"Everyone from the Straw Hat Pirates, how are you?"

After the Straw Hat Pirates settled Ryoma's body, a blonde figure appeared on the ruined castle, followed by a woman wearing goggles.

He gently lifted the brim of his hat, revealing his blond hair, and a warm smile on his face with burn scars:

"You guys made quite a fuss this time! Luffy, how are you doing?"

Luffy looked at the newcomer, tilted his head and grinned:

"Hey! Sabo! You really made us wait!"

Sabo's ending tone was full of smiles:

"After all, this sea area is known for its weirdness, and according to some intelligence, it is also the territory of Gekko Moriah, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. After we arrived here, we had to be careful."

"Not long ago, we sensed a violent energy explosion on this island, and we were wondering who was fighting here. I didn't expect it to be you who made the noise!"

Luffy raised his eyebrows:

"Hmm... ~It's good that you're here!"

Sabo looked around and saw that there were a few more new faces in the Straw Hat Pirates than the last time they met, so he smiled kindly:

"By the way, there are still some of you who don't know me! Then, let me introduce myself first. "

"Hello, I'm Sabo, the chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army. I'm also Luffy's brother. It's a pleasure to meet you, Luffy's new partners! It's a surprise for Luffy to meet such an outstanding group of partners like you."

Franky and Brook, who had never seen Sabo in the crowd, were a little surprised when they heard this:

"Super! Luffy's brother!"

"Yohohohohohoho, I didn't expect Mr. Luffy to have such a powerful brother!"

Luffy smiled and said nothing.

Sabo began to introduce the person next to him:

"Luffy, the person next to me is one of the army captains of the Revolutionary Army, Miss Betty. I wonder if you are in a hurry to call us here for something? You said before that there is someone here that we are interested in?"

Captain Betty waved her hand politely:

"Hello! I am Belo Betty, the commander of the Eastern Army of the Revolutionary Army. What do you want to talk to me about, brother Luffy?"

Sanji was still excited when he saw such a beauty: "Oh! Beautiful lady..."

Nami flashed and grabbed Sanji's ear and dragged him back: "Hey, yes, yes. It's not appropriate to do this now!"

The two members of the Revolutionary Army did not react to this little episode, they just found it interesting. Luffy couldn't help but laugh:

"Ms. Betty, I heard that you are a user of the Parahuman Encouragement Fruit, right? It is said that your fruit ability can inspire people's hearts and even make them burst out with power beyond their limits."

Betty nodded:

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Luffy raised the corner of his mouth and pulled out Perona, who had been hiding in the corner pretending to be transparent when Sabo and the others arrived:

"Sabo, and Miss Betty. Did you know that this little girl has the opposite fruit ability of the [Encouragement Fruit]!"

Betty took off her goggles after hearing this:

"Huh? The opposite power of the encouragement ability? Can she make people depressed?"

Luffy's tone was neither hurried nor slow:

"Yes! Her name is Perona. She was adopted by Moriah. Now that Moriah is dead, she has become our prisoner "Perona, she is a superhuman ghost fruit user. If the spirit she creates passes through the opponent's body, it can make the opponent's heart extremely negative and depressed." "Of course, her current fruit ability is not yet strong enough, and it has no effect on people who are already very negative. If she encounters a strong person with too strong domineering power, her depressed ghost will not be effective. "Betty suddenly raised her voice: "That's quite amazing! Once such an ability is used on the enemy, it will be the enemy's nightmare! No wonder Luffy said that there is someone here who we will definitely be interested in! This is really... a pleasant surprise!" Betty's eyes were almost green as she stared at Perona. Perona couldn't help but shrink her head, pursed her lips, and hid behind Nami. Seeing this, Sabo comforted him:

"It's okay, don't be afraid, Miss Betty won't eat you."

Perona poked her head out slightly, her heart beating:

"The Straw Hat Pirates... are actually closely related to the Revolutionary Army! The second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army, and the army commander of the Revolutionary Army... What on earth do they want to do by looking for me?"

Luffy simply laid his cards on the table:

"Perona, I hope you can join the Revolutionary Army, they will provide you with shelter! Aren't you homeless now? It's not appropriate for you to join us. But in the Revolutionary Army, your abilities will be like a duck in water, and you will getTo a huge place where you can be of great use!"

Perona's head was full of question marks at this time:

"What? What? Why did you suddenly ask me to join the Revolutionary Army? What's going on? I... I'm a pirate! How can I join the Revolutionary Army? !"

Sabo also understood what Luffy meant, and said calmly:

"Pirates? Why can't pirates join the Revolutionary Army? In the Revolutionary Army, people from different backgrounds and different camps work together for the same goal and dream, and there are also awakened people who repent of their original sins. What's wrong with being a pirate?"

Perona and Kumasi looked at each other:

"Huh? Huh?"

Luffy struck while the iron was hot:

"Perona, you don't want to fail to fulfill your promise to Moria to [live well], right? Now you can choose to leave, but if you lose your shelter, you may be displaced and may encounter various dangers.

"However, if you join the Revolutionary Army, you will get strong backing, and you will be able to improve your strength rapidly by learning from your predecessors in the Revolutionary Army. Even in the near future, your name [Princess Mononoke] will make people in this sea shudder. In this way, Moria will be relieved if he knows it!"

Perona asked Sabo timidly:

"That... I... can I really do it?"

Sabo nodded gently:

"Of course, the Revolutionary Army welcomes all knowledgeable people!"

Perona was as excited as if she had been injected with chicken blood when she heard this, and clenched her fists:

"I! I am willing to join the Revolutionary Army!"

Luffy smiled in his heart: This is enough, everything will go well. In the future, Betty will give encouragement to friendly forces, and Perona will give depression to enemy forces. That scene, tut tut.

Vivi raised her hand:

"By the way! Luffy, I froze a strange wild boar before. It was yelling strange words, but it seemed to be in a bad state!"

"Wild boar?" Luffy's heart moved, and he remembered Laura in the original work: "Is it a wild boar that yelled that it wanted to get married?!"

Although Laura's role is almost useless now, it's better to save her if you can.

Vivi: "Eh? How did you know?"

Luffy's mouth twitched:

"It's okay now. That guy was also a victim of Moria's shadow being taken away. Let her go."

"Oh, okay!" Vivi waved at the big ice block thrown behind to unfreeze it.

"Woo, it's so cold!" After unfreezing, Laura finally restored her appearance after her shadow returned to her body. She couldn't help shivering.

Weiwei was surprised and said, "Wow! It's really a human! The wild boar has turned into a human."

After Lola woke up, she looked at the many men present and suddenly shouted:

"Hey! You guys!"

"I'm Lola!"

"Please marry me!"

Even with Sabo's restraint, he couldn't help but choke up and said with a twitch at the corner of his mouth:

"What's going on?"

Lola's speech made the air suddenly quiet, and everyone's response to Lola was naturally surprisingly consistent - of course it was a rejection!

Lola couldn't help but fall in love: "Again... I was rejected again!"

Luffy waved his hand:

"Okay, you call Lola! Now Moria is dead, and you are safe. Go home!"

"Thank you very much!"

Lola performed the ceremony of getting off the seat, and then left on her own.


After this little farce, the purpose of the horror three-masted ship trip was achieved, and it was time to set off again.

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