"Actually, there's not much!" Xu Haifeng said indifferently as he helped Luffy put on the bracelet!

"Oh! I thought it was very valuable?" After saying that, Nami walked back with a disappointed look on her face!

"It's not that valuable! One is only worth about 10 billion Baileys!" Xu Haifeng touched his chin and thought for a while, then answered!

"Bang... Bang!"

Nami and Zoro both fell down! Our classmate Luffy had no idea about money, so he looked at the new toy he just got calmly!

"You bastard! Can you please explain yourself clearly for once?" Nami quickly got up and rushed to Xu Haifeng, grabbing his collar and shaking him hard!

"Xu Haifeng, is this thing really worth 1 billion Baileys?"Sauron said to Xu Haifeng with a surprised look on his face!

"Yes! And this thing is only in my hands. It is impossible for it to appear in this world!"Xu Haifeng answered affirmatively! This is exchanged by the system, so Xu Haifeng can be so sure!

"Haifeng, we are all partners. You all have one, so shouldn’t you give one to others too?" Nami's eyes were shining with the light of gold coins, and she held Xu Haifeng's arm with both hands and shook it and said!

"No, I can't give it to you now. Your current physical condition can't bear it!"

Xu Haifeng knew why Nami wanted this thing. She wanted to sell it for money. But what she didn't know was that even if Xu Haifeng gave it to her now, she couldn't sell it! Because no one would be stupid enough to spend 1 billion to buy something they didn't know the use of!

"Humph! How could you do this? Luffy and Zoro both have it, but you don't give it to me. You don't treat me as a partner. In this case, I will get off the boat at the next island!" Nami saw that Xu Haifeng was unwilling to give her the bracelet, so she immediately used a self-torture trick!

""Okay!...Okay! I know that even if I give you the bracelet, you are going to sell it for money! I can't give you the bracelet now, but I can give you money!" Xu Haifeng said speechlessly while watching Nami performing there!

"Where is it!... Where is it?"Hearing that Xu Haifeng had money for her, Nami immediately said excitedly!

"The ship can now hold tens of millions, I will take out 50 million to show you now!"

Xu Haifeng looked helpless. If he couldn't take out the money now, Nami might really run away! Xu Haifeng waved his hand towards the middle of the ship! A pile of Baileys was immediately neatly stacked on the ship!


"Mine... mine... all mine!" Nami rushed over to Bailey when she saw him appear on the ship!

Zoro was only slightly surprised to see the money, but our classmate Luffy's brain was working rapidly at this time!

"Siguoyi! How did Xu Haifeng transform? Can he make something edible? I want meat... I want meat... Change it quickly... Change it quickly!"Luffy said with his eyes shining! Luffy has a characteristic, that is, his IQ will increase immediately when he sees food!

"Uh! Okay..., okay! I'll give it to you...I'll give it to you!"

Xu Haifeng had no choice but to exchange 1 point of divine power for a meal of cooked meat for Luffy, and took out a huge piece and handed it to Luffy! There was no other way. In the next few days, Xu Haifeng planned to let Luffy and Zoro adapt to the higher gravity of the bracelet as much as possible, so it would be impossible for them to train on an empty stomach! So sooner or later they will know!

""Okay! Nami! I'll keep the money for you first. It's too much of a nuisance to leave it here now!" After Xu Haifeng finished speaking, he waved his hand, and all the Baileys on the boat disappeared!

""Ah! My money? Where's my money?"

Nami saw Bailey suddenly disappeared, and immediately shouted in panic! It turned out that Nami was completely immersed in Bailey just now, and didn't hear Xu Haifeng's words at all!

"Okay...Okay! Nami, the money is with me, I'll keep it for you and I'll give it to you when you need it!" Xu Haifeng quickly pulled Nami to explain!

"Oh...oh! You said it! Don't lie to me!"Nami said with relief after hearing Xu Haifeng's words!

"Don't worry... Don't worry! I will never lie to you! Go to the bow to rest for a while and watch the direction. I will talk to Zoro and Luffy about training!"Xu Haifeng could only make repeated assurances before sending Nami back to the bow!

"Zoro, Luffy! You two come here, I will teach you how to use the bracelet first!"Now that the (gravity bracelet) has been given to Zoro and Luffy, we need to let them adapt to 1x gravity as soon as possible!

"How do I use this?" Zoro asked while looking at the bracelet!

"This is a voice control command, because your current physical fitness can only start from one times, in order to prevent you from operating randomly, especially Luffy! Adjust the gravity multiple to too high and crush yourself into a meat pie, so now only I can adjust the gravity of the bracelet!"Xu Haifeng explained to the two of them seriously!

""Ah! What did you call me for?"

Luffy said innocently with his mouth full of meat! He didn't hear a word Xu Haifeng just said!

"One times the gravity."

Xu Haifeng was too lazy to pay attention to him, and directly adjusted his and Zoro's (gravity bracelets) to one times the gravity, letting him feel it carefully!


‘Bang... Bang!

Luffy and Zoro knelt on the boat, struggling to support the boat with their hands!

"Don't worry, adapt for a while, and then stand up slowly!"Xu Haifeng walked forward to guide them!

"It's so heavy! I feel like I'm carrying a mountain on my back!"

After a while, the two of them slowly stood up! The reason why they knelt down just now was not because they were too weak, but because their bodies suddenly���That kind of situation only occurs when the body is under great pressure and has not yet reacted!

"Xu Haifeng, what happened to me? Why do I feel like there is something on me?"Luffy said with a confused look on his face!

"It’s nothing, I just saw that you ate too much, so I helped you digest it!"Xu Haifeng was too lazy to explain to Luffy, so he just found a random excuse to get away with it!

"Oh! That's okay! Thank you!"As long as it doesn't involve food, Luffy's IQ immediately returns to normal negative numbers!

In this way, the two of them walked back and forth on the boat, and quickly adapted to the increased gravity.

""Huh...Huh...I'm so tired!"

After walking for a while, the two of them sat on the boat panting!

"Hehehe...take it slow. It's hard to adapt at the beginning, but it will get much better later on!"Xu Haifeng said with a smile as he looked at them!

"Xu Haifeng, how many times is the gravity of your bracelet now?"After resting for a while, Sauron asked curiously!

"Mine? Mine is now a hundred times more powerful!"Hearing Sauron's question, Xu Haifeng replied with a smile!

"What, how...how is it possible?"Sauron looked at Xu Haifeng in disbelief!

"As long as you practice hard, you should be able to reach my level!"

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