the original work.

"Oh, it's so ugly, what the hell is this!"

Vivi walked away with disgust.

This strange creature looks like a big dog with three heads and a ferocious face.

It found a stranger coming here, bared its teeth, and let out a threatening growl from its throat.

Robin looked at this creature carefully and said:

"Hmm... This seems to be a three-headed hellhound. It is obviously a creature that only exists in legends, but one of its heads looks like a fox!"

Robin's words hit the pain point of the three-headed hellhound. The three-headed hellhound hates people saying that one of its heads is a fox head. It immediately gets angry and is ready to attack.

"Hmm~ Can this puppy be cooked and eaten?"

The black-hearted Robin turned around and asked Sanji.

"I don't recommend it. The meat is not good."

Sanji said lightly.

Zoro took out the Sandai Kitetsu and said coldly:

"Why don't we just chop it off?"

These people sang in unison, and the Cerberus felt the chilling murderous intent of the people, and was frightened and trembling all over. It stopped roaring and lowered its head and began to wag its tail for mercy.

"It's not bad to be a temporary means of transportation. Come here! Little dog."

Luffy hooked his finger at the Cerberus.

The Cerberus was very reluctant and roared in a low voice. Unexpectedly, Luffy directly emitted a trace of domineering aura, and the Cerberus was frightened on the spot and slammed its head to the ground, shaking its tail desperately:


Chopper acted as a translator: "It said, Boss, you take the seat."

That's better, convince the dog with reason!

Nami, Robin, and Vivi rode on the Cerberus and headed straight towards the ghost castle in front.

The Straw Hat Pirates walked through the narrow path and entered the cemetery, where their vision became wider. They walked through the dark forest all the way, and did not dawdle in the dark forest like in the original work.

Moreover, the Straw Hat Pirates did not relax their pressure, so no zombies created by Moriah dared to come and cause bad luck.

In the original work, Perona's ghost did not dare to harass everyone because it was dispersed by Zoro before.

So, the Straw Hat Pirates went straight to the ghost castle of Gekko Moriah.

Everyone stopped in front of the castle gate, but no one responded when they knocked on the door.

"Is this your way of hospitality? Gekko Moriah! Come out and meet me, don't hide, it's meaningless!"

Luffy shouted at the ghost castle.

"It's really puzzling that a Shichibukai like Luffy has such bad taste!"

Robin followed everyone through the cemetery and dark forest, and naturally felt that there were many strange and ugly creatures hidden in the forest. She didn't understand why Moria built a gloomy cemetery on her own territory.

The gate of the ancient castle was wide open, and a laughter that gave people goose bumps came from inside:

"Jiheiheiheihe, the new Shichibukai Monkey D. Luffy, seeing is believing, hehehehe, come on~"

The Straw Hat Pirates walked into the castle without fear, but the gate of the castle suddenly closed.

Luffy raised his lips:

"Mogaku Moria, what do you mean? We are here to ask you to return Brook's shadow, please give me some face."

Moria, who was lazily lying on the high seat, smiled grimly:

"Hehe, don't be anxious, young man, are you begging for help? Guests are guests, just stay here for a few days!"

Luffy said with some disdain:

"I'm sorry, I really don't want to get along with you here, give me a definite answer, our companion's shadow, do you want to give it yourself or do we have to take it?"

Moria's face suddenly turned cold:

"Hehe, don't be shameless, young man. People say you are the strongest of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, but I never admit that I am the strongest."

"Hehe, hehe, heheHehe, don't think I'm afraid of you! If you have the ability, come and get it yourself! I can see that there is a powerful force hidden in your body. If I turn you into a zombie, I can get the most powerful cadre! Even if I meet Kaido again, I may not be afraid of him! "

Luffy smiled playfully:

"Moria, you are well-informed, although we don't need anyone to admit anything. But, are you provoking us? How mysteriously confident are you in your own strength to say such a thing?"

Moria's forehead veins bulged:

"Arrogant brat! Noisy and annoying! Let me teach you how to talk to your seniors! Armored zombie army!"

Moria's bloated body stood up, and with a wave of his hand, countless armored zombie troops rushed towards the Straw Hat Pirates.

Luffy shook his head helplessly:

"If you don't accept the toast, you will be punished! "

Franky couldn't wait to test the mechanical armor, so he stepped forward:

"Super~Broken Shot!"

Countless artillery bullets poured out, and the zombies seemed to have entered a meat grinder, with pieces flying everywhere and falling like wheat being cut.

Although these zombies will not die, they will be broken into pieces under the fire suppression and cannot rise again.

Moria shouted angrily:

"You... dare to destroy my masterpiece!"

Luffy: "So? Are you still going to insist on doing it?"

"Damn it! Don't even think about leaving here alive! "

Moria's face turned the color of liver.

More zombies rushed in, and his companions saw this and used their moves to meet them. They crushed them without any pressure, and no zombie could get close.

Luffy took out a Den Den Mushi and called:

"Moshimoshi, Marshal Sengoku?"

Sengoku's voice came:

"Monkey D. Luffy? What have you done again?!"


"I didn't provoke it this time. Gekko Moria attacked us. There is only one problem!"

Sengoku said hurriedly:

"What?! Who gave him the courage! What's your problem?"

Luffy said leisurely:

"If we don't use enough force to kill him, how will you judge?"

Sengoku was silent for a moment:

"The internal struggle of the Seven Warlords of the Sea is determined by fate!

Luffy said calmly:

"That's enough. There's no point in keeping such a useless Shichibukai. Let me clean up the mess!"

Luffy hung up the phone directly.

"But if we can spare him, it's still hard to explain to the World Government!"

Luffy could no longer hear Sengoku's voice.

Luffy smiled at his companions:

"Do you understand?"

The companions rubbed their hands: "Understood!"

Luffy smiled:

"Then let's make a quick decision! Solve it before midnight!"

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