The island shrouded in clouds and mist loomed in the sea. The Straw Hat Adventure Team of eight people plus a "fast runner" (Vivi's mount) prepared protection and boarded this rarely visited ancient island.

Because Mr. Friday, Mr. Valentine's Day, and Mr. Wednesday were solved in advance, there would naturally be no more wars with the Baroque Works Society on this island.

A group of eight people plus a duck boarded the small garden unimpeded.

Because of the difficulties of navigation on each island in the Grand Line, there is no communication between the islands. As a result, each island has developed its own civilization. There are islands with high civilizations, and there are also islands that have remained the same for thousands and tens of thousands of years without any progress. Because the chaotic climate of the Grand Line makes all kinds of things possible, this island still maintains the appearance of the dinosaur era, with not only dinosaurs but also large beasts, and all kinds of things are very huge, just like a giant's garden. Therefore, some people call this ancient island a small garden.

Everyone groped their way forward on the rugged mountain road on the island. Along the way, they also saw incredible wonders in other places: prehistoric giant birds soaring in the sky, jungle giants that looked like tigers lying on the ground and dozing, and a huge dinosaur occasionally appeared in the deep mountains and old forests. In the jungle, huge prehistoric mosquitoes appeared in an endless stream. Everyone carefully avoided them. When they encountered unavoidable contact, they used armed color domineering to resist. When they encountered giant beasts that came to hunt them as prey, they quickly killed them in seconds, trying not to completely change the ecological civilization of the island.

The rugged mountain path was extremely narrow at first, and only one person could pass through. After walking dozens of steps, it suddenly became clear.

A huge lake appeared in front of everyone. Countless long-necked dragons lived here, and prehistoric giant crocodiles also reproduced here. However, what was surprising was that the creatures living in this lake were actually at peace with each other, as if they had reached a consensus in a certain sense that no battle would break out in this lake. The lake was quiet and peaceful, forming a sharp contrast with the jungle law dozens of steps away.

However, the Straw Hat Adventurers had no time to be surprised, because in the distance, a giant stood up and walked towards them!

The giant was wearing heavy armor, a helmet, holding a huge sword in his right hand, a round shield in his left hand, with a long beard, and a unique laugh "ゲギャギャギャ".

After the giant walked in front of them, he spoke: "Hello! Are you traveling to this island? Welcome to your arrival, let's go to the party together!"

In this world, you can have a party at any time and any place.

When everyone saw such a huge giant, they all looked tense, but seeing that the giant had no ill intentions, they relaxed.

The Straw Hat Pirates followed the giant to an open space, and the giant filled the wine and invited everyone to drink together. At this time, another giant also came.

This giant was also wearing armor and a helmet. His weapon is an axe, and his unique laugh is "ガババババ".

"I am [Blue Oni] Tori!"

"I am [Red Oni] Broki!"

The two giants introduced themselves.

In the year 1420 of the Sea Circle Calendar, 100 years ago, the two giants were captains of the [Giant Pirates]. At that time, Tori and Broki each captured a sea king, and because of a little girl's question, they began to argue about whose prey was bigger. After that, the two had been dueling in the small garden, and only the one who survived could return to his hometown, and agreed to duel every time the volcano in the center of the island erupted. It was also because the duel was always evenly matched that the Giant Pirates disbanded, and the warriors returned to Elbaf Village to wait for news.

"Hello! I am Monkey D. Luffy, nice to meet you!" Luffy replied politely, and the other partners also introduced themselves politely.

The two giants laughed strangely and happily invited the Straw Hat Adventurers to have a banquet together.

After three rounds of drinking, Usopp also asked the two giants:

"Two uncles, why do you want to stay on this ancient island? It seems that there are no other people on this island. Don't you have a tribe?"

Hearing this, Donli and Broki put away their smiles. Donli recalled:

"The name of our village is Elbaf, where our giant tribe lives!"

"There are rules in our village! If two giants fight, they must accept the justice of the Lord Elbaf. The two giants must duel to decide the winner! Lord Elbaf will always bless the winner!"

Broki took a sip of wine and continued:

"Now this island is the arena for Donli and me! The two of us, will fight to the end! Only one person can win! Only one person can go back alive!"

"Speaking of which, we have been fighting here for a hundred years! In the past hundred years, we have fought every time there was a volcanic eruption! But we have forgotten why we fought a hundred years ago! Hahahahaha!"

"One hundred years!" Everyone was extremely surprised.

"Hahahahaha! Yes, we giants are a long-lived race. Both of us are over a hundred years old this year! But for us giants, we have just reached young adulthood!"

The two giants said proudly.

Zoro was speechless. He had fought for a full 100 years but had forgotten the reason for the fight. However, he would not expose the scars of the two giants.

Weiwei asked: "But even if you have a long life, now you have forgotten the reason for fighting in the past hundred years. What is the point of continuing to fight?"

The two giants stood up suddenly: "Hahahahaha! Little girl, you ask the meaning of fighting? The reason for fighting? What reason does fighting need! What meaning does it need! We only need one person to win! So no matter what happens, we will be the same as always! "

Yes, this is very giant.

Luffy then said: "Then I wonder if the two giants know the major events and changes that have taken place in Elbaf in the past few decades?"

The two giants were naturally very concerned about their hometown, and immediately sat down and asked: "What happened in Elbaf?"

"Although that incident has been decades ago, I still decided to tell you. About the situation of the Elbaf Giants that I learned not long ago and what happened after the disbandment of the Giant Pirates." Luffy paused and continued:

"As for whether you stay or go after you know it, it depends on you.

First of all, about 63 years ago, an orphan named Charlotte Linlin was brought to Elbaf by human traffickers disguised as nuns and lived in an orphanage called [Lamb's House]. At first, there was peace for a few years, but the good times did not last long. Charlotte Linlin, who was 5 years old at the time, went crazy for unknown reasons and destroyed a village in Elbaf, causing considerable casualties!

Then the giant elder Yorulu was ready to execute Charlotte Linlin, but he was defeated and died of serious injuries. After that, Charlotte Linlin escaped from Elbaf and established a pirate group, which has been developing to this day.

Charlotte Linlin has become one of the four sea emperors in the New World, [Four Emperors] Big mom! "

Sanji was shocked when he heard this. No wonder the name Charlotte Linlin sounded so familiar. She is the current [Four Emperors]!

After hearing this, the two giants were all shocked, and then they were extremely angry. They didn't expect that they would encounter such a big change in their tribe after just a hundred years of absence! However, the two of them were elders of the giants after all, and they quickly calmed down. Even if they had no contact with the outside world, they knew what the Four Emperors were. Rash actions would only increase casualties.

"The next thing is the second thing. Casey and Oimo of your [Giant Pirates] went out to sea to find you 50 years ago. However, after they went out to sea, they were deceived by the World Government and thought that you had been captured by the Navy. The World Government threatened them that if they wanted to exchange for your freedom, they would have to guard the World Government's Judicial Island for a hundred years!" Luffy said directly.

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