The Golden Merry had already arrived at the place where there would be an upwelling current near the preview meeting.

"Wait! Wait a minute!"

The shouts of Kulikate and the two apes could be heard from afar.

Merry controlled the ship to slow down.

"You are about to take the upwelling current to Sky Island, right? Can you help me do me a favor - help me prove to the world that Sky Island is real!"

Kulikate came closer on his ship, took out a notebook, and said earnestly,

"This is Rolando's notebook! He recorded in it that he found an island full of gold on the Grand Line!

Rolando saw a special means of transportation [Wei Ba] on Sky Island! There are all kinds of strange items that cannot be seen in the sea!

The most important thing is that even though no one believes it - he saw the golden bell!"

Luffy smiled:

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you are willing, we can take you to Sky Island!"

In response, Kulikate shook his head and refused:

"No need. Sky Island, we will definitely go there on our own! These two guys also regard Rolando as an idol. I will go to Sky Island with them in the future!"

"Is that so..."

Luffy smiled and stopped forcing it. Instead, he said:

"Kullikate, where do you think the golden country that Rolando mentioned is?"

"Where else can it be? Our Mont Blanc family has been looking for it for 400 years and has not found it. It is estimated that it is buried deep in the sea forever..." Kulikate was a little confused.

"What if the gold is not on the seabed, but in the sky?" Luffy raised the corner of his mouth.

"In the sky? What in the sky? Is there such a possibility?" Kulikate was shocked.

Luffy took the map of Gaya Island found by Robin and pointed it, then took Rolando's notes and compared them and said:

"Some bizarre legends. This is where we are now. But it seems a bit inconsistent, doesn't it?

What is the treasure in the right eye of the skull? Legend has it that 400 years ago, a piece of land on Gaya Island was washed up into the sky. So is it possible that the one washed up into the sky is the other half of Gaya Island?

Gaya Island originally had an indigenous people called the Shandia tribe, so where did they go? How could a race disappear so abruptly?

Golden Country It may not be sinking into the sea, but it has been floating in the sky. Kulikte sat on his own boat: "Don't die! You guys!" "The vortex has appeared! You can get into it!" Human apes shouted. "So, see, uncle. We will bring good news." Kulikat and the apes were stunned and tongue began to change the form, and even wings were growing, which fully adapted to the environment! "Let's go! Straw Hat Adventure Team! Towards Sky Island!"

Luffy shouted.


Everyone showed excitement, and they all released their domineering aura to protect the Golden Merry.

With the excited shouts of the Straw Hat Pirates, the Golden Merry disappeared into the bottomless whirlpool.

A moment later, an upward current rushed straight to the sky and roared, pushing the Golden Merry up.

"You must succeed! You!" Kulikate silently blessed

"Left full rudder! Follow the direction of the current!"

Merry's eyes were shining with gold.

Golden Merry, fly high!

Everyone steadied the sails and their bodies, and rushed into a white world with a huge sense of push.

The White Sea, 7,000 meters vertically from the sea, arrived.

And the fact that is said by the world, almost no one believes in the existence, but it is there-

Sky Island.

Because Sky Island is there.

It is in the sky 10,000 meters above the sky!

The Golden Merry arrived at the White Sea intact with the help of the rising current.

Nami hummed a song, looked at the record pointer, and said excitedly:

"Here is the ocean above the sky - the White Sea! We have officially embarked on the journey to Sky Island!"

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