Afraid that they would continue to quarrel, Pei Xiu quickly drove them away.

"Can't book now, don't fight. Go to school now, or you'll be late."

After sending them all away, she felt clean, and it was really noisy when there were too many children.

Wheat is still seriously using a spoon, slowly digging and eating.

Some food, she didn't notice that the brothers were gone. Usually when they left, she would follow them to the gate.

Today, I am completely immersed in food, and I have forgotten my brothers. I am really a snack food.

This fruit cake received unanimous praise from everyone.

Pei Xiu really thinks that she can take limited orders, only one a day!

The price can be slightly higher, after all, it is more labor-intensive.

But now there is no way, she doesn't want to do this troublesome thing, the cook and the others will definitely not be able to get out.

The shop has not yet opened, and everything will be stabilized.

After the three brothers went to school, they handed the wheat to Sister Li to watch, and she went to the cake room to watch.

It opens tomorrow, and she hopes to do it perfectly.

As for the first birthday of the Qiu family's little doll, the post said that it is not time, it is still early, there is no need to pass now.

The cooks and maids in the cake room are already busy.

The people in the large kitchen next to them were all curiously watching around the door, not daring to go in. They only scattered birds and beasts after seeing Pei Xiu.

"Close the door. Remember to lock the door when entering and exiting in the future. Don't let unrelated people come in, let alone touch them."

The ratio of the amount of cake still needs to be kept secret, and not too many people can know it, as long as the four people in the cake house know how to do it.

"Yes, ma'am."

"The goat milk cake is steamed with several customized models to distinguish it. Brown sugar bowl cake and tea cup cake should also be prepared a little more. I will teach Sister Jiang to make brown sugar bowl cake in a moment. The cake is ready. Make more, it’s okay to do it slowly, but make sure you don’t go wrong.”

Shaped cakes should be mixed with goat milk, the taste is better, and there are more flavors, and the price can be slightly increased.


Madam, we will be careful. "

"Keep busy. I'll watch it here for a while. If there is anything you don't understand, just ask boldly. It's okay, just don't make any mistakes."

"Yes, ma'am."

At the beginning, they were a little uncomfortable, and when they got busy, they didn't feel that much.

Madam just watch it, it won't affect them, and Madam has always been kind to others.

The two girls have already set up the four stoves in advance, and they will be steaming directly in the pot after a while.

She nodded secretly, the two little girls picked by the housekeeper were not bad.

The housekeeper's daughter-in-law gave the cupcakes she had prepared to the two girls for packaging. She wanted to prepare the goat milk cakes while the wife was around.

She hasn't done it yet, so she can ask her while she's doing it, so as not to make mistakes.

Pei Xiu watched her proceed in an orderly manner. Although her movements were a little slower, nothing went wrong.

She made it strictly according to the proportion she said, and she measured the amount with a bowl, and then replaced the water with goat milk.

"Madam, look, this goat milk cake is a good match, right?"

"No problem, you can continue to mix the batter for the goat's milk cake. I will teach Sister Jiang to make brown sugar bowl cakes. You each make one type, and the two of you will mix the tea cup cakes together."


She is still very relieved about the cup cake, and the goat milk cake is also simple, that is, the brown sugar bowl cake she has never taught, so she has to demonstrate it herself.

Seeing that sister-in-law Jiang's cupcake batter is also prepared, let me also give it to two sub-packages.

She wants to teach her to make brown sugar bowl cakes alone.

After sister-in-law Jiang met, the first cage was out of the pot, she tried it, and when there was no problem, let her continue to prepare.

In this way, the two cooks have mastered a cake method alone. The two only need to be responsible for preparing the batter.

After watching for a while, neither of them made a mistake.

After the next few pots were all fine, she quietly left and closed the door.

After returning to the main courtyard, let Er Niu go and find the housekeeper.

When she was going to Qiu Mansion after noon, she had to ask the housekeeper to keep an eye on the cake room and beat the new cook in the big kitchen.

If it weren't for the lack of manpower in the mansion, she really didn't want to hand over the big kitchen to new people.

When she was ready, the time was almost there, so she let Sister Li hold the wheat, and let Ginkgo carefully carry the cake food box, and went to Qiu's mansion together.

When she got off the car, she deliberately opened the food box to take a look, so as not to be damaged by the carriage.

This opening, the cake is intact, but also allows wheat to see.

She had just finished eating in the morning, and when she saw it, she was clamoring to eat again.

"Let's get off the bus first and share with the little brother later, shall we?"

She nodded obediently.

Mrs. Qiu only invited two familiar families, as well as her mother-in-law's sister-in-law, and simply set up a table, and everyone would be entertained.

As soon as she entered the door, Mrs. Qiu took the initiative to greet her.

"It's not too late for you today, go and sit inside for a while."

"Everything has been arranged in the house, so come here early to avoid making you wait for a long time."

"Mrs. Yang and my sister-in-law, they have just arrived for a while. You are here at the right time."

Pei Xiu said with a smile: "It's better to come early than to come by coincidence. In addition to the congratulations, I also brought a special gift today. You can try it later."

"Try it? What's the thing? Is it for eating or playing?"

"Leave a little mystery first, I'll take it out later, and you'll know."

"You are used to pretending to be mysterious. I asked you the other day why you planned to rent the shop, and you said the same thing. You also said that I will know today. Shouldn't it be something for sale in the shop?"

She smiled and nodded, "Yes."

Mrs. Qiu looked at the food box that Ginkgo was carrying, "Is that what's in it?"


Mrs. Yang looked at the shops and what they were selling when they first came in, and also looked at the food box in Ginkgo's hand.

Jokingly said, "Did you bring your own food? Aren't you afraid that Mrs. Qiu won't be able to feed you?"

The other two ladies also laughed.

Pei Xiu pretended to be annoyed and said, "Then don't eat it later, I don't care if you eat it."

"What rare things did you bring? I didn't give up. I ate it. Open it for us first, I'm really curious."

"OK then."

She motioned Ginkgo to take out the cake first and put it on the table for them to look over. Otherwise, these women would have to make fun of her relentlessly.

Seeing the food box opened, they were curious.

"What is this? Why haven't I seen it."


"It looks like it should be, there are watermelons and melons on it, you can definitely eat it."

Pei Xiu explained to them, "This is a new food I figured out when I was bored, it's called fruit cake."

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