As the sun sets in the west, the afterglow of the setting sun decorates the town with tranquility and peace.

Six hours have passed quietly, and the Straw Hat Adventurers have either gained a lot or returned to the port with a sense of unfulfilled desire, ready to set sail.

Zoro showed Luffy and others the two newly acquired swords. Luffy couldn't help but sigh that the convergence of the timeline is really magical. No matter what, Zoro will get [Third Generation Kitetsu] and [Snow Walk].

Suddenly, Luffy's mind moved, and Zoro's eyes flashed red: "Who?"

Everyone vaguely noticed that a strong man was peeping here with his observation Haki, and they all became alert.

"Don't worry, the person who came has no ill intentions, he is... an acquaintance." Luffy waved his hand and said, "You guys set sail first, I'll be back soon." After that, Luffy disappeared in a flash.

"Really, it's already night, we have to hurry to set sail on the Grand Line, at this time, there won't be any complications." Nami was a little helpless.

In the distance, a mysterious man in a dark green cloak was quietly waiting there. Luffy flashed and came to the mysterious man.

"I'm here... to see you off. You are going to the Grand Line. After all, what reason is there to stop a man from setting sail?" The mysterious man said in a low voice, looking quite impressive.

Luffy's expression was a little complicated: "Well, we are about to set off for the Grand Line. What should I call you? Mr. Revolutionary Monkey D. Dragon? Or... Father?"

Luffy had an inexplicable emotion in his heart about this cheap father, because in the original work, Dragon had almost no substantial communication with his son. Now that he has been in the pirate world, he has never seen this man since he was a child. His grandfather Garp brought him up, and occasionally the bandit Dadan would come to take care of him.

"Ahem... just call me Mr. Dragon." Mr. Dragon, the supreme commander of the Revolutionary Army, seemed extremely reserved at this time. He paused and continued, "Since you are here, please tell us about your experience."

In the dark, Monkey D. Garp slowly walked out of the shadows.

"Come to think of it, we haven't seen each other for almost 20 years. How are you... old man?" Monkey D. Dragon sighed.

Grandpa Garp was surprisingly serious. His fist slowly climbed up to the Armament Haki. The atmosphere was tense. After a long silence, he silently put down his fist and turned to Luffy and said:

"You little brat! Do you know how big a mess you have made here? The Navy's excellent natural ability general was directly defeated by you! On the execution platform, in full view of everyone! I just finished dealing with the aftermath of the Fishman Arlong Pirates, and I had to run over to clean up your ass!"

"Ahaha, I didn't want to hurt Smoker, the smoky man, I just shocked him a little. Besides, he suddenly chose to take action, I just used Haki to let him sleep for a while." Luffy touched his head.

"... Do you know that the Navy sent him here to let him accumulate military merits and train well. Before the Grand Line or even the first half of the Grand Line, it was almost impossible for anyone who could threaten the natural ability users to exist, but you actually killed him in one second! This is too much!" Garp was a little helpless.

"...I didn't expect you to be so strong now. I was thinking of seeing you off and helping you out. It seems that I was worrying too much." Dragon said at this time.

"You too! Dragon! Why did you betray the Navy without even saying goodbye! And you set up the Revolutionary Army! You are already a vice admiral of the Navy, aren't you! Do you know how much trouble you have brought to the world!" Garp roared.

"Do you think the Navy is really just? ...Father. The justice of the Navy is not the justice of the majority, it is the justice of the world's nobles! The justice of the Navy is restricted everywhere, and it is timid. It is just justice that serves the world's nobles!" Dragon sighed and said.

"...Even so, you can discuss it with me. There will always be a way to solve it, instead of leaving the Navy without saying a word..." Garp was a little discouraged after listening, because this problem is an objective fact, and it is impossible to ignore the facts.

"... There is no way, father. As long as the navy is not an independent justice force, true justice will never be achieved. I have made up my mind." Drago said firmly.

"Alas... Never mind, now is the time for you young people, and now there is no place for us old people." Garp was a little depressed.

LuFei said at this time: "That's not the case, Grandpa. You are definitely not out of date. Moreover, if you don't want to support any party, you can just retire. You don't have to live by anyone's face. The world is so big, with your strength, you can go anywhere."

"Hehe, you are such a joke, if I can resign from a position like this, wouldn't those scum of the Tianlong people applaud...ah, this can't be said casually, just pretend you didn't hear it." Karp returned to his original optimism.

Dragon and Luffy stared at each other for a long time without saying anything. Finally, Luffy broke the silence: "Mr. Dragon, it's too early for us to meet now. Now is not a good time. But Mr. Dragon can think about a few questions carefully. When we meet again in the future, we should have the answers: Who is the enemy of the Revolutionary Army? What is the revolutionary program of the Revolutionary Army? Is it really meaningful to only provoke disputes and uprisings between countries? If we only help the people to revolt and overthrow the original regime without a perfect social system and laws and regulations, will we repeat the same mistakes?"

After listening, Mr. Dragon's eyes lit up "You have such insights, why don't you join the Revolutionary Army? That's the biggest stage for you to display your talents..."

"No, Mr. Dorag, I will only be an adventurer, an adventurer for freedom and justice!" Luffy stopped Drago from continuing, and continued, "But Mr. Drago can let your staff officer Sabo go to Alabaster. We will arrive there in the near future. He, I, and another brother are sworn brothers since childhood! There will definitely be surprises waiting for him there."

"Sabo... I see." Drago was thoughtful.

"Anyway, just don't become a pirate and do evil." Garp picked his nose and continued, "Okay, I just came to see Smoker's situation, and happened to chat with my grandson for a few words. There's nothing else, that's it."

So, the three generations of grandfather and grandson said goodbye to each other, and Luffy boarded the Golden Merry and headed for the Grand Line!

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