The latest website: Aunt Zhang and Qingsong Qingzhu stood aside and were confused.

Pei Xiu asked cheerfully, holding her stomach, "What else?"

The kid pretended to cough twice and said, "Master asked: Bao Si is hard to smell, and gold and jade are hard to find, what do you mean?"

"Hahaha..." Hu Zi wanted to laugh when he heard this, clapping his thighs and laughing extremely loudly.

Others are not happy either.

The boss stared at these schadenfreudes.

Then he said: "Big brother said, shit is hard to eat and money is hard to earn! Ahaha, that's right, big brother, have you ever eaten it? You know that."

The boss looked at him with itchy teeth, "Whatever you eat every day, I don't eat anything either."

Pei Xiu looked at the boss and said with a smile, "It makes sense."

Aunt Zhang and the three of them finally understood what they were laughing at. They didn't understand what they were saying, but they understood what they said later. Isn't what they said very appropriate?

"Zhou Xiaosan, come out for me, don't hide behind your mother if you have the ability." The boss stood aside, his whole body froze.

Zhou Heng grinned and stuck his tongue out at him, "Big brother, don't be stingy, everyone in the class heard it anyway, it's okay to tell mother to be happy!"

"What's there to say about shameful things? You talk too much and love to complain! Complainants! Come out!"

"Go away first, don't hit me, or I'll tell Dad when he comes back, and tell Uncle Qiu, and then write to Brother Zhou Yi and the others."

dare to threaten him...

Pei Xiu pulled the eldest who had grown to her shoulders, rubbed his facial features, and raised the corner of his mouth, "Smile, don't be angry anymore, what's there to be angry about. The first interpreter didn't comment, let the master Teach you, the second mother agrees with what you said, the vulgarity is a bit vulgar, but it makes sense."

The boss was instantly appeased, and raised his fist at Zhou Xiaosan's demonstration.

Zhou Xiaosan stuck out his tongue naughty at him again.

Pei Xiu turned around and touched Zhou Xiaosan's head, "Don't be naughty, I won't help you when you get beaten up.


As soon as Zhou Shan entered the door, he noticed that there were two more people in the family. Seeing that they were laughing enough, he motioned Zhou Sheng to look over.

Only then did Zhou Sheng realize that in addition to Aunt Zhang, there were two and a half boys in front of the kitchen. He glanced back at Zhou Shan suspiciously, the big brother and the others didn't even notice that they were surrounded by mother.

He stepped forward and asked, "Mother, who are those two people?"

Only then did the boss notice, and his eyes lit up, "Mother, is this the servant that Dad bought today?"

Pei Xiu responded with a smile, and beckoned Qingsong and Qingzhu to come over.

"The two of them are twins that your father bought today. The elder brother's name is Qingsong, and the younger brother's name is Qingzhu. They are thirteen years old this year."

Pei Xiu introduced them to several little masters in the family.

They saluted a few little masters in a regular manner.

The boss stepped forward and looked at the two brothers curiously, saying that they were twins, but they didn't look alike.

"Why don't you guys look alike? Is it because one looks like father and the other looks like mother?"

It may be that they are facing their peers; it may be that they have stayed for a long time and are already familiar with this place; or Aunt Zhang has already introduced them to them. They have lost the formality they had when noon first arrived.

The two replied at the same time: "Probably yes."

Pei Xiu looked at the boys who were very interested in the twins and asked questions.

It's a rare day when I don't think about going out for a horse race. The skin that was whitened in winter is now black again, only Zhou Shan and Zhou Heng are still whiter.

Zhou Heng came over tearfully and pulled her sleeves, "Mother, they are so pitiful, they were actually sold by the stepmother."

"Yes, children without mothers are the most pitiful."

"Mother, I want you to be well and live a long life."

"Okay, my mother will definitely live a hundred years, and so will your father."

A few endlessly talking around the twins, she stepped forward to stop them.

"Don't surround them, there's nothing to be curious about. When we move to the provincial capital, there will be more people in the family. Let's go back and write big characters, don't run out today. The articles taught by the master are all misinterpreted. , I haven't done a good endorsement yet."

A few put away their curiosity, and the Master did arrange a recitation task for them today, and also said that they would do a random check tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yong and Hu Zi's scalp tightened. Not daring to stay any longer, the two went back to the house to recite. In order not to be punished for standing tomorrow, the two of them are very self-aware not to stay in the study room with them, so as not to be affected.

When Zhou Cheng came back, Pei Xiu deliberately told him the joke made by the boss.

He didn't understand the first interpretation, and the second one made him speechless.

"The boss is not something to read."

Pei Xiu nodded, she always knew, "I don't ask him to be more promising, but he must recognize all the words."

People who know the word are also more likely to have a bright future.

"Qiu Baize plans to take Huzi by his side when we return to the city, and then put him in the military camp to experience after the New Year."

"Hu Zi is only fourteen years old after the new year, will he be too young?"

"It's fine with Qiu Baize looking after him. I want to wait until the eldest is fifteen years old and put him in the army to hone him. He's too out of his depth."

"There are still several years. Since I want to put him in the military camp, I can buy a few books on the art of war and come back to him to read in advance. Be prepared."

Since he has an arrangement, he will listen to him.

"What about the second child?" She also wanted to ask him what he was thinking, after all, he was the biological father.

"The second child is more honest. Zhou Shan is smart and hardworking. It is also a good thing for the second child to have him influence. Let's watch first."

Pei Xiu looked at him with admiration. Don't look at how he usually talks less and doesn't seem to care about children, but he actually takes it to heart, knows every child very well, and sees it very clearly.

"Well, it's good if you have an idea."

"How many of them went out to race again?"

"No, I'm in the house. I was fined to stand today, so I didn't go out. You go take a shower first, and then set the meal." She washed before they came back, saving everyone All focus on hot water.


When the twins saw that the little master had gone back to the house to endorse, the two of them didn't know what to do, so they stood by.

Pei Xiugan was also a little bored sitting, and asked the two of them to come forward, "Put out your hand and show me your nails."

The two cleaned it up at the toothbrush, and in the afternoon, they cleaned it up immediately.

"Well, it's very good. You can't have nails. The nails should be kept clean. Personal hygiene must be done well."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Is it just this outfit? The heat is already smelling."

The two blushed in embarrassment, and Qingsong said embarrassedly, "The clothes I used to be naked in the past, this set was given by Yaba, just to look decent when picking people."

She also understands, "Tomorrow, let Aunt Zhang sew two clothes for each of you, and there must be a change of clothes."

The twins thanked them quickly.

"Ask Aunt Zhang if the food is ready, she's ready to eat."

None of the servants came to the table with the master to eat, and Aunt Zhang gave them two separate servings to eat on the kitchen table.

Looking at the meat, vegetables and white rice on the table, this was the best meal they had ever eaten.

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